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Hi, I'm John Green.
Welcome to Crash Course Big History.
Today we're going to be traversing
the evolutionary epic-- the great story
of magnificent beasts, terrifying predators,
quite a lot of extinctions, and countless varieties
of evolutionary forms.
It's the ultimate epic-- millions upon millions
of species playing out a drama
that has so far lasted 3.8 billion years
with 99% of the actors having already left the stage forever.
And you thought finding employment
in this job market was tough.
You've already won the lottery, my friend.
The keystone of our story is:
So, in the 1830s, a young Charles Darwin traveled
around the world on theH.M.S. Beagle.
Inarguably, by the way, the most important beagle of all time.
I apologize, Snoopy, but it's true.
Darwin had the rare and amazing opportunity
to study a great variety of the world's wildlife,
and upon returning to England, he discovered
that a variety of finches he had collected
on the Galapagos Islands had beaks that were subtly adapted
to their different environments and food sources.
Darwin later combined this idea with the observation
of how populations tend to overbreed
and strain their resources.
I mean, if there's competition for resources in an environment,
then animals with useful traits would survive
and pass those traits on to their offspring.
Those who didn't survive long enough
to reproduce would have their traits wiped out
from the evolutionary tree: natural selection.
We talked some on Crash Course Big History about good science,
and Darwin was a good scientist.
He worked on his ideas for two decades,
systematically finding new evidence
to support his case, and then finally in 1859,
he publishedOn the Origin of Species,
and it sent shockwaves around the world.
The book offered an explanation for why so many species
that seemed perfectly adapted to their environment
could have been formed by a blind but elegant law of nature.
Darwin's theory was so elegant yet so effective
that his colleague Thomas Huxley exclaimed,
"How extremely stupid not to have thought of that!"
Side note: if you ever read On the Origin of Species,
try to get a first edition because in later editions,
Darwin made a bunch of revisions in answer to some critics,
but he got it actually more right the first time.
Speaking of which, one of the phrases only included
in the later editions
and commonly attributed to Darwin was:
But that phrase was actually coined by Herbert Spencer,
father of the more troubling Social Darwinism,
which tried to apply nature's rather harsh laws
to human social orders.
I prefer Darwin's original phrase:
Everything from cuckoo birds that lay their eggs
in the nests of other birds to giraffes
whose long necks are good for reaching food in high trees,
to humans whose brains make up for their fragile bodies
are selected for naturally.
An even better phrase, though, would be:
While all genetic mutations are generated
by a random copying error or a random variation
completely beyond the animal's control,
the selection of those traits is not random.
Successful variations that allow you to survive
and reproduce are determined by the very specific circumstances
of your environment where elimination-- death--
might not be far away.
So the selection of your traits is done by a very specific
and sometimes brutal list of criteria.
This is why people who say that they don't understand
how all animals could have "evolved by chance"
don't really understand how evolution works.
Here's another phrase that doesn't get it right:
In everyday speech, "theory" means "guess,"
but in science, a theory is something
that was tested time and time again,
explains many different observations,
and is backed up by a mountain of evidence.
Evolution is a theory like gravity is a theory,
and you don't go jumping out your window
because gravity is just a theory.
Why are we so certain?
Emily knows.
Evolution is one of the most tested, most utilized,
and widely accepted theories in science.
It's backed up by literal tons of fossil evidence,
which can show us shared traits with species
that no longer exist and help us map out lines of descent
for creatures around today.
DNA sequencing further tells us about lines of descent,
and you can measure the commonality of the DNA possessed
by two animals to tell how closely related they are
and when they may have split off from a common ancestor.
Radiometric dating allows us to assign dates to various fossils,
further helping us map out lines of descent.
Then there's the simple fact that extinct species
are always found in the same rock layers
you'd expect to find them.
Which is why you don't see a bunny skeleton
in Cambrian rock layers from half a billion years ago.
That's also how we know that Dimetrodon is not a dinosaur.
Closely related species are often geographically distributed
near one another.
That's not to mention that:
Whether it be the discovery of a new species
that recently moved into a different environment,
the development of newly adapted bacteria into superbugs,
the evolution of new breeds of rapidly reproducing insects,
or the almost constant changes in gene distribution
in animal populations all over the world.
So, remember the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes?
Gradually some single-celled eukaryotes began
to work together in a thing called symbiosis,
where one cell did something in exchange
for another cell doing something else,
thus aiding the survival of both.
Some eukaryotes became so cooperative and even interwoven
that one cell could not possibly live without the other.
Symbiosis was particularly handy in times of disaster.
Around 650 million years ago,
the earth was completely frozen over.
Snowball Earth was not a great place for life.
Many underwater bacteria survived
under the ice in oceans.
Photosynthesizers may have survived
in small hot spots where there was liquid water.
In such constrained conditions, it's likely
that individual cells started to work together more and more.
Now is where we start to blaze
through the evolutionary epic of:
In nature, species compete in niches.
It's also calledniches, depending on where you're from,
but I call them niches, as:
When niches are full, competition is heavy,
traits become finely tuned,
and evolution generally slows down a little.
But, when a disastrous extinction event wipes out
the majority of the animals living in a niche,
the surviving species have room in a lack of competitors
to evolve new traits very fast to fill the niche again
in what we call an adaptive radiation.
The evolutionary epic is dotted with periods
of niches filling up, being swept clean by disaster
and filling again by new rapidly evolving species.
Example: for the longest time dinosaurs ruled the earth
and mammals were a puny, timid race
of small shrew-like creatures that stayed out of their way.
Sometimes we burrowed in the ground or only came out
at night or confined our diet to tiny bugs.
We could not compete with dinosaurs in their niches.
Then the dinosaurs were wiped out and mammals were able
to rapidly fill all the empty niches,
creating apes and elephants and horses and even whales.
So after Snowball Earth,
the Ediacaran era gives us the first extensive fossil evidence
for multicellular organisms.
There were various ancient forms
that resembled today's worms, corals, mollusks,
various underwater plants.
But then in the Cambrian era,
adaptive radiation really got underway
and multicellular life filled thousands upon thousands
of niches unlocked by their new traits.
A lot more is just possible for multi-celled organisms
than for single-celled ones.
Like, not to brag or to bring up my astonishing strength again,
but I can bench much more than a eukaryote.
Some of the most famous creatures that got their start
in the Cambrian were trilobites, these bug-like creatures
with exoskeletons that existed in a variety of species
and forms, occasionally in swarms of thousands.
And they didn't go extinct for nearly 300 million years.
That's over a thousand times longer
thanHomo sapienshave been on the planet.
Also, as my four-year-old son can tell you,
the Cambrian era had predators, like anomalocaris,
which reached sizes of nearly a meter long
with razor sharp teeth and grasping limbs.
By the time of the Ordovician period,
photosynthesizers were making their first tentative steps out
of the sea into a new niche, the land.
Plants colonized coastlines first and then gradually,
over millions and millions of years,
moved further and further inland.
In the oceans, life continued to be abundant
with fish and sharks multiplying into a variety of forms.
And there were all kinds of crazy life forms,
like underwater scorpions that were two-and-a-half meters long.
I mean, for the first 100 million years
of complex evolution, a mind-boggling diversity
of creatures was emerging.
But that also meant all the niches
on the planet were getting very full
and many competitors in the same niche made it difficult
for a new species to enter it with ease.
And then came extinction.
I feel like extinction is going to be a thing, Stan.
Is there anyway we can make a thing for extinction?
Ordovician Earth went through first a major freezing period,
killing off many warm water species,
and then a radical heating period,
killing of many cold water species.
Many ecological niches were swept clean
and this removal of competition meant
that new species could enter empty niches
and evolve rapidly in one of those adaptive radiations.
There was also incentive to move out of the seas
and onto the land.
In the Silurian period, one of those groups
that evolved rapidly by filling terrestrial niches
was the arthropods, those exoskeleton species
and the ancestors of many of today's bugs.
Since plants continue to colonize the land
and more and more of the Earth's surface was becoming forested,
that increase in the number of photosynthesizers
increased the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere
to between 30% and 35%.
Today, it's approximately 21%.
Arthropods came out of the sea, started filling niches on land,
and their metabolism took advantage of this
all-you-can-respire oxygen buffet,
growing to enormous sizes, like a dragonfly
with a meter-long wingspan or a scorpion 1.8 meters long.
Again with the scorpions!
In the early Devonian period,
the forests of the earth were composed
of mosses, ferns, and short shrubs.
Some plants eventually evolved a woody covering,
which provided some back support and allowed them
to grow taller and taller and compete with others
in their niche by grasping higher and higher for sunlight.
In the first episode, we did promise
to explain the existence of trees.
Also, by the Devonian, our vertebrate ancestors
had arrived on land.
Unlike arthropods, vertebrate skeletons are on the inside
and our skin is more porous, making it easier
for water to escape.
This limited our ability to fill land-based niches.
At first, we were amphibious.
From this amphibious ancestor, all tetropods gain
their characteristic skeletal structure--
four limbs, five digits.
And then, once again: extinction.
Scientists debate about what caused the Devonian extinction,
but once again, a couple of sharp rises
in disappearances from the fossil record shows
that the niches were being swept clean.
Again, the number of species on the earth drastically declined.
But only temporarily.
The Carboniferous intensified the forestation
of the planet even more.
Meanwhile, amphibians were filling up coastal niches
with competition.
So to escape into new niches, some evolved less porous skin
to venture further inland without drying out,
and they also laid eggs with a protective shell,
meaning that they didn't have to return
to the water to hatch their young.
These were reptiles.
They were able to fill up the inland world
where real estate was cheap.
And, come to think of it, real estate still is cheap.
Next up was the Permian.
Many of the forests dried out, creating deserts.
Reptiles thrived in this transformed environment
with less competition from the forest and river dwellers.
Also during this time, the ancestor of mammals evolved.
I'm talking, of course, about the synapsid.
So, considering that they were the ancestors of everything
from you to your dog to elephants and whales,
it gives you an idea of how radically things can change
in just 250 million years of evolution.
Because then, once again, at the end of the Permian era,
we have extinction.
Often referred to as the Great Dying,
it was the single largest extinction event
of the past half-billion years.
Its cause is still debated, but the most dominant theory is
an environmental disaster caused by volcanoes in Siberia.
All told, over 90% of marine life
and 70% of terrestrial life-- maybe more-- died out.
Synapsids were hard hit, leaving space
for a huge adaptive radiation of giant reptiles.
And now we are finally closing in
on my son Henry's favorite period of history,
the giant reptile period.
In the subsequent Triassic period,
the earth's climate was ludicrously dry
with many deserts.
And the near the North and South poles, it was warm and wet.
Again, dry climates were a big win for reptiles
and our mammalian ancestors got a bit of the short end
of the stick because there was so much reptilian competition
in many niches.
So we hid on the fringes.
Meanwhile, there were many kinds of giant reptiles
in the Triassic of which the dinosaurs were just one kind
until extinction.
The Triassic extinction, possibly due
to volcanic super eruptions or an asteroid impact,
emptied a lot of niches of competition
and allowed one particular group of giant reptiles,
the dinosaurs, to reign supreme.
And that finally led to those periods
that are what most people think of
when they hear the word "paleontology"
or the word "fossil": The Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
- I'll spare you the snarky commentary
about how the T-Rex inJurassic Parkactually lived
in the Cretaceous.
Dinosaurs were the dominant animals on this planet
for a whopping 135 million years.
That's 540 times longer than our species has even existed.
I hope you understand this.
Consider two of the most iconic dinosaurs,
Stegosaurus and T-Rex.
Stegosaurus was around in the late Jurassic.
T-Rex was around in the late Cretaceous.
They are separated by roughly 88 million years.
Humans and T-Rex are separated by less time
than T-Rex and Stegosaurus.
Approximately 65 million years ago,
the reign of the dinosaurs ends-- you guessed it--
in extinction.
A rock roughly 10 kilometers across crashed
into the present-day Yucatan peninsula
with a million times more force than all the nuclear arsenals
of the world combined.
Bad for the dinosaurs, but it opened up a lot
of niches previously occupied by them.
Many small mammals were able to survive by burrowing
or simply requiring less food.
They were then in a position for another adaptive radiation.
Small mammals quickly evolved into an immense variety
of larger forms.
And so was the story of complex life on Earth
during the evolutionary epic.
Next week we will explore the nascent beginnings
of a new phase of complexity: the accumulation
of more knowledge generation after generation
and the intensification
of a newfangled evolutionary invention-- culture.
See you next time.