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  • Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Popsicle Cakepop Tutorial where I'll be showing you

  • how to make this gorgeous little cakepop that looks just like a popsicle ice cream.

  • Tools and equipment that we will be using today:

  • I'm resting my ice cream popsicle cakepop in a polystyrene block.

  • I've got a pair of scissors. And a zip lock bag.

  • A couple of popsicle sticks. I've got my cakepop balls. Now these are quite

  • large so I'm using 2 regular-sized cakepop balls. And I'll be showing you how to make

  • this lovely shape. This shape here I've already pre-refrigerated just so that we can get through

  • the tutorial nice and quickly today. I've got a little bit of melted dark chocolate.

  • Some sprinkles. A little bit of melted white chocolate.

  • A knife. And a spoon.

  • Obviously, you guys can change this design up. You can make it different colors, different

  • designs. I'm just showing you the basic idea. So let's get started.

  • Now the first thing that we we're going to do is we're going to make our basic shape.

  • So you want to take your 2 cakepop balls. And this is really just to give you an indication

  • of how much cakepop mixture we're using. So I'm just squashing them together and we'll

  • just roll them into 1 big ball. And it's really quite simple here. It doesn't

  • even need to be a particular perfect ball. Just take your hands and just flatten it out,

  • I guess, into a bit of a big flat circle. I like to just slap it down on the bench just

  • to give it a nice defined edge. And then you just want to take your fingers, leave one

  • of the edges exactly as it is because that's so a really nice sort of a shape for the top

  • of your popsicle. Don't worry if you've got a few little cracks like this around the place.

  • But do try to pick your best edge. So I think this top one here is going to be nicest.

  • Now with this, you can see the size that I've flattened mine out to. So with my popsicle

  • sticks, you really don't want this to be too small or looks a little bit funny. So you

  • want this to sort of come down just over half the size of your popsicle stick.

  • So I'm just going to just push that down. We're just flattening it down. You also don't

  • want this to be too thin, this sort of a way, because otherwise when you do try put your

  • popsicle stick in, you risk cracking the cakepop. So you can see there, I'm really just patting

  • it and shaping it. Now when I'm happy I've got roughly the size that I need, I'm just

  • going to slap it down on the bench again. Beautiful. I'm just going to round that top

  • nicely with my fingers so that I'm really happy with that shape. And then I'm going

  • to take my knife and I'm just going to slice across the bottom there.

  • Perfect. So I'm looking at that. That's pretty good but if you want to elongate it anymore,

  • you can just sort of push it down 'til you're happy that you've got them all the same size.

  • Now I would make all of this together so that you make sure that you got all the same size

  • popsicle top [or] bits of your ice marks. That can now go into the fridge, and you want

  • it in the fridge for about 15 minutes until it's completely set. So you want it to be

  • really really nice and firm. So like I've said, we've got one here that's

  • been pre-refrigerated. So we've got our popsicle sticks and these are really really widely

  • available...craft stores. You should be able to get them pretty much everywhere. I'm just

  • going to dip that in about an inch or so into that dark chocolate. And then I'm going to

  • leave my popsicle on the bench, and I'm going to come right down on eye level and slide

  • in the middle. Slide that popsicle stick in. now you can see there I'm actually supporting

  • it with my fingers on the top. And that's just to make sure that I don't push the popsicle

  • out of shape and it doesn't crack. So here you've got it... I sort of slid this

  • stick into about here, so about ¾ of the way up. Now pick it up off the bench. And

  • you just want to just wipe your finger around the edges so that you don't misshape your

  • popsicle at all. So you should have something that looks like that.

  • Now, you want to let that chocolate seal completely set. Once that chocolate seal is completely

  • set, then you can dip it in your dark chocolate. So I'm just going to pop mine back into the

  • fridge just for a couple of minutes until I'm happy that this little chocolate seal

  • is completely set. Alright, so we're back from the fridge and

  • that chocolate seal has now completely set. So it's time to dip our popsicle. Now I'm

  • just using dark chocolate, but as I mentioned, you can use any color combination you like.

  • You just want to take that. And you can see, I'm using quite a deep container. I'm actually

  • using a cup because it's a nice deep container so that I can get my popsicle all the way

  • down because it is a little bit longer than usual. So I'm just going to dip our popsicle

  • in. I'm just going to tilt it from side to side to make sure that I've got my chocolate

  • covering all the way over the base of our popsicle, and then I'm going to pull it out.

  • Now I try a couple of these and the easiest way is to tap this off is just hold it upside

  • down and just tap your wrist. And don't be too tempted to turn it or twist it like we

  • usually do because I found that I didn't get a really even distribution of chocolate. And

  • because we know that our decoration is going to go on the top here, if you do end up with

  • a little bit of streaking or anything like that, it's all on the top and it gets covered

  • up. Alright, so I'm pretty happy that we've got

  • most of our excess tapped off. Now once you finished tapping, just turn it up, and a couple

  • of quick taps on the wrist just to distribute any of that excess up at the top there. And

  • you can see there, we've got just a little bubble or a little bit of a ball drip chocolate.

  • Don't worry about that. We're going to be putting white chocolate on anyway. And now

  • you just want to take it and we're just going to sit it in the polystyrene block or whatever

  • it is that you're using to dry your popsicle. We're going to let that completely dry and

  • then we'll come back and we'll finish our decoration.

  • Alright, we're back. That one's completely dry, so touch dry. And it's time to decorate.

  • Now you want to take your zip lock bag and just spoon some of that white chocolate in

  • there. and we're just using a zip lock bag today just get those nice little drizzles

  • of white chocolate. Just push the chocolate down to the corner of the zip lock bag. Make

  • sure that you seal the bags so that you don't end up with chocolate spilling at the top

  • and ruining your work. And then we're just going to cut just a bit of a tip off. Now,

  • it doesn't really matter how big or small ones. It's going to be quite sort of chunky

  • because it's not fine detailing. And the beauty of this is that, I guess, the messier they

  • look, the more authentic they look. You kind of want this to look like it's all just dribbling.

  • So now I'm just going to... I'm just holding my bag at the top and I'm squeezing it. And

  • then I'm going to move, I'm going to squeeze it again. So you can see I'm sort of not squeezing

  • now, squeezing as I get to where I want a big dollop to be, not squeezing, and then

  • squeezing. So make sure that you fill in all of your little sides. Turn it around, do the

  • other side. And just coming around. Make sure that you're also filling the top so that you've

  • got quite a bit of that white chocolate on the top.

  • And then, you want to hold it completely upright and just tap your wrist. So as you tap your

  • wrist, you can see there, and if I turn it around, all of that chocolate is just drizzling

  • down really nicely. It gives you a really nice, smooth drizzle. And it makes it kind

  • of look a little bit haphazard. Now working quickly so that your white chocolate

  • doesn't dry, just take your sprinkles and just sprinkle them on. Because we've let that

  • dark chocolate completely set, it's only going to stick to your white chocolate and it will

  • just fall off your dark chocolate. These are fabulous for so many occasions.

  • They're great for baby showers, they're great for kid's parties, [colorful] events, beach

  • parties, summer events. They're just so versatile. They look amazing and they're a little bit

  • of a surprise food. So they kind of look like a popsicle but really they're a cakepop.

  • So there you've got your gorgeous and really really simple popsicle cakepops or cakepops

  • in disguise. I hope that you guys have loved watching this

  • tutorial. And as always, thanks for tuning in to My Cupcake Addiction.

Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Popsicle Cakepop Tutorial where I'll be showing you


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アイスクリームのケーキポップスアイスブロックケーキポップスを作る - カップケーキ中毒チュートリアルへの方法 (Popsicle Cakepops! Make Ice-Block Cake Pops - A Cupcake Addiction How To Tutorial)

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    cathy~ に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日