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  • The following trailer is rated 'S' for spoilers.

  • Based on the book everyone's mom read on the beach comes the best-acted, coolest-looking,

  • most well-written Lifetime movie ever made:

  • Gone Girl.

  • Meet Nick and Amy, two successful good-looking people in love.

  • She's the basis for a beloved series of children's books

  • "Your wife is Amazing Amy?!"

  • and he's a caring son who moves to Missouri to take care of his sick mother.

  • They seem like they're the perfect couple, but there's just one problem:

  • she's batsh*t f***ing crazy.

  • Settle in for the film that had audiences everywhere wondering if their significant

  • other was planning to kill them,

  • in this cold-hearted look at how all men are pigs or how all women are monsters.

  • Or both?

  • Either way, you probably shouldn't see it on the first date.

  • "I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brains."

  • Ben Affleck stars as a guy everyone loves to hate.

  • "You look like human sh*t."

  • "You're a f***ing coward."

  • "You f***ing idiot."

  • "Asshole."

  • "F***ing asshole!"

  • When his wife Amy disappears, he'll respond by acting as guilty as humanly possible

  • "You filed the paperwork!"

  • "Because she told me to!"

  • and banging the hot chick from the Blurred Lines video.

  • Mmmm, blurred bewwwwbs.

  • Rosamund Pike shines as the most well-organized crazy person ever,

  • a murderer who's sick and tired of acting cool just to please a man

  • even though, unlike the book, we never see her do anything cool.

  • Ever.

  • "All we did was resent each other and try to control each other."

  • "That's marriage."

  • Follow along as she escapes her cheating husband by

  • creating fake money troubles,

  • befriending the local pregnant idiot so she can steal her pee to fake a pregnancy,

  • staging a crime scene with gallons of her own blood,

  • creating a five year diary of fake abuse stories,

  • then planning to kill herself so she can frame him for her murder...

  • instead of, I don't know, divorcing him?

  • Seems a lot easier to me!

  • Experience the film critics are still debating for being either pro- or anti-feminist

  • even though its message boils down to:

  • don't have sex with crazy people,

  • a lesson that Neil Patrick Harris clearly didn't pay attention to.

  • "A girl is allowed to be crazy as long as she is equally hot. You want a girl to be

  • above this line."

  • Oops.

  • Witness director David Fincher at the height of his powers,

  • as he reveals each twist and turn with his trademark futurisms, like

  • smooth camera pans,

  • a cool color palette,

  • a dank abandoned building,

  • nihilism,

  • "Life: I don't remember the point."

  • sociopaths,

  • low-lit interiors,

  • ambient music,

  • haze,

  • and general f***ed-upedness.

  • Wait, is she putting that in her...

  • Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

  • Man, this movie is messed up!

  • So, settle in for a nearly three hour movie

  • that will keep you on the edge of your seat,

  • full of manipulations,

  • murder,

  • and deceit,

  • until Ben Affleck finally gets his revenge by...

  • staying with her to start a family?

  • "You want to stay with her."

  • What?! Why would he do that?

  • Run, dude!

  • And... is that his dick?!

  • What is happening?

  • Man, this ending is weird.

  • Starring...

  • Adnan Syed,

  • Chasing Amy,

  • Madea Good Movie For Once,

  • Safesearch Off,

  • Doogie Housed Her,

  • Nancy Grace,

  • and Still Almost Famous.

  • Your Wife Probably Wants To Kill You.

  • "I swear, you two are the most f***ed up people I've ever known."

  • This movie really could've used more Tyler Perry.

  • Ugh, did I really just say that?

The following trailer is rated 'S' for spoilers.


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B1 中級

正直な予告編 - Gone Girl (Honest Trailers - Gone Girl)

  • 2151 55
    蔡合豐 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日