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  • Who sees the real me?

  • Ummshe does.

  • Cuz she uh… - Because I see him naked.

  • She sees me naked.

  • And she tells when I have food on my face or in my teeth.

  • Maybe seen by my cat?

  • You know, I don’t think it’s just one person.

  • My roomie?

  • Umm…I think we go out and we put on like a mask, but you know,

  • when you see someone wake up and go to sleep you know, good day bad day.

  • God sees the real me because he made me and he loves me.

  • And the bus driver, because he’s the only one I will admit to that I don’t know where I’m going.

  • For everyone else I put up a front like I know what’s happening.

  • Little kids, just, they seem to focus on your innermost being like the essence, like the soul of you.

  • Well my wife, who’s over there.

  • Were kind of on the same page when it comes to most things.

  • My husband over there sees the real me

  • with all my warts and little sort of running sores but um

  • that’s because weve been married for 35 years.

  • I would say my ex-boyfriend.

  • He’s the first person I call or I talk to whatever happens to me.

  • I mean I think everyone understands, like,

  • there’s that one person that knows if youre having a good day or youre having a bad day

  • like just by looking at you. You don’t even have to say anything.

  • And they’d just go, “Are you okay?”

  • Umm…I guess like for a lot of people, your family are people you really don’t feel like you have to hold back around.

  • I would definitely say my parents.

  • My parents have been there since day one.

  • They know what makes me cry, what makes me laugh, what makes me happy, all my struggles.

  • My mother.

  • She knows everything about my life

  • and she can predict a lot of what’s gonna happen.

  • She’s always right.

  • Uh…I would say everybody,

  • you know.

Who sees the real me?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

誰が本当のあなたを見ていますか?- ストリートの男 (Who Sees The Real You? - Man On The Street)

  • 918 66
    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日