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Hello you lovely people, okay welcome back we're gunna do some cooking
We're going to make a beautiful
beautiful apple pie. It's gorgeous
it's got a twist, the ginger, the elderflower, beautiful blackberries
your mates will come round and they'll absolutely love that
So nice, so first of all I'm going to peel these apples
we're gonna use a Bramley's apple and some eaters as well
but what I don't want you to do is chuck the skins away they've got loads of flavour
and colour and what I want you to do is just throw it in a pan
with a handful of sugar and a swig or two of water ice, put two blackberries in there
couple of sprigs of mint, this cooks down to make the most wonderful wonderful syrup
it's really nice with ice cream. The nice thing about mixing up
the eating apples with the Bramley apples is you get different textures different flavours
which makes the ultimate apple pie so I've got about you know
three eaters, one Bramley going in
lets spice it up now. I'm going to take some cinnamon and some nutmeg
What I want do is create like a few extra flavours that you don't normally get in an apple pie
So I've got a warm pan okay this is a hot pan
in there I'm gonna put a nice knob of butter
That's the beginning of the story
We're gonna go in with a pinch of cinnamon about a quarter of a nutmeg, give it a good old shake up
and what I want to do
is incorporate a few little flavours you can buy this
stem ginger in syrup right pour in a little bit of the syrup
and just chop up a few little bits
it's amazing that such a little bit of this ginger will make such a dramatic change to you pie
people go crazy for it that's kinda
the other thing I'm doing as well is elderflower absolutely
gorgeous just a handful or so
of brown sugar well it's the
golden sugar actually just enough to sweeten the apple and then
our apples go in so you know for me
it's about the best apple pie ever, so I'm tossing this up, I'll cook this for
about five minutes
now I'm gonna use pre bought puff pastry
so I'm gonna roll out this pastry to about ten inches
what we're gonna do is we're gonna load this up with some apples all the flavours have started
to cook into the apples which is great.
A handful of beautiful blackberries whether you get them from the supermarkets, markets or off
the bush.
Go and get some off the bush these will bust and explode and sort of
you know just create the most beautiful purple
bubbly juice so we like that. A little bit extra of that elderflower
in here now. I've got an egg here I'm just gonna whip it up.
We're gonna make egg wash to make it golden but also its gonna stick
the pastry to the bowl, I've got me ten inches of
pastry I'm gonna lay it over cut off that excess pastry
you don't have to waste it you can reroll it out or do a bit decoration
get this, the chimney, make a little hole in the top like that, it kind of lets the
steam out
I'm going to have a little pinch up around the edge just to stick it to the side
puff pastry's got layers of butter and pastry
so you get this lamination you get this kind of layered approach, it goes puffy and
and nice and crispy and then we're gonna egg wash the outside of this pastry like this
and I'm going to sprinkle it with just a tiny bit
of that sugar so there you go, beautiful little pie
I'm gonna bang that in the oven for around 40-45 minutes at a 180 degree Celsius 350
degrees fahrenheit until it's bubbling, golden and delicious
look at that absolutely gorgeous
we've got these stencils here
Get a little bit of icing sugar in there. Since I've got kids
you know you do find yourself doing ridiculous things like this so we take
it off
and we've got our little stencils like that which is quite cool. Whatever ice cream you're
using, doesn't matter.
you can just scoop it up like this. I've got my syrup done
We can just pour it on, gorgeous. We're just gonna serve a portion of our old pie here
Just take the chimney out and there is
an ultimate, ultimate
apple pie. There's question marks in there, the ginger, the
elderflower, a little bit of surprise and don't waste any of that syrup in the bottom.
Look at that beautiful, let's have a little try out
That is damn good
I think it's the ginger that does it though. Lots of love and see you next time
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