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  • - So what do you want to do after high school?

  • - Well, I definitely want to stay in California,

  • and my first choice school would be Stanford.

  • USC is way up on there too!

  • - What are you going to do after college?

  • - (sighs) I have no idea.

  • - High School You

  • - College You

  • - High School You vs. College You

  • - High School Punctuality.

  • - Oh no! I can't be late again or I'll get detention!

  • What time it is?

  • - It's 7:58. You've got a couple minutes.

  • - (sighs) Thank God!

  • - College Punctuality.

  • - It is 12:30, sir! You are late!

  • - (laughs) This course is an elective.

  • - High School Angst.

  • - Everyone else here is so stupid.

  • God, I can't wait to get out of this school.

  • - College Angst.

  • - (sighs) Everyone else here is so smart.

  • Asian excellence means nothing in college.

  • - High School Crushes.

  • - (sighs) I love you.

  • - College Crushes.

  • - Hey, Allison!

  • - Oh hi!

  • - How's it going?

  • - High School Drinking.

  • - Guys, got this from my older brother.

  • - College Drinking.

  • - Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Whoa!

  • - Get wasted!

  • - High School Meals.

  • - Are you going to eat all of this for lunch?

  • - Yeah, my mom made it.

  • - College Meals.

  • - Is that all you're going to eat for lunch today?

  • - Yeah, it was like ten cents.

  • - High School Parents.

  • - You can't tell me what to do.

  • No, you shut up! Okay, whatever. Bye!

  • - Who are you talking to?

  • - (sighs) My mom! She's the worst.

  • - College Parents.

  • - Alright, I'll call you as much as I can.

  • Okay, love you too. Bye!

  • - Your mom sounds so cute.

  • - I know. She's the best. I miss her so much.

  • - High School Homework.

  • - Hey, you want to get lunch?

  • - Do you not want me to get into a good school?

  • - College Homework.

  • - Do you want to get lunch?

  • - Umm, yeah, for sure!

  • - High School Fitness.

  • - (sighs) Screw gym class.

  • - College Fitness.

  • - (sighs) Why is everyone here so hot?

  • Jesus! Alright, I'm going to do some push-ups.

  • - High School Friends.

  • - You know, you are the only person that gets me.

  • - Awww, Eugene! Thanks! You're so sweet.

  • - College Friends.

  • - But it's required credit. We have to take it.

  • - I'll take it next semester.

  • - I know. But I feel like--

  • - Post-College

  • - Did you ever talk to Allison?

  • - Yeah, I finally talked to her.

  • - You two are so embarrassing.

  • - Shut-up! You're like what? Almost thirty?

  • - (chuckles) That's like ancient!

  • - I am not that old, excuse me.

  • Hello, respect your elders.

  • - Just ignore him.

  • - Whoa! Listen to me.

  • - God, I was suck a dick! And an ass!

  • - They stand up that way.

  • - No, my hair is not that tall.

- So what do you want to do after high school?


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B1 中級

高校生のあなた対大学のあなた (High School You Vs. College You)

  • 9270 554
    Johnny Tsai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日