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  • >> Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us today for our webinar on Behavior Economics

  • 101. My name is Michael Roush, and I'm the manager of financial empowerment and innovation

  • at the National Disability Institute. Today, I am joined by Wynne Lum, philanthropy manager

  • at Bank of America; Nicole Truog, associate director, the Center for Financial Security

  • at the University of Wisconsin Madison; and Anya Samak, who is the assistant professor

  • at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Before we get started with today's webinar, we do

  • have some housekeeping tips that we need to go over. My colleague, Nakia Matthews is going

  • to cover that information. >> Good afternoon, everybody. The audio for

  • today's webinar is being broadcast through your computer. Please make sure that your

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  • dial the number you see here. I will also put the information into the chat box. You

  • do not need to enter an attendee ID. Real-time captioning is provided during this webinar.

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  • send any questions you may have to us during the course of the webinar. We will directly

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  • into the webinar platform, you may also submit questions by e-mailing them directly to me,

  • Nakia Matthews at Please note that this webinar is being recorded and

  • that the materials will be put on the NDI website. If you experience any technical difficulties

  • during the webinar, please use the chat box to send me a message, Nakia Matthews. Or you

  • may e-mail me at >> Great. Thank you, Nakia. Today's webinar

  • is our second in a three-part series that we are doing with support from Bank of America.

  • Our first webinar was introducing us to financial capabilities and key concepts and strategies

  • surrounding financial capability. Today's webinar is to introduce us to Behavior Economics.

  • What is it? What is the impact of Behavior Economics? Our guests today will help us understand

  • this topic. We are thankful for our friends from the University of Wisconsin, the Center

  • for Financial Security, for partnering with us today on this webinar. Please note that

  • today's webinar is not disability specific as we are exploring this topic together. And

  • then together we will ponder how Behavior Economics applies to the work that we are

  • doing together to advance the economic self-sufficiency for persons with disabilities. Our objective

  • for today's webinar are to define Behavior Economics, understand key components and look

  • at strategies to use as we work to create positive financial habits for clients we serve.

  • I would like to thank our sponsor of today's webinar, Bank of A merica, for their support

  • of expanding the financial capability of persons with disabilities. I would also like to thank

  • Bank of America for choosing the National Disability Institute to be one of the nonprofit

  • organizations highlighted on Bank of America's Times Square billboard this weekend and the

  • weekend of June 1st. If you are in the New York City area and can make it down to times

  • square, please do and take a picture in front of the billboard. When our logo comes up.

  • And send it to us. We'd love to highlight our partners with the Bank of America billboard

  • and NDI logo displayed and we're very honored for this opportunity and we thank Bank of

  • America for highlighting the National Disability Institute. For those of you that are new to

  • the National Disability Institute, before we turn it over to our presenters, I would

  • like to share with you a little bit of information. The National Disability Institute is a national

  • nonprofit organization dedicated to building a better economic future for Americans with

  • disabilities. We are the first national organization committed exclusively to championing economic

  • empowering -- empowerment, and financial stability for all persons across the full spectrum of

  • disabilities. National Disability Institute affect change through public education, training,

  • technical assistance, and policy development to help the one in three Americans with disabilities

  • living in poverty take steps towards brighter financial futures. To learn more about the

  • National Disability Institute, go to At this time, I would like to turn it over

  • to our friends at Bank of America. And we have Wynne Lum, who is the fanatical the -- the

  • philanthropy manager. Wynne, have you've been able to join us? -- have you've been able

  • to join u s? -- have you been able? Wynne will be joining us in just a minute. Until

  • he does join us, Nicole, can I turn it over to you?

  • >> Yes. Can you hear me okay? >> Perfect. Thanks, Nicole.

  • >> No problem. I'm delighted to participate today. I wanted to take a moment to say a

  • few words about the Center for Financial Security -- financial security. We are and applied

  • research Center and our research really focuses on working to build financial capabilities

  • for families and individuals over the life course. We do this through research that looks

  • at the measurement of financial capabilities, targeting interventions to populations at

  • risk, and also testing strategies and products and services. And so I couldn't leave you

  • today without a little plug for the center and have provided some resources here. I hope

  • you'll take a look at our website where we have a lot of our research published and also

  • policy briefs that are two to three page snapshots of our research. And all of our research,

  • we couldn't do it without our affiliates. And Anya is one of 50 plus affiliates who

  • are researchers across the country and across the campus working to look at financial capabilities.

  • If you're interested in learning more about financial security over the life course, we

  • do have an online conference coming up that's the pathways 2013 link. So thank you to Michael

  • and his team. I look forward to hearing more from Anya.

  • >> Great. Thank you, Nicole. And thank you for joining us today and for connecting us

  • with Anya. I think we might have Wynne back on the line, before we turn it over to our

  • main presenter, Wynne will be joining us momentarily. Nakia, I sent you the number. One piece I'd

  • like to share with you before Wynne joins us is that we have a partnership with Bank

  • of America's disability -- Disability Advocacy Network. And we are partnering with members

  • of the Bank of America team to increase awareness on financial wellness for persons with disabilities

  • through two opportunities. We have the financial education training as well as disability awareness

  • training for VITA volunteers, tax and asset building coalitions, debt management partners,

  • IDA and financial education providers. If you are interested in being connected with

  • a representative from Bank of America through the Disability Advocacy Network, please send

  • me an e-mail, Michael Roush, at And we will be able to connect you to these

  • volunteer opportunities within your area. And so now what I'd like to do is I think

  • we have Wynne Lum on the l ine. So, Wynne, I'll turn it over to y ou.

  • >> Michael, thank you very much. Thank you for talking about the Disability Advocacy

  • Network at Bank of America. You mentioned earlier the admission -- the mission for the

  • National Disability Institute. Your mission is the reason why we are pleased to partner

  • with you and your organization, to help consumers be better able managing their finances. And

  • you had mentioned the times square recognition -- we were recognizing a handful of our have

  • -- partners and the wonderful work they do. Thank you for doing the work that you are

  • doing. This is a great time to be part of this conversation and this learning session

  • we're having. I'm in between frazzled -- so this is a great day you picked for this conversation.

  • When I mean I'm in between, we just finished with Mother's Day. And I was just stressed

  • out on what to get and the gifts I had to buy. And now were going from Mother's Day

  • to Father's Day to graduation, prom and everything else we have to do, not to mention necessities

  • that we all have. So how do you pay for all that? What used decide to get? What's going

  • to make mom and dad happy? What's going to make the graduate happy? And then do -- cannot

  • even afford to do it? I don't have to worry about affordability, do I? The marketers are

  • telling me that I can pay with easy pay, I can delay away, installment, I can pay with

  • other people's money. And so all of this is stressing me out because we all know that

  • impulsive buying can lead to some bad habits. And we need to be more thoughtful, we need

  • to be more deliberate, we need to be able to help ourselves manage our finances. That's

  • one of the reasons I'm interested in the work that the National Disability Institute is

  • doing but also the work that's being done by the University of Wisconsin Center for

  • financial security. They are some of the leading pioneers and experts and smart people doing

  • this work under the leadership of Dr. Michael Collins and Nicole Truog, who we're going

  • to hear from today, and Anya Samak in all the work they're doing to help us achieve

  • financial security. So we at Bank of America believe that consumers should be more thoughtful

  • and should be able to help themselves, because better consumers make better customers for

  • us but they also help relieve the stress so that we're not all frazzled with understanding

  • how to manage our finances. Michael, I'm interested in learning from the panelists today and what

  • they're doing. Thank you for letting us be a part of this.

  • >> Great. Thank you, Wynne. We appreciate you being on the call today. So now is the

  • main part of our webinar presentation today. And we're really excited to bring this topic

  • to you all. It's a topic that we've been exploring and looking at as we've traveled across the

  • country. Partners from both the asset building community, financial services as well as the

  • disability community have said to our team, what is Behavior Economics? What does it include?

  • Please bring us some information on it. And so when we reached out to the University of

  • Wisconsin, they connected us with Anya Samak, who is going to share some great information

  • with us today. She's been studying Behavior Economics. And we're delighted to have Dr.

  • Samak join us today. So with that, Anya, I'm going to turn it over to you.

  • >> Great. Hopefully everyone can hear me. >> Sounds great.

  • >> Yes? Good. My name is Anya Samak. I've been a professor at the University of Wisconsin

  • Madison and Center for Financial Security the past year. Before that, I was doing behavioral

  • economics research at the University of Chicago. And I received my PhD in experimental behavioral

  • economics from Purdue University. So I've been working on behavioral Econ for quite

  • a while and also mostly working on general behavioral principles that can be shared across

  • many domains. Not just thinking about why people choose to save versus spend or how

  • people to -- choose to allocate their money and what behavioral biases exist in that decision

  • but also very related topics such as, why do people choose to exercise or not? Why do

  • they choose to eat healthy or not? How do people decide about philanthropic giving and

  • so on? Today I'm going to be more general and you'll learn a little bit about the different

  • main principles in behavioral economics and how they can be applied to contact. So when

  • I talk today, I'm going to break the presentation up into three components. First, I'm going

  • to tell you what but it -- Haverhill economics is. As Michael said, behavioral Econ 101.

  • Then I'm going to tell you a little bit about how economists use experiments to study behavior.

  • Finally I'll give you some lessons on how insights from behavioral economics can be

  • applied in real settings and give you some examples of studies that have done this. So

  • before we get started I'm going to tell you about economics. When a lot of people think

  • about economics or if I meet someone at a party and tell them that I'm an economist,

  • people usually assume that when I'm interested in is studying money. How do people decide

  • to spend their money? What does the GDP look like? And that is macroeconomic q uestions.

  • Really, as economists, we think about any decision being an economic one, because microeconomics

  • is really the study of how individuals or firms make decisions to allocate limited resources.

  • Limited resources could be money but it also could be time. You could think about choosing

  • whether to buy a TV or invest that money in a retirement account as an economic decision.

  • You could also think about choosing whether to spend time watching TV or choosing to spend

  • that time exercising as an economic decision, because you're allocating limited resources.

  • As economists, we have two main components of a decision. The first component is the

  • a c onstraint. That tells us what the individual can do. It gives us the amount of money they

  • have to spend, gives us the hours in the day that are available to allocate across activities.

  • The second component is p references. That tells us what the individual wants to do.

  • In general, we assume that being jewel -- the individual's objective is to maximize satisfaction,

  • whether they receive satisfaction from activities or receive satisfaction from consumption g

  • oods. That in a nutshell how micro economists think about decision-making. So let's start,

  • what is behavioral economics? With one anecdote. Suppose we have George, whose choosing whether

  • to invest in a 401(k) plan at work. This slide tells you what we would typically believe

  • George would do. As economists, this is what we believe George will do. As policymakers,

  • we might also believe this is what he would do. We give George some information about

  • the 401(k). Give him that information under the assumption that he's going to carefully

  • consider all of the information that's given to him. And then he's going to use all this

  • information to maximize his satisfaction over his lifetime. Is going to know exactly what

  • he's getting into and he's going to think about how he feels today, how much money he

  • needs for consumption today, and how much money he will need for consumption at retirement.

  • We're also going to assume that George is doing this in a bubble. He's ignoring what

  • his friends are doing, ignoring what others are doing, he's focusing only on the information

  • that's given to him. Now, here's the behavioral Econ of what really happens. What really happens

  • is that George doesn't have time or processing capability to understand fully the information

  • that we give him. He may glance at some of the information that is given to him, but

  • he's not going to have the full information. Even if the full information is in front of

  • him, he's not going to be fully processing that information. Second, he is going to try

  • to maximize his satisfaction over his lifetime but then he might put it off until later or

  • he might not very easily anticipate his future satisfaction or understand what his future

  • self will need at r etirement. He's also not in a bubble when he's making this decision.

  • He does all this after checking what his friends are doing, what his colleagues are doing,

  • what's on TV and everything else around him is going to have an influence on his decision.

  • Moreover, because he's only glanced at his information, the information about what his

  • friends are doing might even be more of an influencing factor than if he had fully processed

  • that information. So this illustrates what I like to think of as the three principles

  • of bounded nets, that people are bounded in their ability to make their decisions -- principles

  • of boundedness. There are behavioral biases that prevent people doing what economists

  • believe is their objective, to maximize their overall lifetime satisfaction. The first one

  • is that George carefully considers all information. Likely, that doesn't really happen. What likely

  • happened is that George falls prey to what's called bounded rationality. Processing information

  • is costly from a time, effort perspective, and they can be common biases to how information

  • is received, so probability information is very difficult to process. Information that

  • is far in the future, difficult to comprehend and apply to your own situation now. The second

  • one is George maximizing satisfaction over his lifetime. What really happens is that

  • people have bounded willpower. That's another way of saying that they discount the future.

  • So they put off doing things they don't like to do, but they believe that they'll get to

  • it later. And finally, George ignoring what his friends are doing. In fact, we know that

  • people care about others. They make decisions with the impact of their behavior on others

  • in m ind. And they also use cues from the environment, especially cues from advisers,

  • to make those decisions. And these three principles are what we can think of as the psychological

  • underpinnings of behavioral economics. The behavioral economist take a lot insights from

  • the psychology field to try to understand what it is about the brain that causes these

  • biases. For bounded rationality we know that the brain is limited in its capacity to process

  • information. So we're not all calculators that can immediately process spreadsheet of

  • information. It takes a lot of time to process this information. When information is difficult

  • and complex, people often use rules of thumb. So one rule of thumb could be I'm just going

  • to look at the very first asset on that list of assets that I could contribute to and that's

  • the one I'm going to choose. These kinds of rules of thumb can lead to a few problems.

  • It can lead to overload of information if there's too much information, I may not make

  • a choice at all. It may lead me to incorrectly understand the probability of positive and

  • negative outcomes, especially for the financial a ssets. The next psychological underpinning

  • is bounded willpower. The bounded willpower is another way of saying time preferences.

  • People have different preferences for money today versus money in the future. People often

  • lack self-control. So as we were talking about impulsive buying, we may buy something today

  • if the consequences of that choice do not arrive until later in the future, for example

  • in a few months when the credit card bill is due. Bounded willpower makes it so we may

  • not be doing things that are good for us even though we know that those things are good

  • for us. Finally, bounded selfishness is the last psychological underpinning I want to

  • highlight. In general, people like to help others. They use cues from others to understand

  • the cost and benefits of different decisions and we fall prey to marketing as well. We

  • also care about people and their own groups succeeding. We may spend money on things that

  • help people in our in groups. So behavioral economics is economics but takes it a step further. We use concept

  • from psychology to investigate how social cognitive and emotional factors motivate decision-making.

  • Whereas before when we were just micro economists, we made simple assumptions like, George prefers

  • $100 to $50. $100 is most likely to give him a higher satisfaction than $50. But that might

  • not always be true. For example, people will prefer sometimes $50 to $100 if they can get

  • a $50 now but I have to wait a year to get the 100. People are impatient. The other one

  • that could happen is you could prefer 50 to 100 if getting 100 requires filling out a

  • form. That's why mail-in rebates tends to be so popular, people believe that they're

  • going to believe that they're going to fillable form, form, but they never get around to it.

  • Filling out the form is costly, it takes time and processing power to remember that the

  • form needs to be filled out. You prefer 50 to 100 unless getting 50 means that your financial

  • advisor is less well-off. So not only do we care about how people in our in group are

  • doing, our family and friends, we might also feel that -- feel bad about going against

  • a financial adviser's advice if that means that the advisor will be less well-off. The

  • next question is, why do we study behavior? We are interested in setting behavior for

  • a few reasons. The first, we're interested in describing what people actually do and

  • why they do it. Second and more importantly we want to recommend what individual route

  • to do. And what society ought to do. So what kinds of interventions or policies should

  • be in place to help individuals make better financial choices or make better health-related

  • choices and so on? In order to recommend i nterventions, we need something very important

  • which is cause and effect. In the example here, we believe that the Apple is the cause

  • which is causing the surgeon guy to fall backwards. But we need to be sure that it really is the

  • Apple that's having this effect before we can recommend that apples should not be allowed

  • at the hospital. Perhaps this guy just had a cold and was sneezing and the Apple happened

  • to hit him at the same time. We need to be very careful to disentangle the effects of

  • these two things because otherwise, we are -- removing the Apple would not have the effect

  • we expected. Studying cause and effect relationships can help us clearly point out which interventions

  • are going to cause certain behaviors to occur or not occur. And that brings us to my next

  • point, which is how do economists study behavior? When we study behavior, what we care about

  • most is the cause and effect question. I'm going to give an example of a case study on

  • financial education. We'll talk a little bit about what it means to try to disentangle

  • the causes and effects. So suppose that we are studying the ability of associates who

  • work at a firm to make better choices about how they manage their finances. Does -- to

  • that extent we as a -- advertise a new educational program, grow your wealth. And we invite 5000

  • qualified associates at the firm to join the program. 2000 of them are interested in learning

  • to save money. They decide to participate. We invite all 2000 to join. They all do very

  • well in the program. At the end of the study, we make the following comparison: we compare

  • the group who had participated, the 2000, with the group who hasn't participated, the

  • remaining 3000 we invited but did not join. We find that the 2000 have clearly done better.

  • They've saved more money, they've decreased their loans and so on. So the question is,

  • is the program a success? By most measures, it seems like it is. So what really happened?

  • Do one thing that happened is we had what economists call selection bias. The selection

  • bias caused our results to be overstated. So we have the guy on the left who joined

  • the program because he wanted to start saving money. He may have chosen to start saving

  • money anyway, but the program helped him. He's representing those 2000 who chose to

  • join the program. We have the guy on the right, who didn't join the program, because he didn't

  • care about saving money and he'd rather buy a flat-panel LCD T V. So this guy is very

  • different from the first guy. That is selection bias, the types of people who join the program

  • were very different from the types of people who didn't. And now we can't find a cause

  • and effect relationship. We don't know if it was the program or the types of people

  • who joined it who caused the effect, because we compared a bunch of people who are like

  • the guy who is watering his plants to the guy who is holding up the no sign. We know

  • for sure that the no guy is not going to be saving money, but we're not clear whether

  • the guy watering the plant would have saved money anyway or not. That causes us to overstate

  • our effect, because the guy who joined the program also has the m otivation, the intrinsic

  • motivation, to save from the beginning. The problem with this is then if we start recommending

  • the program to others, we often recommend it by saying that any person who joins the

  • program will be able to save. That's not entirely accurate, because we have no data on the guy

  • who didn't want to join the program and whether him joining the program would get into save

  • or not. So one way that economists try to get the cause and effect relationship is to

  • do what's called a randomized Field experiment or RCT, randomized control trial is what it's

  • called in medicine. The way we would go about this is slightly different. In the same scenario,

  • suppose we have 2000 people who chose to participate in the program. And these 2000 people were

  • located in five different cities. After the associates expressed their interest to participate,

  • we select the random subset, suppose we select cities A and B. Offer grow your wealth as

  • a pilot just to those programs. We then compare all those who wanted to participate in cities

  • A and B with those who wanted to participate but did not get the opportunity in C D and

  • E. What we've done there is remove the selection bias. So we know that it was the program and

  • not the people that caused the effect. I see we've got a question which is that we don't

  • know if anyone's income is sufficient to allow them to a save anything. It's a very good

  • question. And I'm using this just as I hypothetical example a program we could use. You could

  • imagine that the 2000 who chose to participate, if we compare the A and B guys to the other

  • guys, we should have the same proportion with different incomes in both groups. So we break

  • those people into two groups and we have what's called a control group and a treatment g roup.

  • We control who gets offered the intervention. The control group is the group for comparisons.

  • They wanted to participate but were not able to. The treatment group is the group of interest.

  • They wanted to participate and were able to. We expect that because we randomly put people

  • into groups. The same proportion of people with low income but both in treatment and

  • control. And the same proportion of people with high income in treatment and control.

  • So in that way, we could actually get people's income at baseline and we could compare across

  • to look at how the different levels of income are affected by the intervention. So that

  • was a good question. Now, the next question of course i s, what about the nonparticipants?

  • We've got these 2000 to participate -- 3000 didn't participate. Is there anything we can

  • do to try to figure out whether we can bring programs to these nonparticipants? We can't

  • force people to participate in a program. But we could use different behavioral interventions

  • to try to get them to join the program. One such example is going to be incentives. I'll

  • talk about that in a bit. So how would we get more participants in this study? We anticipate

  • that the guy who did not want to join the study may not want to join it for a few behavioral

  • reasons. One of those is going to be that the consequences of not saving money are far

  • in the future. He's not thinking about that right now. He would rather make a decision

  • to have a benefit now such as buying a TV or any other consumption good, and he wants

  • to save later. What we know from bounded willpower is that he may actually believe that he will

  • save later. So he believes that he is maximizing his satisfaction over his lifetime, but he

  • cares more about the present than the future. One way that we could incentivize this guy

  • to participate is to bring an incentive now to motivate behavior. Very good examples of

  • this would be if every time he put money into his savings account, he receives some kind

  • of coupon or voucher for recognition on the company website showing that he's a good participant

  • in the program. The other way to do it is to include a way for this guy to commit to

  • joining the program l ater. Perhaps he could commit to joining the program in six months

  • from now, which he's likely to do because he does believe that he will save money later,

  • he just doesn't have the willpower to save money today. Finally, we could use social

  • feedback, we could let him know about the social norms and about how many other people

  • have joined the program. And their success. Next, I'm going to talk about how insights

  • from behavioral economics can be applied. This is where I'm going to bring up some real

  • research examples. This guy on the left is pressing the help button. And the reason is

  • that we do think that people want to make choices that are optimal for them but the

  • problem and challenge is that they must overcome many behavioral biases. The ones we've discussed

  • today are bounded rationality, bounded willpower and bounded selfishness. These are problems

  • that people have that make it difficult, barriers for them to actually making the decision that's

  • going to be optimal for them. I'm going to talk about five different lessons of behavioral

  • interventions that can help to change behavior for the better. The first one I'll talk about

  • is the power of default. Then I'll talk about the cost of information. And then I'll talk

  • about incentives for today. I'll talk about demanding a commitment. And I'll talk about

  • some social strategies. And I'm not using just financial examples here, because what

  • we believe is that these behavioral principles can be shared across many domains including

  • financial decision-making, health-related decision-making, choosing to donate to a philanthropic

  • fund and so on. We'll start with the first one. About the power of default. In any decisions

  • that you could possibly make, your inaction in that decision triggers some default results.

  • So if you were at a company and you don't sign up for health insurance plan by the deadline

  • you are given, the default is no health insurance for the year. If you are at a company that

  • has an option for -- 401(k) plan, the default for not opting in to that plan is no 401(k)

  • plan. You do not sign up to be an organ donor, the default is typically you're not an organ

  • donor. What we know from behavioral economics is that if individuals put off difficult decisions

  • to the future, the default will be the most likely outcome. They procrastinate and procrastinate,

  • making the decision until finally the deadline has passed and then nudged into the default

  • state. Suppose that we change the default. We change no other policy accept to say, now

  • for the 401(k), the default is going to be automatic enrollment. If you don't touch the

  • paperwork, and you do nothing, you are automatically in the 401(k). If changing the default changes

  • behavior, we call this a nudge. We're not requiring people to join a 401(k). We're simply

  • changing the way you join. Now, rather than having to joined by doing paperwork, you have

  • to choose not to join by doing the same paperwork. The evidence that I have for lesson one comes

  • from a paper by David and co-authors from 2004. They conducted a field experiment with

  • an employer in which they changed over time the way that the 401(k) enrollment worked

  • -- by David Laibson. At first the employer had an opt in policy in which the worker can

  • select and then choose an amount to contribute. And then later, the employer had an opt out

  • policy with some default rate of 1% or 2% of the salary. The opt out case, the worker

  • was defaulted into accepting a 401(k) participation and the rate, or had to act to opt out. What

  • they found is that this change in default significantly increased enrollment. In fact,

  • when offered the default rate, many people were defaulted into that rate. If you look

  • at the small graph on the left, you see here the fraction of participants -- of employees

  • in the 401(k) plan, the Orange line shows the people hired during auto enrollment. The

  • amount is 80% of people who are enrolled in the 401(k) versus just 20% of people who are

  • hired before auto enrollment. Even after 48 months of tenure at the company we see that

  • the green lines below the Orange line showing that being hired at auto enrollment does not

  • cause people to opt out over time either. On the right, you can see here too the distribution

  • of contribution rates where the orange bars represent being hired during auto enrollment

  • with the default rate of 2%. Most people say that the default rate -- stayed at the default

  • rate of 2% regardless of their income. We might expect people with higher income to

  • choose higher contribution rates. And people with lower income to choose lower contribution

  • rates. That did not really happen in this particular study. The lesson here is that

  • default rates are particularly strong ways to get people to change their behavior. And

  • people don't even know that their behavior is being changed. They must be used carefully,

  • because even individuals with very low income who may not need to save in a 401(k) at all

  • and should instead be paying off their credit card debt are also being awful enrolled in

  • the 401(k). So this policy, which seems benign, actually caused a big behavior change. The

  • next lesson is that information has a cost. We always think about providing the consumer

  • with as much information as possible in order to make sure that his decision is more informed.

  • However, what we know from bounded rationality is that processing information is difficult

  • and individuals often rely on -- we can actually simplify information. Some of my work in the

  • financial literacy domain is on using graphical representation, which can be more effective

  • than textbased information to get people to understand financial concepts. More information

  • creates overload and is not always better. If you have too many, for example options,

  • you could cause worse outcomes by having people do more rules of thumb processing and more

  • processing of full information. The type of work that I do is actually called visual analytics.

  • So I use interactive visual tools that people can interact with to try to see things like

  • financial portfolio selection and risk diversification visually rather than just textually to try

  • to see how credit card debt will pile up in a visual form rather than just knowing that

  • APR for example. We find in lab experiments that visual analytics can improve confidence,

  • reduce decision time and actually result in higher quality choices when information sets

  • are complex. Lesson three is now incentives. So we know that bounded willpower makes it

  • difficult to see the benefits of an action that is good for you. Exercising and eating

  • well will improve my health in the long run. But I care about less -- care less about the

  • long run, more about the short run. If I have an incentive today to do something that's

  • good for me in the future, that actually changes my decision problem. It creates an immediate

  • benefit for my actions. Now I'm considering the cost and benefit of the action with the

  • benefit that I have in the present. Whether it's a couple dollars every time I go to the

  • gym, whether it is recognition from a friend that I did well, incentives in the present

  • are very important. The example I have here is a study that myself and my colleague, John

  • list, ran in the lunchroom. We actually see that over 40% of the content is thrown away

  • by kids. Which is a high rate of waste. We know kids are at the highest BMI ever and

  • nutrition education has had limited effectiveness and is costly. What we did in this study is

  • we looked at the effect of providing small gifts to children if they choose a healthy

  • food. We give them a choice of a cookie or fruit and told them they could only choose

  • one. And we randomly put different school lunch rooms in two different treatments. We

  • had a control group in which they just made a choice, a treatment group where they received

  • a small toy if they chose a fruit, and the small toys were on the line of $0.10 each

  • and we had a treatment group where they received some education and also made a choice, the

  • education was about a five minute message about the food period. This is the results

  • we have. Period one, which is before we did the intervention and two which is after. We

  • can see that in period one, about 20% of kids were choosing the fruit and 80% were choosing

  • c ookies. Cookies are the less healthy but higher benefit in the present choice. Now

  • we can see what happens when we introduce education. It actually had no significant

  • effect and almost a negative effect on the proportion of kids that are choosing the fruit.

  • Finally, what we find is a very powerful effect of incentives. The fruit choice increased

  • to 80% with only 20% choosing cookies when we introduced just a small toy. These are

  • three different incentive treatments that we ran. This type of radically effective incentive

  • has also been documented in other work including things like getting children to study for

  • their exams, getting adults to attend the gym regularly and so on. And is now being

  • tested for different types of financial interventions as well. Finally, we have commitment devices.

  • Individuals want to do better but the bounded willpower prevents them from doing better

  • in the present. So a commitment device is a way to assure that you follow through with

  • a plan. A good example of this is CDs or restrictions on withdrawals in the financial services.

  • Another good example is gym memberships. And finally if you see people putting their credit

  • cards in the freezer, that's a commitment not to take that credit card out even when

  • you have bounded willpower to do that. So there was a study by Dellavigna and Malmendier

  • in the last 10 years or so where they looked at analyzing data from gym m emberships. The

  • idea is that if people are maximizing their satisfaction, they should spend only as much

  • money as they need in order to go to the gym. What these researchers actually find is that

  • people pay more if they get a gym membership than if they pay per visit. And this is evidence

  • for the fact that people value commitment devices. If the average cost per visit is

  • $19 and the drop in rate is $10, the people paying $19 are the ones who have the annual

  • monthly membership. People are willing to pay up to $600 in this study for having this

  • commitment device to make them go to the gym. Finally, social strategies are very effective.

  • We can use social information and social cues to help people comply with desirable behaviors.

  • For example, financial coaching has been very effective, primarily because you are held

  • accountable to another person -- less so because of the financial information that they may

  • provide you. If you learn you're standing in a social group, so if you learn you are

  • being less environmentally friendly than others in your neighborhood, you may be more likely

  • to purchase environmentally friendly lightbulbs. That's a study that one of my colleagues has

  • done. Learning about what the social norms are helps people to conform to those norms

  • especially if those norms are things like weight loss and quitting programs, quitting

  • smoking. And receiving a signal based on what a role model is doing. Finally, tidying incentives,

  • the now incentives I talked about two group performance seems to have a big effect because

  • if I'm driving down the group, I feel more like I need to be proactive in making sure

  • that the group succeeds. Some evidence for this social strategy has been found in giving

  • to charities. Seed grants are really effective at getting others to donate. Social information

  • is very effective at getting people to donate to charity. Financial coaching, which I already

  • said, weight loss programs tend to be effective also because of the accountability component

  • and so on. And actually, that completes the discussion. We can open it up for questions.

  • >> This was -- thank you for the information. This was really valuable information. We do

  • have several questions. I would like to remind everyone that if you have additional questions,

  • you can go to the question and answer box on the lower right-hand corner of your screen

  • and ask the questions. So I will start reading off the questions. So far the majority of

  • these questions seems is going to you. Do you have examples or a resource that we can

  • go to, to share to provide insight on the graphical representations that you talked

  • about? >> Actually, yes. So I can send a link out

  • after the meeting. I have a book chapter on graphical representation but I don't have

  • that publicly available. I can put together some information on my website.

  • >> Okay. Great. We will definitely forward out your website to others. The next question

  • is, how do we choose the right incentives to offer for financial education or financial

  • coaching program? >> So that's a pretty broad question. I think

  • you'd want to try to understand better your population and who you're working with and

  • actually, I have many colleagues who study this question in particular, what's the right

  • incentive to use? Whether the incentives works just in the short term or whether their habit

  • formation effect in the long-term? We typically use randomized field experiments to try to

  • answer these questions, so we look at some possible incentives that we think may work

  • and then we randomize participants who receive incentives to study the value of each one.

  • If you did not have the ability to run a field experiment, you might want to think about

  • doing some surveys to learn about what incentives are sufficient for people to come. It's often

  • not going to be about monetary incentives. I think monetary incentives is the entire

  • transaction is viewed as a market transaction rather than intrinsically motivated transaction

  • so if I'm being paid to volunteer, that's very different from volunteering but if I'm

  • receiving a pen for volunteering, I may still feel I'm volunteering. Monetary incentives

  • can be explored more. >> Okay. Great. The next question that we

  • have here is, we have an idea a program, individual development account program. Every person

  • in the program has to use free tax preparation services. Should we offer an additional incentive

  • on top of this? [Indiscernible] placed on how many incentives possibly should we be giving to

  • an individual? Potentially, the free tax preparation services would be an incentive and hopefully

  • a behavior that they would keep afterwards, but should there be more than one incentive?

  • >> I think that would depend on the proportion of people that are using the service. If you

  • noticed that not many people are using the service, there may be a few barriers. So you

  • might want to think about if there's a barrier to calling to set up the appointment, maybe

  • you want to make it easier for them to get into the network and have reminders if someone

  • is calling them again and again to remind them to come i n. That can often be an effective

  • way to get people to show up, if they have more accountability. I think it's probably

  • -- if you are not finding the free tax preparation is a sufficient incentive, it's because they

  • don't receive the benefits right away. Do they receive their tax return right away after

  • they do the tax preparation? >> Right. So they would not.

  • >> Right. So it's possible that just that length of time is causing them not to choose

  • to follow through. I think with some low income populations especially, they have so many

  • other stressors on a day-to-day basis that for us, we might think of course, free tax

  • preparation is a great benefit. I'll fit it into my schedule for low income population,

  • might not even be on the radar until it's too late to receive that. So in that sense,

  • I think thinking about using a commitment device and reminder systems might work better

  • than an incentive and even an incentive as simple as a gift card they can use right away

  • might be helpful. >> Okay. Great. Lots of questions coming in

  • here. I know we only have five minutes left, but we might go a few minutes over if people

  • are willing to stay on just for a few more minutes because we have quite a few questions

  • coming in. Which is great. So I'm reading -- so can someone talk more about how people are

  • willing to pay for a commitment device? To make a, that question came from you. Do you

  • have anything else you can add to that question? >> No. That was all that I got.

  • >> Okay. Anya, are you able to answer that? >> In general, the reason I said people are

  • willing to pay for a commitment device is because of t he's time preferences have, which

  • is that we put off doing things that we don't like to do, to the future, but we believe

  • that in the future, we will do the things that we want to do. So having a commitment

  • device where I say I'm going to save but I'm going to save more tomorrow rather than today

  • can be an effective way to get people involved in saving without requiring them to save right

  • away. And similarly it can get people to start attending the gym without requiring them to

  • go right away, because coming in and doing a gym membership is less intimidating than

  • starting to go to the gym every single day. So what we find is that people want commitment

  • devices and they're willing to pay for them in the sense that they may be willing to take

  • a lower interest rate on a financial vehicle that in the long term they may have less liquidity

  • on Van higher interest rate on one where they have more liquidity. So if they recognize

  • that they have a problem with bounded willpower, they may be more likely to want to pay for

  • that commitment device to help themselves. On the other hand, we might not want people

  • to pay for the commitment device but get people to say.

  • >> Great. The next question is, is there one key strategy that your research highlights

  • as the most important in changing the behavior of individuals seeking to improve their financial

  • capability? >> I think that's an open question. What we've

  • really been trying to do is learn about whether it's incentives or social information or reminders

  • or all three of these things that are going to have the biggest impact at improving financial

  • behavior. >> All right. How do you know when a problem

  • is actually behavioral in nature? In many cases, problems that seem behavioral are actually

  • more structural. Do you have any guidance or baseline questions a program should ask

  • itself to understand this? >> Well, I think the structure of the program

  • may be what's causing the behavior that you observe. So if you have a program in which

  • it's very time costly for people to come in and register for it, requires a lot of paperwork,

  • there's not a lot of face to face interaction or social pressure to continue with the program,

  • then you would have behaviors that correspond to that, so people that are less likely to

  • join because of the barrier of taking a lot of paperwork, people who choose not to show

  • up if they're not reminded to come by someone else, that's a real person, and these sorts

  • of things. You really want to think about kind of, what are the behavioral barriers?

  • And look at the bounded willpower and bounded rationality especially to see if the way the

  • program is set up is causing people to act in line with those behavioral biases.

  • >> Great. What are some ways of helping individuals overcome the influence of family and friends

  • who don't have particularly good financial practices? So what are some of the ways in

  • helping individuals overcome the influence of others?

  • >> I think just -- I think that's really hard. We know very little about especially how behavior

  • is formed across the lifecycle. So when kids are younger and they learn from their parents

  • to behave in a certain way, how we can overcome those effects later in life -- those are all

  • open questions at this point. And you really want to think about whether we can have better

  • role models for people or whether we can incentivize them in some way to start forming new habits.

  • >> All right. Great. And do you have ideas for how to motivate financially stressed individuals

  • to enroll in a financial literacy class? I guess that kind of gets back to looking at

  • the best incentives. >> So we actually run a program in the South

  • side of Chicago, which is for financially stressed families but it's a parenting class.

  • And we offer incentives such as free child care for the children. And we also focus a

  • lot on peer to peer interactions. Having people in groups within the parenting class but essentially

  • having people in a group where once they arrive, there's three other people that are in their

  • group that they check in with and me knowing that you're going to be there and I'm choosing

  • not to come may be more likely for me to attend, so social pressure types of ways could be

  • useful. And accountability among the three people in that group. These types of things

  • have worked very well for weight watchers, for example, where you know that you have

  • to be accountable to others in your peer group but I think could also be effective for financial

  • literacy classes. >> All right. Great. Thank you. I know we've

  • come up to two minutes after 4:00. And there are several more questions that have come

  • in. And we have run out of time. So what I'd like to do with these additional questions

  • is I will send them over to the Center for Financial Security, to Anya and Nicole. And

  • to Bank of America. And we will answer these questions if that's okay with you, Anya. We

  • can send them to you and answer them and then we will attach this -- send the responses

  • out to everybody who registered for the webinar who participated today. So Anya, if you're

  • in agreement with that, we could go that direction. >> Yeah. That sounds great.

  • >> Excellent. Well, thank you. I would like to thank everybody for participating on today's

  • webinar and for asking these great questions. I think that this has been -- out of all the

  • webinars I've done, this has been one that we've had lots of questions and great feedback

  • -- so we really appreciate that. And please be sure to complete your evaluation and let

  • us know other topics you would like to explore or if you would like to explore this topic

  • even more, then we can host another webinar, possibly on this topic as well and going a

  • little bit deeper. For additional resources, please visit our website at

  • And also feel free to sign up for our listserv. There's information on your screen on how

  • to sign up for our listserv as well. A special thank you to Bank of America for their support

  • of this webinar series and really looking at how do we build the financial capabilities

  • of persons with disabilities? And understanding different terms and different topics that

  • we've heard about and really allowing us to ponder these thoughts and see how these apply

  • to persons with disabilities and really looking at how to build a better economic future.

  • A special thanks to Wynne Lum for his participation today as well. After the webinar, if you have

  • any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. My information is there, (727)278-1352

  • is my phone number and my e-mail address is on the website as well,

  • I would like to thank Nicole Truog as well as Dr. Anya Samak, both with the University

  • of Wisconsin, for being good friends to the National Disability Institute and for providing

  • information with us today. Please note that our next webinar is June 12 at 3:00 p.m. And

  • this would be the third part of our series. It is on integrated service delivery. And

  • we will be hearing best practices of how organizations have brought various pieces when it comes

  • to financial literacy asset development and integrated them into their existing systems

  • and programs. So please be sure to join us for that webinar as well. Once again, all

  • questions, we will have been answered and sent out to everyone that has registered.

  • I'd like to thank my colleagues, Elizabeth Jennings as well as Nakia Matthews, for their

  • support of today's webinar. Thank you again for attending, and we look forward to talking

  • with you in June on our next webinar. Thank you.

  • >> [event concluded]

>> Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us today for our webinar on Behavior Economics


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