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Imagine if half the people in your neighborhood, your city,
あなたのご近所や町 国の人口の半数が―
or even your whole country were wiped out.
It might sound like something out of an apocalyptic horror film,
but it actually happened in the 14th century
during a disease outbreak known as the Black Death.
「黒死病」として知られる 伝染病の大流行です
Spreading from China through Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe,
これは中国からアジアを経て 中東 アフリカ ヨーロッパへと広がりました
the devastating epidemic destroyed as much as 1/5 of the world's population,
killing nearly 50% of Europeans in just four years.
たった 4年間でヨーロッパ人口の およそ50%が亡くなりました
One of the most fascinating and puzzling things abut the Black Death
is that the illness itself was not a new phenomenon
この病気自体は 目新しい現象ではなく
but one that has affected humans for centuries.
何世紀にもわたって 人類を脅かしてきたという事です
DNA analysis of bone and tooth samples from this period,
この時期と541年に起こった 「ユスティニアヌスのペスト」流行時の―
as well as an earlier epidemic known as the Plague of Justinian in 541 CE,
has revealed that both were caused by Yersinia pestis,
どちらもペスト菌によって 引き起こされた事がわかりました
the same bacterium that causes bubonic plague today.
現在でも ペストを起こす バクテリアと同じものです
What this means is that the same disease caused by the same pathogen
この事が意味するのは 同じ病原体が引き起こす病気でも
can behave and spread very differently throughout history.
歴史上 全く異なる展開に なりうるという事です
Even before the use of antibiotics, the deadliest oubreaks in modern times,
近代の大流行が まだ抗生物質の使用のない
such as the ones that occurred in early 20th century India,
killed no more than 3% of the population.
亡くなったのは 人口の3%にすぎませんでした
Modern instances of plague also tend to remain localized,
or travel slowly, as they are spread by rodent fleas.
げっ歯類についた ノミによってゆっくりと広がります
But the medieval Black Death, which spread like wildfire,
しかし中世の黒死病は 野火のように広がったため
was most likely communicated directly from one person to another.
恐らく 人を介して広がったと考えられています
And because genetic comparisons of ancient to modern strains of Yersinia pestis
古代と現代のペスト菌の株を 遺伝的に比較してみると
have not revealed any significantly functional genetic differences,
その機能遺伝子に 目立った違いはありませんでした
the key to why the earlier outbreak was so much deadlier
must lie not in the parasite but the host.
寄生する側ではなく 宿主にあったに違いありません
For about 300 years during the High Middle Ages,
a warmer climate and agricultural improvements
had led to explosive population growth throughout Europe.
ヨーロッパ中で 爆発的な人口増加が起こりました
But with so many new mouths to feed,
しかし 必要とする食糧が増えたところで
the end of this warm period spelled disaster.
この温暖な気候が終わってしまうと 悲惨な状況が待っていました
High fertility rates combined with reduced harvest,
meant the land could no longer support its population,
while the abundant supply of labor kept wages low.
過剰な労働力の供給があっては 賃金は上がりません
As a result, most Europeans in the early 14th century
その結果 14世紀初頭のヨーロッパ人の多くは
experienced a steady decline in living standards,
marked by famine, poverty and poor health, leaving them vulnerable to infection.
飢餓に貧困 不安定な健康状態では 感染症にかかりやすくなります
And indeed, the skeletal remains of Black Death victims found in London
ロンドンで見つかった 黒死病犠牲者の骨格は
show telltale signs of malnutrition and prior illness.
栄養失調と何らかの病気に 罹患していた事を示しています
The destruction caused by the Black Death changed humanity in two important ways.
黒死病による破壊は 2つの重要な点で人類を変えました
On a societal level, the rapid loss of population
led to important changes in Europe's economic conditions.
With more food to go around,
as well as more land and better pay for the surviving farmers and workers,
生き残った農民や労働者に 土地と賃金の上昇をもたらしました
people began to eat better and live longer as studies of London cemeteries have shown.
ロンドンの墓地の研究から分かったように 食生活が改善され 長生きできる様になりました
Higher living standards also brought an increase in social mobility,
生活レベルの向上は 階級間の移動をもたらし
weakening feudalism, and eventually leading to political reforms.
封建制を弱め 次第に政治改革へとつながりました
But the plague also had an important biological impact.
黒死病の流行は 生物学的にもインパクトがありました
The sudden death of so many of the most frail and vulnerable people
脆弱で罹患しやすい人々が あまりにも多く急激に亡くなったため
left behind a population with a significantly different gene pool,
including genes that may have helped survivors resist the disease.
And because such mutations often confer immunities
to multiple pathogens that work in similar ways,
research to discover the genetic consequences of the Black Death
has the potential to be hugely beneficial.
Today, the threat of an epidemic on the scale of the Black Death
現在 黒死病規模の 感染症の大流行の脅威は
has been largely eliminated thanks to antibiotics.
But the bubonic plague continues to kill a few thousand people worldwide every year,
しかし ペストは世界で毎年数千人の 犠牲者を出し続けています
and the recent emergence of a drug-resistant strain
threatens the return of darker times.
Learning more about the causes and effects of the Black Death is important,
not just for understanding how our world has been shaped by the past.
過去に社会にもたらされた変化を 理解するだけではなく
It may also help save us from a similar nightmare in the future.
今後 起こるかもしれない 悪夢から逃れるにも大切な事なのです