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  • Hey, guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this vocabulary lesson on the

  • word: "big". Today, we are going to look at 10 synonyms for this very common, often overused

  • word. So if you're tired of describing things using the same adjectives again and again,

  • specifically the word: "big", today, we're going to look at 10 other ways you can do

  • that just so you have some variety in your speech. Now, we're also going to focus on

  • the pronunciation of these words because that's also important in speech. So let's get to it.

  • At the top, I have two sentences, you know, where you could use the word: "big". So the

  • first one says:

  • "That's a", or: "an", depending on if it's a consonant or vowel. If it's the word: "big",

  • we would say: "That's a big building!" Or: "They made a big amount of money!" That doesn't

  • sound as good I guess, but I would say: "a large amount of money", probably sounds better

  • in that case.

  • So let's look at some words that we can use in place of the word: "big" in these contexts.

  • First, we have, very simple, the word: "large", which you might hear, you know, if you go

  • to a fast-food restaurant and order a drink or something like that. So you can say: "That's

  • a large building!" Very basic.

  • Second one we have is: "huge". So this one you really have to stretch your "u" sound

  • in "huge", "huge". Not: "huge" or: "hudge". It's: "huge". So make sure you're stretching

  • it. And you can imagine... You see my hands going like this, I naturally want to this

  • when I... When I say that word "huge" just because it makes me think of something very,

  • very large.

  • So, the next one, I know this word exists in other languages in different forms, it's:

  • "gigantic". Okay? So it's not: "gigantic", it's: "gi", "gigantic". All right? So you

  • can say: "They made a gigantic amount of money!" Whether this is a recording studio or something

  • like that.

  • Next word: "enormous". Now, this one has two acceptable pronunciations that you might hear

  • on the street. Some people say: "enormous", so you can say: "enormous". Some people, like

  • myself, we say: "e", "enormous", "enormous". Okay?

  • Next one we have: "massive". So this one, you really have to open up your mouth like:

  • "ma", "massive". And again, it's not: "massive". It's: "massive", "massive". All right?

  • Five more to go, and we're going to do the pronunciation on these ones now. So first

  • one: "immense", "immense". Not... You could say: "immense" as well, this is another one

  • that has two possible pronunciations, so: "immense" or: "immense".

  • This one: "colossal". So you think of a giant colossus with one eye like a gigantic monster,

  • a colossal building. Or you can say: "I have a colossal headache", if your head hurts a

  • lot. All right?

  • "Mammoth", this comes, again, from the giant two-tusked animal. So you think of a mammoth

  • as being a large creature, you can also say: "a mammoth building", or: "a mammoth headache",

  • or: "a mammoth lunch", if you eat a lot.

  • Next one: "monstrous". So think of a monster, a gigantic, scary monster.

  • And finally, we have, if you... You know, you're a comic book reader, you might be familiar

  • with the Hulk, so this one is: "hulking". So think of the Hulk when you say: "hulking".

  • So a hulking building or a hulking amount of money - just very, very powerful, large,

  • strong.

  • Okay, one more time, I just want you guys to listen and repeat with me for the pronunciation.

  • Okay? So from the top, everyone listen and repeat: "large", "huge", "gigantic", "enormous"

  • or: "enormous", "massive", "immense" or: "immense", "colossal", "mammoth". Make sure you get that

  • "th", "mammoth". One more time: "mammoth". Okay. "Monstrous", and again, make sure you

  • get that final "s", "monstrous". And finally: "hulking".

  • So if you want to test your understanding of this material, specifically, I'm going

  • to be focusing on the spelling in the quiz. Make sure you know how to spell these words,

  • as well as pronounce them. You can check out the quiz on to do that. And

  • don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and every other engVid teacher's YouTube channel

  • because where else can you get free, good English lessons online? I guess many places,

  • but not the way we do them here. So, guys, I'll see you next time.

Hey, guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this vocabulary lesson on the


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B1 中級

英単語力を高める。"BIG "よりも良い単語 (Improve your English vocabulary: Better words than "BIG")

  • 608 96
    Calvin Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日