字幕表 動画を再生する
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning…I get on my computer, and I open up Google.
朝起きたらまず最初に パソコンでGoogleを開くわ
That’s my homepage, and that’s where I start.
I type in ‘Weather,’ ‘Cincinnati,’ and it comes up instantly.
「天気 シンシナティ」と入れたら 天気がわかる
The first thing I do is check out the 49ers. The Bears.
真っ先にフォーティナイナーズをチェックするわ ベアーズ
The Cowboys! The Saints.
カウボーイズ! セインツ
I’m following the presidential race, and ‘Narrowing by Time’ keeps me up to date fast.
大統領選が気になるね 時間で絞り込めるから最新情報がわかる
I just type in what movie and my zip code, and it’ll pop up. There’s this theater with this time. It’s so fast.
映画名と郵便番号を入れたら 映画館と時間が
My mind still works in Celsius sometimes. It’s really helpful for us to have the conversion function.
I use the calculator a lot. I’m constantly giving out price quotes.
つい温度をセ氏で考えちゃうから 変換機能はとっても便利
I’m always putting in, like, how many ounces are in a cup. Or, you know, things like that.
計算機としてよく使うね 見積価格はこれで出す
I like to try new restaurants. Finding it on Google is really easily done.
液量オンスが何カップなのか調べたりとか そんなことに使ってる
We found a number of recipes that use pineapples. Maddy doesn’t like raisins,
新しいレストランに行くのが好きだね Googleで探せば簡単さ
so we actually de-selected the recipes with raisins…so what came up were foods that the kids liked.
パイナップルのレシピがたくさん見つかったけど うちの子はレーズンが嫌い
I always come back to my tried and true Google.
レーズン入りは除外できるから 子どもたちが好きなレシピを探せるの
I like to use the Google Voice function to do my searches. There’s a little thing that looks like a microphone…so I’ll press that and then just speak right into it
"Waikiki Beach."
Googleの音声検索を使うのが好き 小さなマイクのアイコンを
It comes up with a search just like you would get when you type something in.
クリックして 話しかけるんです
I saw this plant that I really, really loved. And we took a picture, and we were able to figure out what it was. So it’s now on our balcony.
I use Google Search to search by subject. Getting black and white pictures instead of just colored photos.
キー入力のときと同じ検索結果が 表示されるのよ
Google can make you look like a genius.
この植物がとてもステキだったので 写真を撮って検索してみたの
Google makes things so easy.
Now if Google could just make my son eat his vegetables...
Google検索ではカテゴリ別に検索できるから カラー写真は除外して
It’s truly amazing.