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  • Hey there, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV.

  • Yes, the place to be to create a business and a life that you love.

  • And this is Q&A Tuesday.

  • That means we get Q's and we have A's.

  • And today's question comes from Miss Lori and she writes:

  • Marie, you're awesome and I love your work,” thank you so much.

  • “I'm clear on my goals and take daily action towards my dreams,

  • so motivation and productivity are not an issue.

  • However, and this is a big however,

  • I'm bothered by this constant, uncomfortable feeling gnawing at me reminding me that right now I'm not where I want to be.

  • I know it's important to stay in the present and there's probably no 'there' so to speak,

  • but I have a hard time not being annoyed and dissatisfied with the present when it does not match my overall vision for my life.

  • Thanks. Lori.”

  • Lori, fantastic question. I really love your nod to the fact that there's no "there" so to speak.

  • Very wise and very true.

  • I also really relate to your struggle because when I was first starting my business,

  • I spent years bartending and waiting tables and doing personal assistant work

  • and finding myself totally frustrated that I wasn't where I wanted to be yet.

  • So I remember back in those days just feeling completely deflated and, you know what?

  • That repetitive thought pattern was actually what was holding me back.

  • I didn't realize it, but I was training myself to be both miserable and mediocre.

  • But then everything changed once I realized what a huge mistake I was making with that ants in my pants attitude.

  • Here's why. It's because of this tweetable.

  • "Showing up fully, exactly where you are, is the fastest way to get where you want to go."

  • Here's the reality check that hit me like a ton of bricks.

  • All of the joy and excitement and fun that we want in life never comes from external circumstances.

  • It always comes from the energy and the attention and the consciousness that we bring into each and every moment.

  • So Lori, I talked about this a lot and if you really want to solve this problem I need you to go read page 10 in my book "Make Every Man Want You".

  • It's all about making is-ness your business.

  • So what does that mean?

  • Making is-ness your business means that you show up in each moment and you do this moment like you friggin' mean it.

  • That means you bring your A game.

  • That means you brings your full enthusiasm, your attention, your love to whatever you're doing, wherever you are, and whoever you're with.

  • Why? Because all pain and frustration and annoyance in our life comes from resisting the moment.

  • It comes from saying, “This moment isn't how it should be.”

  • But guess what? The moment already is.

  • So you only have two choices in life:

  • You can either resist it and be friggin' miserable, or you can engage with the moment and have a damn good time.

  • In fact, make it an engagement party.

  • You guys, I'm engaged......with the moment!

  • That's right. You gotta love the moment.

  • Put a ring on it!

  • Because the truth is, you can feel fully alive in any situation or you can feel like total crap in any situation.

  • It's not the circumstances, it's actually what you bring to them.

  • Once I really got this I was so much happier.

  • I was performing in my jobs better and ironically everything that I wanted to create in my future started happening a lot faster.

  • So that was my A to your Q, Lori. I really hope it helps.

  • So now I'd love to hear from you, a little two parter for us today.

  • So where in your life can making is-ness your business really support you?

  • And number two, got any great stories to share about where you've really honored where you are and where you want to be?

  • As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at,

  • so why don't you come on over and leave a comment now.

  • Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to our channel and it would be amazing if you shared this with all of your friends.

  • I'd be so grateful. And if you want even more awesome resources to create a business and a life that you love,

  • plus some personal insights from me that I only get to talk about in email,

  • come on over to and make sure you sign up for email updates.

  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.

  • Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

Hey there, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV.


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あなたが望む人生を "ファストトラック "するための1つのシンプルな習慣 (One Simple Habit To “Fast Track” The Life You Want)

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    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日