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  • hi I'm John Green welcome to my salon this

  • is mental Floss on YouTube and did you know that every year in Gloucestershire

  • England

  • thousands of people gathered to chase a 7-pound wheel of cheese down Cooper's

  • Hill whoever catches it wins the cheese itself but it's harder than it appears

  • the moving cheese can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour enough to seriously

  • injure people anyway that's the first of many unbelievable local traditions

  • I'm gonna share with you today

  • every year and Lopburi Thailand a monkey buffet

  • festival is held were an elaborate buffet is made and I know what you're

  • thinking but no

  • the food is not made of monkeys it's made for monkeys.

  • In fact up to 2,000 him show up to eat delicious food and even managed to drink

  • out of soda cans apparently in 2011 buying in preparing all this stuff cost

  • sixteen thousand dollars. Now I'm sure you've heard of the running of the bulls which began in

  • the 13th century now it takes place all over the world with the most popular one

  • is in Pamplona where thousands of people participate like

  • people run through the streets alongside actual balls which originally was just a

  • way of getting them from like the corral to the bullfighting ring

  • now it's like sort of a way of having a party except kind of a deadly party.

  • Another unsafe local Spanish tradition is baby jumping in the village a Castrillo

  • de Murcia

  • for the catholic peace dove Corpus Christi which is not just a town in

  • Texas it's also a holiday celebrating the Eucharist

  • the Colacho a man who represents the devil jumps over babies who are less

  • than a year old.

  • No one quite knows why this baby jumping started but it's been going on since

  • 1620. Anyways being a terrifying children there's japan's Namahage festival men

  • dress in scary masks to look like Namahage a sort of demon who knocks on doors

  • and yell things like:

  • "Any crying kids out there?" this is supposed to keep kids from being

  • disobedient you know it's it's all in good fun. Okay back to Spain La Tomatina

  • or the tomato throwing festival takes place

  • every August in Bunol the day begins with people trying to get a ham

  • of atop a pole that's covered in soap. I imagine it like that scene in Mulan where

  • she's trying to climb to the top of the bowl except I'll make a man out of you

  • isn't playing in the background

  • and you know, Ham. Ham! Better but a quarter and that staff pork chop party fund.

  • Anyway eventually trucks arrived with thousands and tomatoes and people

  • throw them at each other.

  • If mass tomato throwing sounds dangerous to you should probably avoid

  • Ivrea Italy because that's where the battle in the oranges takes place.

  • The exact origins of this Orange throwing war are unclear but citizens are

  • fairly certain that it symbolizes some kind of rebelling against nobleman

  • anyway unlike La Tomatina orange throwers are divided into teams

  • also apparently their way to watch the spectacle without actually getting like

  • pelted by one of the million oranges that the town stocks the event. A million

  • oranges you think they like how we have a million oranges what should we do I

  • guess we could feed hundreds of thousands of people

  • or we could throw them in each other. Moving on to something a little less

  • dangerous in Austin Texas there's an annual festival for

  • Eeyore's birthday party. It started in the English department at the University of

  • Texas in

  • honor a story in which you were think that Winnie the Pooh and company have

  • forgotten his birthday but

  • actually they throw him an awesome surprise party. The idea has spread and it's

  • become like a

  • citywide party for charity and Eeyore. In 1945 white also know Fruita Colorado

  • beheaded a rooster named Mike because

  • it was dinner time however despite having been decapitated Mike the rooster

  • went on to live for

  • 18 more months. It turned out that Olson's ax missed Mikes jugular vein

  • a blood clot kept him alive, Olson fed him with a medicine dropper anyway

  • the town of Fruita now has an annual Mike the headless chicken festival

  • including a 5k run and a peep eating contest.

  • Peep eating contest? that's the contest I could win.

  • Every October to celebrate the anniversary of the New River Gorge

  • Bridge in West Virginia

  • thousands of people gathered there for a bridge day. It's actually the only day of the year

  • that people are allowed to walk on the bridge and many base jumpers take this

  • opportunity to jump

  • 876 feet into the New River Gorge.

  • Base of course stands for bravery anyone shouldn't ettempt.

  • If you'd rather stay on the ground you might consider attending the

  • world toe wrestling championships which have been going on in Ashbourne

  • Derbyshire since the 1970s.

  • It's a lot like arm wrestling except the competitors interlock

  • their big toes don't worry though there is a hygiene check beforehand.

  • That actually does very little to appease my worry, you might have found

  • the one thing I want to do less than base jump.

  • Oaxaca Mexico hold the sculpture competition known as the night

  • the radishes. Artists carve radishes into

  • figures, usually people and vegetables are sometimes like six pounds

  • and 20 inches tall.

  • What started as an attempt to show citizens that the mineral-rich mud in

  • South Korea was a good ingredient for cosmetic products resulted in the

  • Boryeong mud festival.

  • It started in 1998 and now over a million people attend the annual

  • festival which unsurprisingly revolves around things like mudslides and body

  • painting.

  • You know it's like Woodstock 99. Meredith didn't get the joke, neither did the rest of our audience.

  • but I enjoyed it.

  • speaking of mine you can find the world bog snorkeling championships in

  • Wales in the town of

  • Mark I'm not going to try to say anything in Welsh just put the town name right that

  • town.

  • so there in, the person who crosses a 60-yard long-bog

  • first wins. But you can't actually swim or used traditional swimming moves, so you just kinda.

  • gotta wade slash

  • doggy paddle why would anyone do this? Now the straw bear has roots all over

  • Europe but I'm too can talk about the straw bear festival in Whittlesey

  • England I apologize to all of our German viewers. So in the 1800s a man dressed in

  • straw would go around town and dance for money or food which was outlawed in

  • 1909 but then the tradition was brought back in nineteen eighty

  • and now he has his own festival. Alright lets talk about wife-carrying for a minute

  • wife-carrying is a sport all over the world but you can actually find the World

  • Championships of it every year

  • in Finland, men carry a woman, she doesn't actually have to be anyone's wife,

  • through an obstacle course slash race and the rumors are true with the

  • winner's prize includes the wife's weight

  • in beer. Paul Bunyan days in Fort Bragg California celebrate the legendary

  • lumberjack character with a huge celebration although if I were you I

  • might steer clear

  • things like the twenty foot axe throw and chainsaw bucking

  • in Jaipur India there's an elephant festival with activities like elephant

  • polo and an elephant beauty contest. This is homage to the the ancient Indian royalty who

  • used to ride on elephant's painted gold or silver but the festival has been

  • cancelled for the past two years because it animal rights concerns and it may not

  • continue.

  • which I'd be okay. Admittedly I'm not an elephant but when I paint my naked body

  • entirely in gold it's just it's not fun for anyone.

  • A kinetic sculpture is a sculpture that can move on surfaces like mud or pavement

  • even water so it only makes sense that

  • Humboldt County California hold the kinetic sculpture race that's considered

  • the triathlon of the art world.

  • It also makes sense of course because Humboldt County California is the

  • capital of marijuana production in the United States, anyway

  • participants and their beautiful bikes cover 42 miles over the course of three

  • days.

  • and other races the Yorkshire pudding boat race in Brawby be in North Yorkshire

  • England

  • this was invented by a guy named Sam Thackray in the nineties, he was at a pub

  • saw a waitress carrying Yorkshire pudding

  • and thought it be awesome to float down a river in the Yorkshire pudding boat

  • The boats are made of flour water eggs and some

  • varnish for waterproofing and then children add ores to race them down a

  • river.

  • that sounds safe. A fiesta has been going on in Santa Fe New Mexico since 1712 but its

  • best-known tradition burning a Zozobra only started in 1924

  • Zozobra which means anxiety in Spanish is 50 foot tall marionette that weighs

  • two thousand pound it represents all with last year's problem so it's burned

  • every year in front of approximately 32,000 people.

  • rtschach, Austria is home to the world bodypainting festival which has occurred

  • in Austria since 1998

  • it's just what it sounds like art is compete in different categories a body

  • painting including ones for

  • face painting and UV effects. I'm sorry do they actually paint themselves with

  • ultraviolet radiation that seems like a terrible idea

  • the ukulele festival started in Oahu Hawaii in 1971 and now twenty

  • thousand people gather every year for the five hour long festival. According to

  • its website

  • performers include ukulele artists and celebrities which is to say you tubers.

  • And yes we do have a ukulele playing hula girl on the wall of magic it has

  • everything

  • in 1950 Sapporo, Japan saw its first snow festival which consisted of six high

  • school students making snow sculptures

  • but nowadays around 200 snow statues are made every year

  • and two million people show up to admire them some the statues reach up to 50

  • feet high.

  • I'm gonna finish by talking about some parades, like the Mermaid Parade in Coney

  • Island were over a thousand people dressed as a mermaid participate

  • after Hurricane sandy the Mermaid Parade almost had to be cancelled but a

  • Kickstarter read a hundred thousand dollars to it could go on.

  • But if you're not interested in seeing a thousand mermaids maybe you'd enjoy the

  • parade of a thousand clowns in Vincennes Indiana

  • this is an honor I Red Skelton who was born in Vincennes in with the clown

  • before becoming a famous comedian and finally I return to my salon to tell

  • you that in Riga Latvia there is a go blonde on parade. Why? Well according to

  • Marika Gederte

  • the president of the Latvian association of blondes quote

  • we have to cheer people up we know there is an economic crisis but small things

  • like a playground

  • or a blonde parade can cheer up the residents of Riga

  • why not that's true friends really is the small things you know playground

  • blonde parade.

  • etcetera anyway thanks for watching Mental Floss here on YouTube which is made with

  • the help of all these nice people. Every week we endeavor to answer one up your

  • mind blowing questions.

  • This week's question comes from BFYO Brian

  • 12 who asked what I would do a deaf person's thoughts

  • speak in if they were born deaf and never heard anyone speak. well the short answer is

  • it depends, on the most basic level instead of an inner voice that is heard

  • heard visual or felt voice. Some people who are born deaf

  • Think in sign in with visualizing themselves signing on her finger

  • spelling and other thing in written english like seeing typed or.

  • hand-written letters still others think in muscle memory so

  • essentially it varies from person to person. If you have in mind blowing question

  • that you'd like us to answer, please leave it below in the comments.

  • Thank you for watching as we say in my hometown

  • don't forget to be awesome.

hi I'm John Green welcome to my salon this


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27 Unbelievable Local Traditions - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep.214) (27 Unbelievable Local Traditions - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep.214))

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