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  • Parliament isn't just some big old building by the Thames

  • Parliament makes laws, debates issues of the day, represents the views of people across

  • the UK and checks and challenges the work of the Government

  • Wait a minute, Parliament isn't the same as the Government?

  • It's the Government that takes a leading role in running of the country, but there is also

  • a bigger picture...

  • So, there's The House of Commons -- that's where the Government sits, along with the

  • opposition (who sits opposite them... of course). This is the elected Chamber and it's made

  • up of MPs who represent all 650 UK constituencies

  • Then there's the House of Lords, made up mostly of Life peers, who are appointed for their

  • knowledge and experience. There is no political party with overall control in the Lords and

  • many of its members - the crossbenchers and the bishops - are non-party political.

  • Finally there's the Monarch, her role is mainly ceremonial these days -- but she does still

  • sign every new law

  • So what does Parliament do all day?

  • Inside the debating chambers the big issues are discussed, new laws agreed and the Prime

  • Minister is questioned...

  • ...While a host of committees, made up of small groups of Parliamentarians, scrutinize

  • the work of Government Departments, check the details of new laws and ask experts and

  • the public (that's you) for ideas and evidence to shape their enquiries.

  • Representing the people, passing laws, debating issues and checking and challenging the work

  • of the Government -- it's all in a day's work for Parliament.

Parliament isn't just some big old building by the Thames


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A2 初級

約60秒でわかる国会の仕組み (How Parliament works in nearly 60 seconds)

  • 206 20
    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日