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  • Most atoms don't ride solo,

  • instead they bond with other atoms.

  • And bonds can form between atoms

  • of the same element

  • or atoms of different elements.

  • You've probably imagined bonding as a tug of war.

  • If one atom is really strong,

  • it can pull one or more electrons

  • off another atom.

  • Then you end up with one negatively charged ion

  • and one positively charged ion.

  • And the attraction between these opposite charges

  • is called an ionic bond.

  • This is the kind of sharing

  • where you just give away your toy to someone else

  • and then never get it back.

  • Table salt, sodium chloride,

  • is held together by ionic bonds.

  • Every atom of sodium gives up one electron

  • to every atom of chlorine,

  • ions are formed,

  • and those ions arrange themselves

  • in a 3D grid called a lattice,

  • in which every sodium ion

  • is bonded to six chloride ions,

  • and every chloride ion is bonded

  • to six sodium ions.

  • The chlorine atoms never give

  • the sodium atoms their electrons back.

  • Now, these transactions aren't always so cut-and-dried.

  • If one atom doesn't completely overwhelm the other,

  • they can actually share each other's electrons.

  • This is like a pot luck

  • where you and a friend each bring a dish

  • and then both of you share both dishes.

  • Each atom is attracted to the shared electrons

  • in between them,

  • and this attraction is called a covalent bond.

  • The proteins and DNA in our bodies,

  • for example,

  • are held together largely by these covalent bonds.

  • Some atoms can covalently bond

  • with just one other atom,

  • others with many more.

  • The number of other atoms

  • one atom can bond with

  • depends on how its electrons are arranged.

  • So, how are electrons arranged?

  • Every atom of a pure, unbonded element

  • is electrically neutral

  • because it contains the same number

  • of protons in the nucleus

  • as it does electrons around the nucleus.

  • And not all of those electrons are available for bonding.

  • Only the outermost electrons,

  • the ones in orbitals furthest from the nucleus,

  • the ones with the most energy,

  • only those participate in bonding.

  • By the way, this applies to ionic bonding too.

  • Remember sodium chloride?

  • Well, the electron that sodium loses

  • is the one furthest from its nucleus,

  • and the orbital that electron occupies

  • when it goes over to chlorine

  • is also the one furthest from its nucleus.

  • But back to covalent bonding.

  • Carbon has four electrons

  • that are free to bond,

  • nitrogen has three,

  • oxygen two.

  • So, carbon is likely to form four bonds,

  • nitrogen three,

  • and oxygen two.

  • Hydrogen only has one electron,

  • so it can only form one bond.

  • In some special cases,

  • atoms can form more bonds

  • than you'd expect,

  • but they better have a really good reason to do so,

  • or things tend to fly apart.

  • Groups of atoms

  • that share electrons covalently with each other

  • are called molecules.

  • They can be small.

  • For example, every molecule of oxygen gas

  • is made up of just two oxygen atoms

  • bonded to each other.

  • Or they could be really, really big.

  • Human chromosome 13 is just two molecules,

  • but each one has over 37 billion atoms.

  • And this neighborhood,

  • this city of atoms,

  • is held together by the humble chemical bond.

Most atoms don't ride solo,


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B2 中上級

TED-ED】原子はどのようにして結合するのか - ジョージ・ザイダンとチャールズ・モートン (【TED-Ed】How atoms bond - George Zaidan and Charles Morton)

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    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日