字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント Hey guys! I just turned the camera on because Jeffrey's girlfriend Kate is FREAKING OUT right now. You can hear her throughout the whole entire house... Dude. I swear they are going to break up any second. So I kind of want to get some revenge footage here. Do not judge me. If it is not this, it is fucking Playstation. Or it is Xbox. Hey, Boobs. Or something else fucking as equally dumb. God forbid I want to unwind when I get home from work too. It is beyond unwinding for you. It is your entire fucking life. It is not my entire fucking life. Yeah, you cannot even have a fucking relationship. Because this is all that your life is. You cannot even have a fucking conversation. Hey, are you guys alright? Yeah, we are fine. Yeah, Jess. Get that fucking camera out of here! Woah, dude. Dude. I was just concerned that you guys were fighting. Yeah and God forbid anybody sits here and does anything that Jeff does. Yeah, actually. Yeah, no. I can film whatever the Hell I want. Because you give me so...Oh, what you cannot take it? Turn this into all the time. You do this bullshit constantly. You are such a fucking hypocrite. I was just sitting here on my iPad. You sit here and make fun of Jesse for the Youtube bullshit all the time. For the gaming and everything. Look at you! Look at your relationship! Do you want to play a fun fucking game? Let us play a fun fucking game. Let us play the: "When is the last time we went out on a date game?" Oh, I remember that game... Okay. Because it was October. It is February now. Yeah, we got in an argument at dinner. Remember that shit? Yeah, I do...because you were fucking checking your phone CON-STANT-LY! You cannot even have a good connection. What the fuck are you doing? Just tell me! I am just chatting with fucking Carl. Jesus! Yeah, chatting to Carl? Yeah, you are talking to girls? You are looking at porn. Let us be honest. I am not looking at- (iSnatch) Gimme that. Gimme this fucking thing. Sit the fuck down! You can take several fucking seats. Give me that fucking iPad. Are you kidding me? Give me my fucking iPad back right now. Oh, okay. Yeah. And I am controlling? And I am not going to let you do shit, right? Well, case and point right here, right? That is kind of shit that you tell your friends about me? Just give me my fucking iPad back. That is really fucking nice. No. Just learn how to be a fucking adult. Calm the fuck down. I AM FUCKING CALMED DOWN. This is ridiculous! You are being fucking ridiculous! You cannot even have a fucking conversation, Jeff! This is insane! You are being crazy! I AM BEING FUCKING CRAZY!? I AM BEING FUCKING CRAZY?! FUCK YOU, JEFF! FUCK YOU! Calm down. iSmash. Holy crap! JESUS CHRISTMAS! HOLY SHIT! Fuck you, Jeff! This is fucking ridiculous! Get your fucking shit straight! Get your fucking priorities together! THIS IS INSANE! That cost me half a fucking grand! I do not fucking care! It is going to cost you a lot more in the fucking lost relationships. By the time everybody fucking leaves you because you cannot even have a fucking girlfriend! How low is that? Why the fuck did you do that...? Just calm the fuck down. You cannot control your fucking emotions! Yeah, I am the one who cannot control my fucking emotions. You are the one who cannot put any fucking thing down. I am done, Jeff. I am fucking over this. Are you fucking kidding me... This is fucking ridiculous! You act like a fucking child constantly. And then I am the fucking bad guy... Oh, crap! What the hell is going on? Kate just smashed Jeffrey's iPad. (Nervous Laugh) She is crazy. Leave them alone. You are not trying! That is the whole point! You are NEVER fucking trying! Do you get that?! This is ridiculous. I am so fucking over this... Holy shit... You do not even fucking get it. STILL. Holy shit. I do not know if I am going to put this on Youtube, guys. Because that- I am shaking right now. I literally feel sick to my stomach. That was uh... I wasn't expecting that but uh... I guess it was good footage. Gah-ummm. Wow. I expected revenge to feel better than that. Keep it RiDGiD, guys. I guess.
B1 中級 米 サイコガールフレンドがiPadを壊す (Psycho Girlfriend Breaks iPad) 357 7 林萊豐 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語