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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • If Einstein's right, or if the general relativity is correct, then the universe is expanding, yes?

  • Yes.

  • So, if you reverse time, then the universe is getting smaller.

  • Alright.

  • So, what if I reverse the process all the way back to see what happened at the beginning of time itself?

  • At the beginning of time itself?

  • Yes. So the universe, getting smaller and smaller, getting denser and denser, hotter and hotter, as we're...

  • We wind back the clock?

  • -Exactly, wind back the clock! -Wind back the clock.

  • Is that what you're doing? You're winding back the clock?

  • That is what I'm doing!

  • Oh, keep winding. I mean you got plenty of way to go! Keep winding!

  • I don't want to fall in.

  • Well, we gotta get back to the beginning of time, we got a long way to go, keep winding...

  • until you get...

  • A singularity.

  • A space-time singularity. So the universe' born from a black hole exploding.

  • Keep going.

  • What do you mean keep going? What... before the universe began?

  • No, no... keep going, develop the mathematics.

If Einstein's right, or if the general relativity is correct, then the universe is expanding, yes?


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B1 中級

The Theory of Everything Movie CLIP - Keep Winding (2014) - エディ・レッドメイン ムービーHD (The Theory of Everything Movie CLIP - Keep Winding (2014) - Eddie Redmayne Movie HD)

  • 2202 138
    Jessie に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日