字幕表 動画を再生する
Our world has many superheroes.
翻訳: Miyu Higashi 校正: Yuko Yoshida
But they have the worst of all superpowers: invisibility.
私たちの世界には たくさんのスーパーヒーローがいます
For example, the catadores,
しかし彼らは 最悪のスーパーパワーを持っています
workers who collect recyclable materials for a living.
つまり 透明になれるのです
Catadores emerged from social inequality, unemployment,
例えば カタドールがいます
and the abundance of solid waste
リサイクル資源を集め 生計を立てている人たちのことです
from the deficiency of the waste collection system.
Catadores provide a heavy, honest and essential work
社会の不公平さや 失業率の高さ
that benefits the entire population. But they are not acknowledged for it.
固形ゴミがあふれていることが あげられます
Here in Brazil, they collect 90 percent of all the waste that's actually recycled.
Most of the catadores work independently,
カタドールは 重労働かつ実直で 不可欠な仕事を担っていて
picking waste from the streets and selling to junk yards at very low prices.
They may collect over 300 kilos
in their bags, shopping carts, bicycles and carroças.
しかし 誰もそのことに気づいていません
Carroças are carts built from wood or metal
ここブラジルでは 実際にリサイクルされたゴミのうち
and found in several streets in Brazil,
much like graffiti and street art.
And this is how I first met these marginalized superheroes.
道端でゴミを拾い集め とても安価で くず物商に売ります
I am a graffiti artist and activist
and my art is social, environmental and political in nature.
使う道具は 自分のカバンや ショッピングカート
In 2007, I took my work beyond walls and onto the carroças,
自転車や カホッサです
as a new urban support for my message.
But at this time, giving voice to the catadores.
By adding art and humor to the cause, it became more appealing,
むしろグラフィティアートや ストリートアートといった感じです
which helped call attention to the catadores
私が 社会の片隅に追いやられた スーパーヒーロー達に
and improve their self-esteem.
And also, they are famous now on the streets, on mass media and social.
私はグラフィティアーティストであり 活動家でもあります
So, the thing is,
私の芸術の本質は 社会的かつ 環境的、政治的なものです
I plunged into this universe and have not stopped working since.
I have painted over 200 carroças in many cities
2007年に カホッサに描き始めました
and have been invited to do exhibitions and trips worldwide.
そこには新しい形の都市支援になれば という思いを込めていました
And then I realized that catadores, in their invisibility,
しかし今回は カタドールに 「声」を与えようと思いました
are not exclusive to Brazil.
運動に芸術やユーモアを加えると さらに魅力を増し
I met them in Argentina, Chile,
Bolivia, South Africa, Turkey
さらに 彼らの自尊心を高めることもできます
and even in developed countries such as the United States and Japan.
また 今や彼らは道端のみならず
And this was when I realized that I needed to have more people join the cause
because it's a big challenge.
And then, I created a collaborative movement called Pimp My Carroça --
私はこの世界に飛び込んで以来 活動をやめたことはないのです
(Laughter) -- which is a large crowdfunded event.
Thank you.
招待されて 世界中で展覧会を開き 旅もしてきました
So Pimp My Carroça is a large crowdfunded event
それから カタドールの存在感の薄さは
to help catadores and their carroças.
Catadores are assisted by well-being professionals and healthcare,
アルゼンチンや チリ
like physicians, dentists, podiatrists, hair stylists, massage therapists
ボリビアや南アフリカ トルコでも
and much more.
さらにはアメリカや日本のような 先進諸国でさえもカタドールに会いました
But also, they also receive safety shirts, gloves, raincoats and eyeglasses
そしてこの時 運動に賛同してくれる人が もっと必要だと気づきました
to see in high-definition the city,
while their carroças are renovated by our incredible volunteers.
And then they receive safety items, too:
「ゴミ収集カート、改造大作戦? ~Pimp My Carrosa~」です
reflective tapes, horns and mirrors.
Then, finally, painted by a street artist
and become part of part of this huge, amazing mobile art exhibition.
Pimp My Carroça took to the streets of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba.
But to meet the demand in other cities, including outside of Brazil,
「ゴミ収集カート、改造大作戦?」は カタドールや彼らのカホッサを支援する
we have created Pimpx, which is inspired by TEDx,
and it's a simplified, do-it-yourself, crowdfunded edition of Pimp My Carroça.
カタドールは 内科医や
So now everybody can join.
In two years, over 170 catadores, 800 volunteers and 200 street artists
ヘアスタイリスト マッサージセラピストなど
and more than 1,000 donors
様々な分野の福祉・医療の専門家から 支援をしてもらうことができます
have been involved in the Pimp My Carroça movement,
また 安全服と手袋 カッパ それから 街を鮮明に見るための眼鏡の
whose actions have even been used in teaching recycling at a local school.
So catadores are leaving invisibility behind
その間に彼らのカホッサは 素晴らしいボランティアの手で
and becoming increasingly respected and valued.
Because of their pimped carroças, they are able to fight back to prejudice,
それから 反射テープや警笛
increase their income and their interaction with society.
So now, I'd like to challenge you to start looking at and acknowledging
そして最後に カホッサのペイントが終わると
the catadores and other invisible superheroes from your city.
大規模で 素晴らしい 可動式アート展覧会の一部となるのです
Try to see the world as one, without boundaries or frontiers.
「ゴミ収集カート、改造大作戦?」は サンパウロやリオデジャネイロ
Believe it or not,
there are over 20 million catadores worldwide.
しかし これを海外を含む ほかの都市で開催していくために
So next time you see one,
「ゴミ収集カート、改造大作戦?~Pimpx」 を立ち上げました
recognize them as a vital part of our society.
これは TEDx に倣ったものです
Muito orbigado, thank you.
簡略化し 運営を自主性に委ねた クラウドファンド版のイベントです