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  • Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, we are going to talk about IELTS: Common Spelling Errors.

  • Okay? Common spelling mistakes students make.

  • Now, a lot of students don't realize how important spelling is on the IELTS. It's a big problem

  • because many times, the students will have the right answer, but they will spell it wrong,

  • and then, they'll lose a mark. So it's very important to practice spelling before you

  • do the IELTS.

  • In today's video, we're going to look at ten common words that students make mistakes with.

  • Okay? So first, I'm going to show you the words, and I'm going to explain to you some

  • mistakes students make. And then, we'll have a practice test. Okay? So let's get started.

  • The first word that many students make a mistake on when they spell it: different. Okay? So

  • notice, first off, there are two Fs. Sometimes, students only use one F. Another mistake,

  • this E. I've seen students spell it-rant, but it's an E, okay? Actually, there's one

  • more mistake I see. Sometimes, students mix up "different" and "difference", with -ence.

  • They make a mistake between these two. They spell "different" "difference". They are two different words.

  • The next words that students commonly make a mistake with spelling is "society". Usually,

  • in the second part of the writing test on the IELTS, you often write about society.

  • What students often do is they can't remember if it's -cei or -cie. It's -cie. This is a

  • mistake to keep an eye out for.

  • No. 3: their. Again, students make the -ei/-ie mistake. They often want to write t-h-i-e-r

  • when it's t-h-e-i-r. Sometimes, students also mix up which "their" it is. There are three "theirs"

  • t-h-e-r-e, like "'there' is three 'theirs'"; there's "they're", t-h-e-y-'-r-e;

  • and then, there's this one, "their phone, their box, their cat." So make sure you use

  • the right "their", and also make sure you write -ei instead of -ie.

  • No. 4: believe. A lot of the times in these essays we write, "I believe it's better to

  • live in a city than a town. I believe education is very important." The mistake students make,

  • again, -ei/-ie. So notice this one was -ie, -ei, back to -ie, "believe".

  • No. 5: definitely. Students often use this word in the IELTS. And they often forget this

  • little E. So make sure you don't forget that E if you use "definitely".

  • No. 6: government. Many students forget this N because when you say the word "government",

  • the N you don't really hear. So as a result, a lot of students forget that. They also sometimes

  • write -mant when it is -ment.

  • No. 7: Another similar spelling mistake is with "environment". We often write about the

  • environment on the IELTS, in the essay section. Students forget this N, and sometimes they

  • write an A here. So be careful.

  • No. 8: which. Which witch is which? Sometimes students might spell w-i-t-c-h, which is pronounced

  • the same, but has a different meaning, okay? So it's very important to also notice the

  • -ch. Sometimes, students might write it -sh. So be careful with "which".

  • No. 9: percentage. In the first writing task of the IELTS, you often talk about percentages.

  • Students often make that an E when it should be an A.

  • Finally, No. 10: nowadays. I think this is the most common mistake I see out of all of

  • these. Students always forget the S. They always write "nowaday". But it should be "nowadays"

  • with an S. Sometimes, they also forget this A also.

  • So what I want you to do now -- look at these words. Remember them in your head, okay? "Different.

  • How do I spell 'different'? Society, their, believe, definitely, government, environment,

  • which, percentage, and nowadays." Are there any of these words that you think you're going

  • to make a mistake with? Try to remember how to spell these because now, we're going to

  • do a practice is spelling test. So get out a pen and paper, and prepare yourself. Take

  • a breath. We are going to spell.

  • Okay. I actually thought of another very good word that you should be able to spell on the

  • IELTS. The word is "until", u-n-t-i-l. Very important word. Many times, I have seen students

  • forget or -- not forget, sorry. They add an extra L. So there is only one L in "until",

  • but many times, students will write two L's, which is no good. Okay. So this -- no. Just

  • one L on "until". So are we ready to spell now? You got your paper

  • and pen ready? All right. Great.

  • [Spelling bee]

  • So what I want you to do is if you had made any mistakes with any of these words,

  • I want you to practice. Practice these words as much as you can. And hopefully, you won't make

  • these types of spelling mistakes on your IELTS. So until next time, I hope you come check

  • out our website. You can practice these words on our quiz. Just go to Also,

  • another great resource if you're doing your IELTS exam is going to

  • Okay? So thank you for tuning in, and until next time, take care.

Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, we are going to talk about IELTS: Common Spelling Errors.


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A2 初級

IELTS: スペリングの間違いトップ10 (IELTS: Top 10 Spelling Mistakes)

  • 10087 1186
    Halu Hsieh に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日