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  • Oh! Hi James from engVid.

  • This doesn't happen often, because we usually practice it.

  • Mr. E, who I can’t tell you, usually gives me a thumbs-up signal then I know I have to go

  • Hi, James from engVid’. I was actually looking at the paper, alright, anyway time to do a lesson.

  • If you are at this lesson, it’s because you probably have trouble with vocabulary,

  • and what do I mean you have trouble with vocabulary

  • you are probably saying ‘I learn all these words

  • they teach me these things and within hours, days, weeks I forget everything

  • Well it makes sense, it’s not your fault, it’s not your teacher’s fault, there is a method for things to work

  • I mean there is always a way to make things work a little better than something else.

  • Writing out a word 20 times is not going to help you.

  • Later on if you check we will have the three-U method and that will teach you how to remember vocabulary

  • that you won’t forget it, but right now what I want you to do is master vocabulary and what do I mean by master it.

  • Lot of students don’t take the time to actually get a full picture.

  • Imagine a picture that’s got a rose, and it’s in a beautiful red, it’s glorious, great color

  • you know the sun behind it, you can see everything,

  • now imagine that picture black-and-white, what are you going to miss?

  • You think you have the picture because there is a rose, but do you see the beautiful yellow,

  • no because it’s black-and-white, so there is something missing from that picture

  • and what’s missing from that picture can sometimes be depth, color and brightness.

  • Once you have that it’s hard to forget, because when I said imagine a rose, you imagine it in color

  • maybe with a little water on it, maybe someone holding it, but that’s what you need to remember it.

  • So we are going to work with vocabulary and look at the four things you need to do to say I have mastered vocabulary

  • so this vocabulary belongs to me, okay. Now the number one thing we are going to look at is understand it

  • well what do I mean by understand. Many students open a dictionary, look at a word, look at the definition

  • one definition, and then sayokay I know’, or they look at the four, that’s not it

  • when I say understand it, take that definition, write it out, take a dictionary--ary aryary. special sound effects

  • and write out that definition, then what I suggest is you write one, two or three sentences,

  • right, showing your usage of that word in the proper context.

  • If it has three definitions well guess what, son, bub, you have to do three words,

  • so that means making nine sentences, this sounds like a lot of work,

  • I want you to remember something, don’t do the work now, you have to learn it again later.

  • And what’s worse is if it took, if it takes five minutes to do what I am describing

  • it will take you 20 to 30 minutes to do it later, that’s six times the amount of time because it is hard to do

  • No one said learning a language is easy

  • but it can be fun and it’s very productive and there is something nice about having new vocabulary and having it

  • learning quickly and keeping it. So first thing to understand, write out the definition

  • alright, write out the definition, and when you have the definition then write example sentences, your example sentences, alright

  • Let’s go with the word ceiling for instance, there are two definitions to the word ceiling, number one

  • ceiling is the top of a room, the top part, there is the floor, there is the ceiling,

  • the ceiling is inside the building, roof is on top of the building

  • A second definition for ceiling is the limit of something, the ceiling, you cannot go any higher than this;

  • in business we talk about a glass ceiling, alright, let me talk about, you can only go so far and then no more.

  • I will give you an example, so how would I use it to make sure I understand it,

  • well my first sentence might be for ceiling and a roof, I will paint the walls blue and the ceiling yellow, ceiling yellow,

  • oh god look it is like the sun, got it ceiling is inside, you don’t paint your roof yellow, it’s inside yellow

  • what about the second one, okay, like what the second one is, the limit of something

  • For a salary for instance, so I’d say the ceiling, for my salary at work is $20,000

  • they will not pay me more than that so I need to get a new job, that’s the limit

  • So I’ve written out these definitions, it gives me an understanding and maybe even where I should use it.

  • What about the next one, the next one we are going to do is pronounce. Well how do you pronounce something?

  • Well here is what I usually say, the best way to learn pronunciation is to do phonetics, simple phonetics, break it down.

  • Let’s go back to the word ceiling again, okay, ceiling okay, I would have done this

  • see ling - by the way you spell ceiling like this, but I do not care about how I spell it

  • it is how do I say it, you say see-ling

  • if you are nautical, you like water you might put, sea-ling. Phonetics, how do you say it?

  • These are completely different, but who cares how you spell it,

  • how do I say it because once I get the phonetics for it I can pronounce it, alright

  • Or big C-ling, you get the picture, we can just keeping going, get the phonetics?

  • Do it slowly one part at a time, because if you go see-see-see ling-ling-ling, ceiling

  • then you can put it together and pronounce it properly like a native speaker, you like that, I do

  • I teach my students that all the time, break it down, master each point, put them together only at the end

  • Third, spell it, okay. Spelling is easy, that’s part of vocabulary, right

  • because we have to do vocabulary we both say it and we both write it or

  • I am sorry - we say it, we hear it, we write it, or we read it

  • Spelling, I have many students from parts of the world who cannot spell, so my suggestion is this.

  • Look at the word, you are already looking at the definition, write it out, ten times, write it out and look at it, then go away

  • yes I said it, go away, relax, have a beer, no beer, have a tea, we need you smart right, have a tea

  • talk to your friends come back and then spell it out again.

  • Look what mistakes you made, why did you make those mistakes,

  • there may be grammar rules that will help you with those mistakes, such as I before E, except after C, right.

  • Or when you hadn't, add a letter E after a consonant usually it actually affects the sound of the word inside

  • like fat and fate, becomes long, that’s another rule for another day

  • But the point is check your spelling, so write it out ten times come back later write it out

  • It will help facilitate or help your memory, alright.

  • And finally recognize it, if somebody says to you, ‘oh that ceiling looks really oldand you are going,

  • what is ceiling, I've not heard of this ceiling before’, it’s no good to you, I mean if you can’t pronounce it

  • nobody understands you and you can’t recognize it when someone says it,

  • you don’t know what they are talking about, so how do we do that?

  • Easy, another lesson is, speak slowly, do this, see-ling, we go slowly to get the stress

  • where is the stress, is it c-ling or see-ling learning the stress we are able to

  • when people speak faster pick it up, because when I say, look at the ceiling, it’s C-ling

  • you need those stresses to catch the word, then your brain will catch it

  • So once again I suggest you say it very slowly at least four or five times very

  • very slowly and elongate that word and in the next five times say as fast as you possibly can

  • and say as fast as you possibly can - ceiling, ceiling, ceiling, ceiling

  • because then you are going to get the sounds that you must say in other words the sounds I must say so that you can hear it.

  • If you can do that, when someone saysCeilingyou will know it’s different than I am going seeing

  • going to see something or you are seeing, not seeing, ceiling, you will catch it because you will know there was no ‘L’ stress

  • it must be a different word, you like that, I like it too.

  • So, how to master grammar, that’s the first mistake, this has nothing to do with grammar, son. This is how to master vocabulary

  • So if you've been paying attention you will notice that, but it will stick in your mind

  • see youll recognize it was a mistake and you will understand it’s my fault, okay, but I think it’s a great lesson

  • please take it to heart, try it out, you will be surprised.

  • Actually get off right now, write down five words you've had problems with, go through what I've told you

  • go take the test, because I actually gave a test on this word, ceiling, yeah that’s what I did, ceiling, it’s not only here

  • it’s at the engVid website, so go there, check it out, do what I said, see if you remember what this word means, alright, anyway

  • it’s been fun, with our vocabulary, not grammar lesson.

  • Go to eng as English, vid as video where you can learn this lesson on vocabulary

  • and I have grammar lessons, reading and writing tips the whole kit and caboodle

  • it’s an English idiom for everything. Myself or five other teachers god knows

  • by now maybe 20,000 teachers, go, get there before it’s gone, alright, plenty of vocabulary

  • Ciao!

Oh! Hi James from engVid.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ボキャブラリーをマスターする方法 (How to MASTER your vocabulary)

  • 2921 373
    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日