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Do you want to know how to flirt with a girl that will actually get her interested in you?
Well today, I'm going to talk about six flirting techniques that will guarantee to supercharge
attraction the next time you talk to a girl. Stay tuned. Hey there, Tripp here from TrippAdvice.com
teaching you how to get the girl while still being your genuine self and today, we're talking
about how to flirt with a girl. I know flirting can be confusing and there's a lot to it,
so today, I'm going to help break down the process for you. I'm going to teach you how
to flirt with a girl the right way so you can get her successfully to like you. The
point of flirting isn't just to attract a girl but to let her know that you're interested
too. Now I know I've gone over a few of these concepts in other videos but I don't want
to leave anything out because everything is crucial to getting her attracted. Let's go
over these one by one. Number one, teasing, and no, I'm not talking about negs here. The
last thing I want to do is turn you into some oddball pickup artist. Teasing is playful
banter with a girl. You can crack jokes about something she said, maybe it's her taste in
music or maybe it's what she's doing on the weekend, whatever it is, be playful. The key
to teasing is doing it with a smile. If you don't tease with a smile, then you'll come
off like an asshole and that's the last thing you want to do. Number two, smiling and body
language. Smiling is good not only when you're teasing but also when you're having a conversation
with a girl. So when you combine smiling and good eye contact while having a deep and meaningful
conversation, then you're going to start to build tension between the two of you. That's
what you want. Your body language should be confident and you should be moving closer
to her as you two start to connect. You want to create this imaginary bubble between you
and the girl you're talking to. I see too many students who stand about five feet away
from a girl and they have no chance to make a real connection. And especially at night,
you want to create that bubble, you want to stand about a foot away from her. Number three,
compliments. There's no better way to flirt than dishing out a few compliments. Tell her
you think she's beautiful. Compliment her on something she's wearing. Tell her she has
good tastes in whatever. Compliments. Number four, which is crucial, is touching. Now I'm
going to skip over this one because I've already made a whole video on that because it's so
important right here. So while I wait for you to click that, I'm just going to tell
you that this is so important you don't want to miss this so when you're done watching
this video, go ahead and click on this right here. Number five, listening. Ah, this is
one that most people won't tell you and this one is actually really crucial, and I'll explain
why. When she knows you're paying attention to her and you're commenting on the things
she's saying while you're smiling and while you're giving good eye contact while your
body language is confident, then she's going to be able to tell that you're flirting with
her and this is exactly what you want, so be sure to listen up in conversation. And
last, number six, questions. To further push your intentions with a girl, you want to ask
her deep, emotional questions. For instance, you can ask something like, "If you could
go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?" Get conversation flowing on
a deeper level so you can ensure a solid connection. If you really want to master the art of flirting,
I put together a free video series and it's called the 15 Minute Super Seduction Course
and I want to send this to you absolutely free. All you have to do is click the box
right here or you can click the link in the description below and I'll send it to you
immediately at no cost. So go ahead and click the link in the description box below and
I'll send it to you immediately. Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the
next video.