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  • You know how sometimes you go to bake a cake

  • but your bananas have all gone rotten,

  • your utensils have rusted,

  • you trip and pour all of your baking soda into the vinegar jug,

  • and then your oven explodes?

  • My friend, you and your chemical reactions have fallen victim to enthalpy and entropy

  • and, boy, are they forces to be reckoned with.

  • Now, your reactants are all products.

  • So, what are these "E" words, and what's their big idea?

  • Let's start with enthalpy,

  • an increase or decrease of energy during a chemical reaction.

  • Every molecule has a certain amount of chemical potential energy

  • stored within the bonds between its atoms.

  • Chemicals with more energy are less stable,

  • and thus, more likely to react.

  • Let's visualize the energy flow in a reaction,

  • the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen, by playing a round of crazy golf.

  • Our goal is to get a ball, the reactant, up a small rise

  • and down the other much steeper slope.

  • Where the hill goes up, we need to add energy to the ball,

  • and where it goes down, the ball releases energy into its surroundings.

  • The hole represents the product, or result of the reaction.

  • When the reaction period ends, the ball is inside the hole,

  • and we have our product: water.

  • This, like when our oven exploded, is an exothermic reaction,

  • meaning that the chemical's final energy is less than its starting energy,

  • and the difference has been added to the surrounding environment

  • as light and heat.

  • We can also play out the opposite type of reaction,

  • an endothermic reaction,

  • where the final energy is greater than the starting energy.

  • That's what we were trying to achieve by baking our cake.

  • The added heat from the oven would change the chemical structure

  • of the proteins in the eggs and various compounds in the butter.

  • So that's enthalpy.

  • As you might suspect,

  • exothermic reactions are more likely to happen than endothermic ones

  • because they require less energy to occur.

  • But there's another independent factor that can make reactions happen:

  • entropy.

  • Entropy measures a chemical's randomness.

  • Here's an enormous pyramid of golf balls.

  • Its ordered structure means it has low entropy.

  • However, when it collapses, we have chaos everywhere,

  • balls bouncing high and wide.

  • So much so that some even go over the hill.

  • This shift to instability, or higher entropy,

  • can allow reactions to happen.

  • As with the golf balls, in actual chemicals

  • this transition from structure to disorder gets some reactants past the hump

  • and lets them start a reaction.

  • You can see both enthalpy and entropy at play

  • when you go to light a campfire to cook dinner.

  • Your match adds enough energy

  • to activate the exothermic reaction of combustion,

  • converting the high-energy combustible material in the wood

  • to lower energy carbon dioxide and water.

  • Entropy also increases and helps the reaction along

  • because the neat, organized log of wood

  • is now converted into randomly moving water vapor and carbon dioxide.

  • The energy shed by this exothermic reaction

  • powers the endothermic reaction of cooking your dinner.

  • Bon appétit!

You know how sometimes you go to bake a cake


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

TED-ED】化学反応の引き金となるものとは?- カリーム・ジャラー (【TED-Ed】What triggers a chemical reaction? - Kareem Jarrah)

  • 597 59
    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日