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  • Wall Street occupiers complain that corporate power is out of control in America. They say

  • corporations are in bed with the federal government. America suffers from rampant runaway corporatism

  • and crony capitalism. So how can we fix this problem? How can we make the economic playing

  • field more fair? Well, it's tempting to think there's an easy solution: all we need

  • to do is increase government's power to control and police corporations and the economy.

  • The thinking is that government, unlike corporations, is accountable to the people, but that solution

  • might be the very thing causing the problem.

  • When you give government the power to pick winners and losers in the economy, the rich

  • and well connected will be the winners. Here are two reasons why. First, the power to regulate

  • the economy is the same thing as the power to distribute favors. This is because when

  • government agencies have the power to regulate industries, grant subsidies, or otherwise

  • control the rules of the economic game, their decisions have huge financial repercussions

  • on the groups involved. So corporations have a massive incentive to try to influence how

  • that power gets used. The more the corporation has at stake, the more it will spend to gain

  • control through lobbying, campaign contributions, political appointments, and other means. Pick

  • any sector: finance, agriculture, health care, automotive manufacturing, or countless others.

  • You can bet that the regulations currently in place were influenced by, sometimes even

  • partially written by, one or more of the corporations they regulate.

  • Second, regulations hurt small businesses more than they hurt big businesses. So more

  • regulations means we end up with more big businesses. And this isn't just because

  • of the lobbying big businesses do. Simply reading and understanding the regulations

  • that apply to your industry, let alone completing the complicated paperwork, reports, new equipment

  • purchases, and infrastructure updates takes a lot of staff time and money. Large, established

  • companies can more easily hire staff to focus solely on compliance and pay for necessary

  • upgrades and other costs, while many small businesses can't afford to do any of these

  • things, meaning they have to close, they limit expansion, or they never start up in the first

  • place. The Small Business Administration, a government agency, estimates that it costs

  • a small business with 20 or fewer employees around 40 percent more to comply with government

  • regulations than it costs a large company with 500 or more employees. So extensive government

  • regulation, by its very nature, encourages the success of larger and larger companies

  • while hurting existing small businesses and discouraging the start of new ones. These

  • are just a couple of the ways in which the current collusion between corporations and

  • government is a result of government power. It may seem paradoxical, but if we reduce

  • government power over the economy, then corporations will have less power to compete for, fewer

  • privileges to seek, fewer subsidies to enjoy, and no agencies to capture. There will be

  • a more level playing field for large and small firms alike.

  • Cronyism and corporatism are like runaway fires. In important ways, government power

  • over the market just throws more fuel on the fire. If you want to kill the fire, we need

  • to cut the fuel.

  • Still have questions? Try clicking on one of our other videos.

  • If you'd like to do more than just watch videos, click on the link for more student

  • opportunities and other resources.

Wall Street occupiers complain that corporate power is out of control in America. They say


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クロニズムがいかに経済を痛めつけているか (How Cronyism is Hurting the Economy)

  • 83 5
    Eating に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日