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  • If you are looking for salt beef bagels, the kind you'd find in New York in the US or Brick Lane in the UK

  • then you have come to the right place, because these are incredible!

  • These are our salt beef bagels. Now the process

  • can take up to a week

  • but each bit is really simple. I've done all the stages for you.

  • I was going to say, because my week is jam packed!

  • What we're going to have is our brisket of beef

  • which we're then going to cure in a brine we make from salt, sugar and some spices.

  • Then we cook that in a stock with some vegetables and then once it's cooked then we serve it in the bagels

  • with mustard, mayonnaise and gherkins. So not many ingredients and a very simple process

  • but it does take a lot of time. And a hell of a lot of salt. We'll come back to that in a minute .

  • First of all the beef. So this is a brisket of beef,

  • which is a tough cut so you need to cook it for a long time.

  • But before we cook it

  • we need to brine it. So to do that we make our brine which involves lots and lots of sea salt.

  • I was told salt was bad for you

  • Well it is

  • You would never eat that but it's a method of

  • preservation and obviously it's very important in that process. Sugar

  • to balance it out. Now it's really healthy!!

  • And to add to that we've got some spices. Added flavor.

  • We've got some star anise, we've got some cloves

  • and we've got some pepper corns.

  • Plus a couple of bay leaves, so lots going on. All we need to do now

  • is dissolve all of that salt and sugar in 2 liters of water

  • like that.

  • That needs to boil. When it boils you get the brine and then you need the brine to cool down

  • until it's complete cold

  • and when it's completely cold

  • you're left with something that looks like this.

  • I have done it all, because it takes a little while to get cold.

  • You can put the brisket

  • into the brine. Here's one that's been in there

  • for three days. You can keep it in the brine for up to a week and the longer you keep it in there

  • the saltier it will be. Feel how different the texture is.

  • What the brine does is kind of draw out the moisture.

  • It's drawn out all that moisture. And at this point

  • you need to put it into a cold water bath, just like a big bowl of cold water. And that will get rid of the excess salt

  • in a couple of hours or so and then put it into a stock pot.

  • With the stock pot we now need to add lots of flavor.

  • So: carrots, celery, onion, garlic.

  • Between us if we can just kind of roughly chop all of that up.

  • I had the most amazing salt beef bagel a little while ago on Brick Lane

  • But those ones are intense! it's all about Brick Lane

  • Start the day with a salt beef bagel

  • And finish it with a curry! Yes, great food on Brick Lane, but you're right... Very salty!

  • The same process is used to make corned beef.

  • It has a very similar texture.

  • Can you peel that and crush those garlic cloves? The thing is, because it is a stock it

  • doesn't need to be too precise, just rough and ready. So where are salt beef bagels from?

  • It's a Jewish thing I believe,

  • very big in New York. So start putting all of those in and around our beef.

  • If you could run back and get some cold water.

  • No running in the kitchen, it's dangerous!

  • Some celery as well

  • that all goes in.

  • This is just adding flavour, it's a basic veg stock to go around our beef

  • and a very coarsely chopped onion.

  • Water!

  • Just enough to cover the beef.

  • So lots of vegetables. Obviously we're not going to put any salt in this. That beef is

  • salty enough.

  • There's a lot of beef here, how many is this going to serve?

  • There will be plenty, because it goes a long way because it's quite a strong flavor, so there would be enough here

  • for a good four or six bagels at least. At this point we bring it up to the boil

  • and simmer it very very gently for about

  • 3 hours. So this whole process takes quite a while. Fortunately,

  • here's one that's been going for

  • about three hours and you guys are going to make some mayonnaise that goes with

  • our bagels

  • you must have mustard mayonnaise and gherkin. So just combine that mayonnaise with

  • half of the mustard

  • This is whole grain mustard?

  • Yeah, it's not quite as strong but has a really good flavor and the flex of mustard seeds looks great.

  • All the mayo - give it a mix up.

  • now Mike, come and have a look at this beef. Just take a string off. And because it's been

  • salted for that time and cooked for that time it should literally just fall apart.

  • So if I cut through that, can you see now how fiberous it is?

  • Absolutely awesome and exactly what you want. So I'm just going to break it up. Do you want to slice our bagels in half?

  • You lift the bagels up.

  • Right, bagels are being lifted up

  • Sink, crumbs... It's all about that presentation. Right now you can lay your three on there.

  • We're going to put loads of these gherkin spears

  • on there like so,

  • A good dollop of our mustard mayonnaise.

  • I can't wait to eat this Ben, I'm sure it's going to taste amazing.

  • I want to have some of that!

  • You need to wait! You need to wait! You need to wait!

  • Plenty of this beef

  • just pile it up there,

  • a little bit of parsley.

  • There we go, our salt beef bagel. It takes a while but it's well worth the effort. Sorted.

  • I'm going first lads.

  • Don't eat too much

  • Going to get some of that mustard on.

  • Never quite understood bagels

  • Why it's got a hole in the middle? It's just wasteage!

  • Now tell us what you actually think of the taste!

  • I love salt beef bagels. I begged them to put me in this video

  • You did

  • That is so good!

  • So good you didn't even finish eating before speaking!

  • Nope, why waste valuable tasting time

  • You got mayonnaise in your beard.

  • Oh my god!

  • It might take a while.

  • But the actual cooking time - minimal.

  • You've got to give this a go.

  • I don't care if it's rude to talk with my mouth full. I'm just so excited about this bagel.

  • I love this!

  • I love them. I like them.

  • which is why you should like our Facebook page - Sorted Food.

  • Swoosh!

If you are looking for salt beef bagels, the kind you'd find in New York in the US or Brick Lane in the UK


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塩ビーフベーグルレシピ - SORTED (Salt Beef Bagel Recipe - SORTED)

  • 129 20
    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日