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  • Slavery, the treatment of human beings as property, deprived of personal rights,

  • has occurred in many forms throughout the world.

  • But one institution stands out for both its global scale and its lasting legacy.

  • The Atlantic slave trade,

  • occurring from the late 15th to the mid 19th century

  • and spanning three continents,

  • forcibly brought more than 10 million Africans to the Americas.

  • The impact it would leave affected not only these slaves

  • and their descendants,

  • but the economies and histories of large parts of the world.

  • There had been centuries of contact between Europe and Africa

  • via the Mediterranean.

  • But the Atlantic slave trade began in the late 1400s

  • with Portuguese colonies in West Africa,

  • and Spanish settlement of the Americas shortly after.

  • The crops grown in the new colon ies, sugar cane, tobacco, and cotton,

  • were labor intensive,

  • and there were not enough settlers or indentured servants

  • to cultivate all the new land.

  • American Natives were enslaved, but many died from new diseases,

  • while others effectively resisted.

  • And so to meet the massive demand for labor,

  • the Europeans looked to Africa.

  • African slavery had existed for centuries in various forms.

  • Some slaves were indentured servants,

  • with a limited term and the chance to buy one's freedom.

  • Others were more like European serfs.

  • In some societies, slaves could be part of a master's family,

  • own land, and even rise to positions of power.

  • But when white captains came offering manufactured goods,

  • weapons, and rum for slaves,

  • African kings and merchants had little reason to hesitate.

  • They viewed the people they sold not as fellow Africans

  • but criminals, debtors, or prisoners of war from rival tribes.

  • By selling them, kings enriched their own realms,

  • and strengthened them against neighboring enemies.

  • African kingdoms prospered from the slave trade,

  • but meeting the European's massive demand created intense competition.

  • Slavery replaced other criminal sentences,

  • and capturing slaves became a motivation for war,

  • rather than its result.

  • To defend themselves from slave raids,

  • neighboring kingdoms needed European firearms,

  • which they also bought with slaves.

  • The slave trade had become an arms race,

  • altering societies and economies across the continent.

  • As for the slaves themselves, they faced unimaginable brutality.

  • After being marched to slave forts on the coast,

  • shaved to prevent lice, and branded,

  • they were loaded onto ships bound for the Americas.

  • About 20% of them would never see land again.

  • Most captains of the day were tight packers,

  • cramming as many men as possible below deck.

  • While the lack of sanitation caused many to die of disease,

  • and others were thrown overboard for being sick,

  • or as discipline,

  • the captain's ensured their profits by cutting off slave's ears

  • as proof of purchase.

  • Some captives took matters into their own hands.

  • Many inland Africans had never seen whites before,

  • and thought them to be cannibals,

  • constantly taking people away and returning for more.

  • Afraid of being eaten, or just to avoid further suffering,

  • they committed suicide or starved themselves,

  • believing that in death, their souls would return home.

  • Those who survived were completley dehumanized,

  • treated as mere cargo.

  • Women and children were kept above deck and abused by the crew,

  • while the men were made to perform dances

  • in order to keep them exercised and curb rebellion.

  • What happened to those Africans who reached the New World

  • and how the legacy of slavery still affects their descendants today

  • is fairly well known.

  • But what is not often discussed

  • is the effect that the Atlantic slave trade had on Africa's future.

  • Not only did the continent lose tens of millions of its able-bodied population,

  • but because most of the slaves taken were men,

  • the long-term demographic effect was even greater.

  • When the slave trade was finally outlawed in the Americas and Europe,

  • the African kingdoms whose economies it had come to dominate collapsed,

  • leaving them open to conquest and colonization.

  • And the increased competition and influx of European weapons

  • fueled warfare and instability that continues to this day.

  • The Atlantic slave trade also contributed to the development of racist ideology.

  • Most African slavery had no deeper reason than legal punishment

  • or intertribal warfare,

  • but the Europeans who preached a universal religion,

  • and who had long ago outlawed enslaving fellow Christians,

  • needed justification for a practice

  • so obviously at odds with their ideals of equality.

  • So they claimed that Africans were biologically inferior

  • and destined to be slaves,

  • making great efforts to justify this theory.

  • Thus, slavery in Europe and the Americas acquired a racial basis,

  • making it impossible for slaves and their future descendants

  • to attain equal status in society.

  • In all of these ways,

  • the Atlantic slave trade was an injustice on a massive scale

  • whose impact has continued long after its abolition.

Slavery, the treatment of human beings as property, deprived of personal rights,


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TED-ED】大西洋の奴隷貿易:あまりにも少ない教科書が教えてくれたこと - アンソニー・ハザード (【TED-Ed】The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you - Anthony Hazard)

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    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日