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  • The rainbow, as we know it, is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet. ROYGBV. I'm ignoring

  • Indigo because, let's be honest. Indigo?

  • But where exactly is violet? Is it at the end here? This dark blue? And what’s this

  • brighter light blue-green? Cyan, perhaps? Why don't we say the rainbow is Red Orange

  • Yellow Green Cyan Blue? ROYGCB

  • Well, we actually do, and weve just forgotten. When Isaac Newton originally observed a rainbow

  • of light split by a prism and made his labeling of the colors as RedOrangeYellowGreenBlueIndigoViolet,

  • the thing he calledbluewas indeed what we would now call blue-green, teal or

  • cyanreminiscent of the color of the blue sky. And what we now tend to call blue, Newton

  • called violet - as in, roses are red, violets are blue. Dark blue. He only included indigo

  • in his fundamental "seven colors of the rainbowso that they would match the number of notes

  • of the western musical scale: Do re mi fa so la tiyeah.

  • Purple and magenta, as we know, don't occur in the rainbow from a prism because they can

  • only be made as a combination of red and blue light, and those are on opposite sides of

  • the rainbownowhere near overlapping. So there’s no purple or hot pink in the

  • rainbow from a prism. Violet is there in theroses are red, violets are BLUEsense,

  • but purple is not.

  • So then why do rainbows in the sky often look like they have purple in them? I suspect sometimes

  • it's an optical illusion whereby nice deep blues in small amounts surrounded by a lighter

  • color appear purplish to our eyes. HOWEVER, sometimes purple and pink really ARE there

  • - because a rainbow is really a rain-disk: each color of sunlight reflects back in a

  • bright-rimmed disc, all of different sizes, which together add up to make a white disk

  • with a colorful rim. But because light is a wave, interference from the raindrops themselves

  • actually gives each disk multiple rings - the familiar outer ring is just the brightest.

  • The others are called "supernumerary rings" and are the source of supernumerary rainbows

  • - the smaller the raindrops, the stronger the supernumerary bows. And if the drops are

  • the right size, the first red supernumerary ring can overlap significantly with the main

  • dark blue ring, and what do red and blue give? Purple!

  • So as the saying goes, roses are red, violets are blue, and purple in a rainbow is a supernumerary

  • hue.

The rainbow, as we know it, is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet. ROYGBV. I'm ignoring


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B2 中上級

これは虹じゃない (This is Not a Rainbow)

  • 295 6
    Yung に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日