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  • So there’s this thing called the Asian card.

  • Is that really it? No. I just made this up, today, right now.

  • Having an Asian card means that you are very Asian.

  • But FungBros if you are born in Asian don’t you already have your Asian card?

  • Not necessarily true. What about for not Asian, did they still get an Asian card?

  • Definitely. We understand that there are a lot of different types of Asians.

  • But these are kind of all the things that bond us together.

  • So keep tracking your score and see if you get your Asian card.

  • That’s not it, babe. Not it. Not it. Sorry.

  • Number one, youve got to take your shoes off when you enter your house.

  • Boys, take off your shoes. If you only take off your shoes when you're at your parentshouse, give yourself half a point.

  • If you live on your own, you still take off your shoes at your place, full point.

  • All Asians take off their shoes. Asians are the only one that take off their shoes when they enter the house.

  • But if you don’t do this, VIOLATION!

  • Number two, you eat rice. You got long grain, short grain, broken rice, purple rice, white rice, not really brown rice.

  • Brown rice you get half a point. If youre on a diet, you got energy.

  • Rice candy, rice paper, rice noodles, rice ball, rice, rice. You just got to eat rice.

  • Rice is the spice of life. Are you still with us or are you two for two?

  • Number three, you know how to use chopsticks.

  • Half of a point if you know how to use chopsticks improperly, cross-sticks

  • This is not proper form but it gets the job done.

  • And a full point if you do it properly.

  • Number four, get out!!

  • You know you got to like Asian Food.

  • Okay, you get a half point if you only eat one type of Asian food or you only eat it when your mom’s cook.

  • Full point for you got to it with your friends and you eat all different types.

  • I’m not talking when just the main ones like Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai

  • I’m talking about Malaysian, Indonesian, Taiwanese, Cambodian, Filipino, Indian, Mongolian grill.

  • That’s not really a Mongolian but we will give you a point if you go out with friends.

  • Number five, you gotta be humble. Or at least fake it.

  • In public, you gotta act more like this. No. no. no. no. no.

  • It was definitely the team effort. I don’t deserve all the credits.

  • But really what you mean on the inside. The truth is I deserve all the credit because who did all the work?

  • This guy.

  • Number six, you got to show your respect to the elders.

  • Yes. Your parents, grandparents, random old people.

  • You have to be as helpful as you can and show them the stream among of respect.

  • Because that’s a part of being an Asian. You cannot say things like.

  • Shut up Mom. Youre not the boss. Bee

  • Youre stupid Dad. Gosh, all these old people are old and wrinkling and they don’t know anything.

  • I hate this family even you grandma. I hate you too.

  • Asian Violation.

  • Number seven, you cannot bust out laughing every time you hear an Asian accent.

  • We know that Asian accent can be pretty funny, but if you laugh every time you hear it.

  • Strike. You understand that English is not the first language for a lot of people.

  • But we laugh all the time. it’s immature.

  • Number eight, you have got to like eating in a family style.

  • In Asian culture, eating together is like a communal family bonding thing.

  • Half a point, if youre okay with sharing but you don’t really love it.

  • But a full point if you prefer to share so that you can eat all the dishes.

  • Number nine, you gotta have at least one fish tank in your life.

  • You guys keep in score? What’s your score so far?

  • Number ten, you cannot care about MSG or whether the food is organic or not.

  • All types of Asian food add MSG, including snack.

  • If you don’t like MSG and you don’t have allergy to it, strike.

  • A very unAsian question to ask a restaurant is,

  • Do you think you could make that dish without MSG?

  • What farm is the chicken from? Was it free range?

  • Did the chicken have the name? were these vegetable grown without any sort of pesticides?

  • The Asian answer to all these questions is, who cares?

  • Number eleven, youve got to care about getting the most bang for your buck.

  • Oh man, this is a nice jacket. How much is it?

  • Oh yeah, it’s cool. You know, maybe next time. thanks babe.

  • I read like thirty Amazon reviews. Trust me. this is the highest quality and the lowest price.

  • Number twelve, you don’t think that all Asians look alike.

  • You see enough Asian people. You thought enough about them.

  • And that you can kind of tell them apart. You don’t have to be right all the time but you can’t be wrong all the time.

  • Number thirteen, you got to think that martial arts are cool.

  • You got to love the Asian style of kicking ass. you definitely got a full point on this one, if you actually took a martial arts class grown up.

  • Number fourteen, youve got to love eating sea food.

  • Asians always eat pretty much anything that is tasty in the wild.

  • Shrimps, squid, octopus, crawfish, lobsters, crabs, crustaceans of all types.

  • All the stuff that’s not a crustacean. People think that it’s really gross but we eat those too.

  • Number fifteen, you got to at least speak to one Asian language or be ashamed that you can’t

  • Number sixteen, youve got to be afraid of shaming your family.

  • If there is one thing to be scared of an Asian life, it is disappointing your parents.

  • I wish we didn’t have to put this one on the list but it’s kind of true.

  • Number seventeen, youve got to prefer eat meat off the bone.

  • The concept of boneless chicken wings is not part of Asian culture.

  • And Fallow when you meet a girl and she’s eating the meat off the bone. You know she’s a keeper.

  • Meat off the bone just tastes better, just like dark meat is better than white meat.

  • Number eighteen, as the person that is trying to get their Asian card, youve got to think Asians are attractive.

  • Were not saying that you have to always date an Asian person.

  • And were not saying that you have to think all Asian people are attractive.

  • Dude, I don’t really like the way Asian girls look you know, they got like straight black hair.

  • I mean I …Violation.

  • Number nineteen, you got to at least like some anime or video games.

  • I’m not saying you gotta love them and playing all the time.

  • But between a million of titles league of Lengends, Wow, Dota, Dragonball Z, pokemon, Sailor moon.

  • Youve got to give me something.

  • And finally, number twenty, youve got to like green tea flavor snacks.

  • Green tea ice cream, green tea Kit Kat, Green tea tea, Green tea candy. Basically anything they made mango out of them.

  • Oh, mango too. And actually while we add it, taro. Taro, mango, green tea.

  • If you don’t like green tea, taro and mango, at least one of those. Asian Violation.

  • Alright everybody, those are twenty ways to get your Asian card.

  • What was your score out of twenty? Tell us.

  • Here’s the ranking system. If you score a 0 out of 20, we are amazed that you even found this video.

  • If you score 1 to 5, youre probably not actually Asian. But thanks for playing.

  • If you score 5 to 10, youre newbie Asian. Newbie Asians. Step your game up.

  • If you score 10 to 15, then youre in Asian nest not a full-fledged Asian.

  • Just little baby flapping its wings. Youre in there. Try to learn how to fly.

  • You can get there with a little work.

  • If you score 15 to 19, you are for sure Asian. For sure Asian.

  • You are Asian. Whether youre Asian or not Asian, you have become Asian.

  • And if you happen to score 20 out of 20, you win a Platinum, Uranium, Titanium, Jade, Gold, Plated Asian card

  • To that Asian life. Wow. Congratulations every body!

  • Hey everybody, I hope you really like that video hope you have fun with it.

  • Let us know what’s your score is out of 20 in the comment below.

  • You know, to be honest, it’s just for joke so you feel how you wanna feel about it.

  • If you're Asian, you're Asian. If you're not Asian, you're not Asian. Whatever. But definitely watch this video here.

  • Cause that has something to do with Asian. And watch this video here, that’s another video that we made. Subscribe to our channel.

  • Check out our new shirts. They're called "Toys, take off your shoes." They're from Akufuncture.

  • So go to the uhwebsite right there in this corner.

  • And you know, we just see you guys next video. Peace.

  • Alright guy, let me tell you a secret. This is an official Asian card. And this is a counterfeit. Watch out for this because this isn’t real

  • This one is real. Just letting you guys know.

So there’s this thing called the Asian card.


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どうやってあなたのアジア人カードを手に入れるのか!(自分を試してみよう!) (HOW TO GET YOUR ASIAN CARD! (Test Yourself!))

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    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日