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  • Do you want me to talk to your Dad? -Good luck finding him. He's avoiding me like

  • the plague. -Does Alison know? What you think he did to

  • her mom? -It's not the kind of information that I want

  • to arm her with until I know for sure that he did it.

  • So if action is character then who is Alison now?

  • Been reading Fitzgerald? -I've been re-reading Fitzgerald.

  • I already know Alison's story but I find it hard to picture her as a victim.

  • She seems really genuine when she says what she's been through changed her and I want

  • to believe her. -But you don't.

  • Well how can I believe a story that I've been told. I mean if the truth is in the details

  • we still don't know what happened to her. -Well Spencer, we wouldn't be us if we didn't

  • believe in second chances but it's okay to close the door on someone if they're toxic.

  • It's Jenna. -I didn't know you two were talking again.

  • We're not. I haven't talked to her since she moved to New York.

  • Hello? I'll be right there.

  • What's going on? -Shana's dead.

  • She could hardly get out the words but Jenna said she was murdered.

Do you want me to talk to your Dad? -Good luck finding him. He's avoiding me like


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A2 初級

プリティ・リトル・ライアーズ 5x05 スニーク・ピーク #2 - 「ミス・ミー×100」 - シーズン5エピソード5 (Pretty Little Liars 5x05 Sneak Peek #2 - "Miss Me x 100" - Season 5 Episode 5)

  • 14 6
    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日