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  • Okay, who's got food in here?

  • You're not going to get in trouble.

  • I'm hungry.

  • You.

  • What do you got?

  • Mm-hmm.

  • That's what I'm talking about.

  • ( muffled ): Okay.

  • Teach. Teach.

  • Teach.

  • All right, look, here's the deal.

  • I've got a hangover.

  • Who knows what that means?

  • Doesn't that mean you're drunk?

  • No. It means I was drunk yesterday.

  • It means you're an alcoholic.

  • Wrong.

  • You wouldn't come to work hungover

  • Unless you were an alcoholic.

  • Dude, you got a disease.

  • Hmm. Hmm.

  • What's your name?

  • Freddy jones.

  • Hmm. Freddy jones, shut up.

  • ( laughter )

  • ( quietly ): Shut up.

  • The point is,

  • You all can just chill today.

  • We'll start on this crap-ola tomorrow.

  • Yes, tinkerbell?

  • Summer.

  • As class factotum,

  • First, I'd like to just say welcome to horace green.

  • Thank you.

  • Do you have any questions about our schedule?

  • 'cause usually now ms. Dunham teaches vocabulary,

  • Then gives us a pop quiz,

  • Then she'll split us up into our reading groups.

  • Track b is...

  • Okay, hey, hey, hey.

  • Miss dumbum ain't your teacher today, I am,

  • And I got a headache and the runs,

  • So I say-- time for recess.

  • But mr. S., that poster charts everyone's performance.

  • We get gold stars when we master the material

  • Covered in class.

  • How do we get gold stars

  • If we just have recess?

  • What are these black dots here?

  • Demerits.

  • What kind of a sick school is this?

  • Hmm?

  • ( gasping )

  • Yeah?

  • As long as I'm here,

Okay, who's got food in here?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

スクール・オブ・ロック (2/10) Movie CLIP - Hung Over (2003) HD (The School of Rock (2/10) Movie CLIP - Hung Over (2003) HD)

  • 282 11
    fisher に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日