Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Forms allow users to enter and submit data. For example, we can use forms to handle logins,

  • order forms, and user feedback. The form tag requires two attributes - action and method.

  • Action is the location where the form is sent to. This can be either an email link or a

  • form handling script. A from handler requires server-side programming and uses the Common

  • Gateway Interface (CGI), both of which will be covered in different tutorials.

  • The other required attribute is the sending method, which can be either GET or POST. GET

  • sends the form data directly when it calls the form handler by appending the data to

  • the URL. POST, on the other hand, sends the data to the handler in a separate transmission.

  • Which method we should use may depend on the form handler.

  • Inside of the form tag we may place any elements we want, but most importantly we may here

  • include the form controls. Most controls uses the <input> element which

  • lets us create buttons, text fields, and alternatives. Almost every form control requires a name

  • and a value to either be specified in the markup or entered by the user. These name

  • value pairs are what is later sent to the form handler.

  • Every form needs a submit button which send the form to the handler. We can also add a

  • reset button for resetting the form to its initial values. The default text label can

  • be changed using the value attribute. Additionally, we can add custom, normal, or image buttons.

  • However, to give them any functionality requires the use of a scripting language such as JavaScript,

  • which will be covered in a different tutorial. Another way to make custom buttons is using

  • the <button> element, which gives more control over how the button is displayed.

  • Finally, the file input type is used to allow the user to select a file on their computer.

Forms allow users to enter and submit data. For example, we can use forms to handle logins,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

HTMLチュートリアル - 13 - フォーム I (HTML Tutorial - 13 - Forms I)

  • 13 4
    Pan-Shy Gang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日