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  • Hi everybody. So my name is Mac.

    翻訳: Yoshika Taso 校正: Claire Ghyselen

  • My job is that I lie to children,

    皆さんこんにちは マックといいます

  • but they're honest lies.

    私の仕事は 子どもに嘘をつく事です

  • I write children's books,

    ただし それは誠実な嘘です

  • and there's a quote from Pablo Picasso,


  • "We all know that Art is not truth.


  • Art is a lie that makes us realize truth

    “我々はみな芸術が 真実ではないことを知っている

  • or at least the truth that is given us to understand.

    芸術は我々に 真実を悟らせる嘘でありー

  • The artist must know the manner whereby

    少なくとも 我々が理解するために 与えられる真実で

  • to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies."

    芸術家は 自分の嘘の誠実さをー

  • I first heard this when I was a kid,

    他の人たちに納得させるような方法を 知っていなければならない”

  • and I loved it,

    この言葉に初めて出会った時 まだ子どもでしたがー

  • but I had no idea what it meant.


  • (Laughter)

    でも 意味は分かりませんでした

  • So I thought, you know what, it's what I'm here


  • to talk to you today about, though,

    という訳で 私はここにいるのです

  • truth and lies, fiction and reality.

    つまり 皆さんに今日お話しするのはー

  • So how could I untangle

    “真実と虚” “物語と現実” についてです

  • this knotted bunch of sentences?

    さて この謎めいた言葉の意味を

  • And I said, I've got PowerPoint. Let's do a Venn diagram.


  • ["Truth. Lies."] (Laughter)

    パワーポイントを使って ベン図で示してみましょう

  • So there it is, right there, boom.

    [ “真実” “嘘” ] (笑)

  • We've got truth and lies


  • and then there's this little space,


  • the edge, in the middle.


  • That liminal space, that's art.


  • All right. Venn diagram. (Laughter) (Applause)

    あの境界域 あれが芸術です

  • But that's actually not very helpful either.

    さすが ベン図です (笑)(拍手)

  • The thing that made me understand

    ただ あまり役に立ちません

  • that quote and really kind of what art,


  • at least the art of fiction, was,

    ピカソの格言や いわゆる芸術

  • was working with kids.


  • I used to be a summer camp counselor.


  • I would do it on my summers off from college,

    昔 大学時代に夏休みを利用して

  • and I loved it.


  • It was a sports summer camp


  • for four- to six-year-olds.


  • I was in charge of the four-year-olds,


  • which is good, because

    私は 4歳児の世話を任されました

  • four-year-olds can't play sports, and neither can I.

    都合がよかった 何故ならー

  • (Laughter)

    彼らも私も 競技できないからです

  • I play sports at a four-year-old level,


  • so what would happen is the kids would

    私の運動神経は 4歳レベルです

  • dribble around some cones, and then got hot,

    キャンプで 子どもたちはー

  • and then they would go sit underneath the tree


  • where I was already sitting — (Laughter) —

    そして暑くなると 木陰で休憩しますが

  • and I would just make up stories and tell them to them

    そこには私が先に休んでいたのです (笑)

  • and I would tell them stories about my life.

    そして 彼らに 物語を聞かせました

  • I would tell them about how, on the weekends,


  • I would go home and I would spy for the Queen of England.

    例えば 週末になると実家に帰りー

  • And soon, other kids


  • who weren't even in my group of kids,

    すると すぐに他の子どもたちが来ます

  • they would come up to me, and they would say,


  • "You're Mac Barnett, right?

    集まって来て こう言うのです

  • You're the guy who spies for the Queen of England."


  • And I had been waiting my whole life for strangers

    イングランド女王の スパイなんでしょう?”

  • to come up and ask me that question.

    私は 見ず知らずの人がー

  • In my fantasy, they were svelte Russian women,

    この質問をしてくれるのを ずっと待っていました

  • but, you know, four-year-olds

    空想の中では すらりとしたロシア女性ですが

  • you take what you can get in Berkeley, California.


  • And I realized that the stories that I was telling

    カリフォルニアのバークレーでは こんなところでしょう

  • were real in this way that was familiar to me

    そして話しているうちに 気づいたんです

  • and really exciting.

    物語の中の現実には どことなく馴染みがありー

  • I think the pinnacle of this for me — I'll never forget this


  • there was this little girl named Riley. She was tiny,

    私にとって 忘れられない 出来事があります

  • and she used to always take out her lunch every day

    ライリーという 小さな女の子がいてー

  • and she would throw out her fruit.

    毎日 お昼ご飯をもって来てはー

  • She would just take her fruit,

    その中の果物を 捨てていました

  • her mom packed her a melon every day,


  • and she would just throw it in the ivy

    お母さんが 毎日 持たせたメロンを

  • and then she would eat fruit snacks


  • and pudding cups, and I was like, "Riley,

    でも フルーツのグミは 食べていました

  • you can't do that, you have to eat the fruit."

    それとプリンも 私はこう言いました “ライリー

  • And she was like, "Why?"

    そんなことしちゃダメだよ 果物も食べないと”

  • And I was like, "Well, when you throw the fruit in the ivy,

    すると彼女は “どうして?” と

  • pretty soon, it's going to be overgrown with melons,"

    そこで私は “だって そうやって捨てているとー

  • which is why I think I ended up

    いまに あちこちに メロンができちゃうよ”

  • telling stories to children and not being a nutritionist for children.


  • And so Riley was like, "That will never happen.

    私は 子どもの栄養士ではなく 児童文学作家になりました

  • That's not going to happen."

    ライリーは言い返しました “そんなこと 起こりっこないわ

  • And so, on the last day of camp,


  • I got up early and I got a big cantaloupe

    そこで キャンプの最終日

  • from the grocery store

    早起きして スーパーに行きー

  • and I hid it in the ivy,


  • and then at lunchtime, I was like,

    そして ツタの中に隠しました

  • "Riley, why don't you go over there and see what you've done."

    お昼ご飯の時間になると 彼女に こう言ったんですー

  • And — (Laughter) —

    “ライリー あそこに行って 自分が何をしたか見てごらん”

  • she went trudging through the ivy, and then her eyes

    するとー (笑)

  • just got so wide, and she pointed out this melon

    彼女はツタの辺りまで てくてく歩いていきました

  • that was bigger than her head,

    そして目を見開いて 自分の頭よりも

  • and then all the kids ran over there and rushed around her,


  • and one of the kids was like, "Hey,

    子どもたちは みんな 彼女に駆け寄ってきました

  • why is there a sticker on this?"

    すると一人が言いました “ねえー

  • (Laughter)

    どうしてメロンに ステッカーが貼ってあるの?”

  • And I was like, "That is also why I say


  • do not throw your stickers in the ivy.

    私はこう答えました “だから言っただろう?

  • Put them in the trash can. It ruins nature when you do this."

    ステッカーをツタの中に 捨てちゃダメだって

  • And Riley carried that melon around with her all day,

    ちゃんとゴミ箱に捨てないと 自然破壊になっちゃうぞ”

  • and she was so proud.

    ライリーは 一日中 あのメロンを持ち歩きー

  • And Riley knew she didn't grow a melon in seven days,


  • but she also knew that she did,

    彼女は7日ではメロンが育たないことを 知っていました

  • and it's a weird place,

    でも 同時に彼女が育てたことも 分かっていました

  • but it's not just a place that kids can get to.


  • It's anything. Art can get us to that place.

    そこは子どもだけの 空間ではありません

  • She was right in that place in the middle,


  • that place which you could call art or fiction.

    あの時 彼女の想像力は フル回転していました

  • I'm going to call it wonder.


  • It's what Coleridge called the willing suspension of disbelief

    これを“不思議” と呼ぶ事にしましょう

  • or poetic faith,

    コールリッジの 不信の自発的停止ー

  • for those moments where a story, no matter how strange,


  • has some semblance of the truth,

    どんなに不思議でも 物語のある所にはー

  • and then you're able to believe it.


  • It's not just kids who can get there.


  • Adults can too, and we get there when we read.

    その場所へ 子どもも大人もー

  • It's why in two days, people will be


  • descending on Dublin to take the walking tour

    だからこそ 私たちは 2日間に渡ってー

  • of Bloomsday and see everything that happened in "Ulysses,"

    ブルームの日に因み ダブリンの ウォーキングツアーに参加します

  • even though none of that happened.

    実際は何も起こっていないのに 『ユリシーズ』の世界に

  • Or people go to London and they visit Baker Street


  • to see Sherlock Holmes' apartment,


  • even though 221B is just a number that was painted

    シャーロックホームズの アパートを訪れます

  • on a building that never actually had that address.


  • We know these characters aren't real,

    存在しないと 分かっていても

  • but we have real feelings about them,


  • and we're able to do that.

    私たちは 彼らの存在を感じー

  • We know these characters aren't real,


  • and yet we also know that they are.

    彼らが架空の登場人物であると 知りながらもー

  • Kids can get there a lot more easily than adults can,

    その存在は 現実味を帯びています

  • and that's why I love writing for kids.

    子どもの方が 大人に比べ その世界に入りやすい

  • I think kids are the best audience


  • for serious literary fiction.


  • When I was a kid,


  • I was obsessed with secret door novels,


  • things like "Narnia,"

    秘密の扉が出てくる小説に ハマっていました

  • where you would open a wardrobe and go through to a magical land.


  • And I was convinced that secret doors really did exist

    衣装ダンスの奥に隠れた扉を開き 魔法の国に行くのです

  • and I would look for them and try to go through them.


  • I wanted to live and cross over into that fictional world, which is

    扉があれば 試していました

  • I would always just open people's closet doors. (Laughter)

    現実を超えた 空想の世界に憧れてー

  • I would just go through my mom's boyfriend's closet,

    いろんな家のクローゼットの扉を 片っ端から開けました (笑)

  • and there was not a secret magical land there.

    母のボーイフレンドの クローゼットも試しました

  • There was some other weird stuff that I think my mom should know about.

    でも そこで目にしたのは 秘密の魔法の国ではなくー

  • (Laughter)

    ちょっと意外なモノで これは母に知らせねば と思い

  • And I was happy to tell her all about it.


  • After college, my first job was working


  • behind one of these secret doors.

    大学を卒業後 初めて就いた仕事はー

  • This is a place called 826 Valencia.


  • It's at 826 Valencia Street


  • in the Mission in San Francisco,


  • and when I worked there, there was a publishing company

    サンフランシスコ ミッション地区にあります

  • headquartered there called McSweeney's,

    当時 そこにはー

  • a nonprofit writing center called 826 Valencia,

    マックスウィーニーという 出版社の本部と

  • but then the front of it

    “826バレンシア” という 非営利の学習支援センターがありました

  • was a strange shop.

    ただ 入り口付近はー

  • You see, this place was zoned retail,

    変わった店が 構えていました

  • and in San Francisco, they were not going to give us a variance,


  • and so the writer who founded it, a writer named Dave Eggers,

    サンフランシスコでは 特例許可が下りませんでした

  • to come into compliance with code, he said, "Fine,

    そこで 作家で創立者の デイブ・エガーズはー

  • I'm just going to build a pirate supply store."

    条例に従って こう言いました  “よしー

  • And that's what he did. (Laughter)


  • And it's beautiful. It's all wood.

    これが その店内です (笑)

  • There's drawers you can pull out and get citrus


  • so you don't get scurvy.

    タンスの引き出しには ミカンがあるのでー

  • They have eyepatches in lots of colors,


  • because when it's springtime, pirates want to go wild.


  • You don't know. Black is boring. Pastel.

    ほら 海賊は春に熱狂しがちでしょう?

  • Or eyes, also in lots of colors,

    “黒色はつまらない パステルでいこう”

  • just glass eyes, depending on how you want

    義眼も このとおり

  • to deal with that situation.


  • And the store, strangely,


  • people came to them and bought things,

    不思議と 人々はー

  • and they ended up paying the rent

    この海賊用品店で 買い物をします

  • for our tutoring center, which was behind it,

    その売上高は 店の裏のー

  • but to me, more important was the fact

    支援センターの家賃を 賄うまでになりました

  • that I think the quality of work you do,

    ですが 私にとって重要なのはー

  • kids would come and get instruction in writing,

    自分たちが手がける 仕事の質です

  • and when you have to walk this weird, liminal, fictional space like this to go do your writing,

    子どもたちは書くことを習いに ここに やって来る訳ですがー

  • it's going to affect the kind of work that you make.

    この一風変わった空間から 執筆の世界に移動することはー

  • It's a secret door that you can walk through.

    作品の内容に かなりの影響をもたらします

  • So I ran the 826 in Los Angeles,

    秘密の扉を通り抜けるー そんな気持ちになります

  • and it was my job to build the store down there.

    それで “826ロサンゼルス” を 運営することにしました

  • So we have The Echo Park Time Travel Mart.


  • That's our motto: "Whenever you are, we're already then."

    そして『エコーパーク タイムトラベルマート』を作りました

  • (Laughter)

    モットーは “お客様が来れば 私たちはいつでもそこに”

  • And it's on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles.


  • Our friendly staff is ready to help you.

    ロスのサンセットブールバードの 大通りに面した建物で

  • They're from all eras,

    時空を超えてやって来た 親切なスタッフが

  • including just the 1980s, that guy on the end,


  • he's from the very recent past.

    左端の男性は 1980年代から来ました

  • There's our Employees of the Month,


  • including Genghis Khan, Charles Dickens.

    これは “月間優秀社員リスト”

  • Some great people have come up through our ranks.

    チンギス・カン に チャールズ・ディケンズ

  • This is our kind of pharmacy section.


  • We have some patent medicines,

    これは いわゆる薬局でー

  • Canopic jars for your organs,


  • communist soap that says,

    ミイラのお供に “カノピック壷”

  • "This is your soap for the year." (Laughter)

    “共産主義 石けん” の売り文句はー

  • Our slushy machine broke

    “今年の石けんは これで決まり” (笑)

  • on the opening night and we didn't know what to do.

    開店初日に フローズンドリンク マシンがー

  • Our architect was covered in red syrup.

    壊れてしまい 私たちは 途方に暮れました

  • It looked like he had just murdered somebody,

    あるスタッフは いちごシロップにまみれー

  • which it was not out of the question

    まるで返り血を浴びた 殺人者のようでした

  • for this particular architect,


  • and we didn't know what to do.


  • It was going to be the highlight of our store.

    とにかく 直らないんです

  • So we just put that sign on it that said,

    “どうしようー うちのイチオシなのに”

  • "Out of order. Come back yesterday." (Laughter)

    仕方なく貼り紙で ごまかしました

  • And that ended up being a better joke than slushies,

    “故障中 昨日来て下さい” (笑)

  • so we just left it there forever.

    結局 フローズンドリンク以上に 好評だったので

  • Mammoth Chunks. These things weigh, like, seven pounds each.

    今でも あのままです

  • Barbarian repellent. It's full of salad

    “マンモス肉” 一つ 7キロ

  • and potpourrithings that barbarians hate.

    “原始人よけスプレー” サラダとポプリ入り

  • Dead languages.


  • (Laughter)

    [ “ラテン語” “コプト語” ] 死語

  • Leeches, nature's tiny doctors.


  • And Viking Odorant, which comes in lots of great scents:

    “ヒル”ー 自然界の 小さなお医者さん

  • toenails, sweat and rotten vegetables, pyre ash.

    “バイキング臭” の 原材料は様々で

  • Because we believe that Axe Body Spray

    足の爪、汗、腐った野菜 それから薪ストーブの灰

  • is something that you should only find on the battlefield,

    ほら AXE(斧)のボディスプレーは

  • not under your arms. (Laughter)


  • And these are robot emotion chips,

    脇の下ではなく (笑)

  • so robots can feel love or fear.

    これは “ロボット感情チップ” でー

  • Our biggest seller is Schadenfreude,


  • which we did not expect.

    ヒット商品は “他人の不幸”

  • (Laughter)


  • We did not think that was going to happen.


  • But there's a nonprofit behind it,


  • and kids go through a door that says "Employees Only"

    店の裏には 支援センターがあります

  • and they end up in this space

    子どもたちは “スタッフ専用” の扉を抜けてー

  • where they do homework and write stories


  • and make films and this is a book release party

    そこで 宿題をしたり物語を書いたり

  • where kids will read.

    映画も作ります これは子どもたちが朗読する

  • There's a quarterly that's published


  • with just writing that's done by the kids


  • who come every day after school,


  • and we have release parties

    毎日 物語を書きます

  • and they eat cake and read for their parents

    そして ケーキでお祝いしー

  • and drink milk out of champagne glasses.


  • And it's a very special space,

    シャンパングラスに 牛乳で乾杯します

  • because it's this weird space in the front.

    そこは 特別な空間です

  • The joke isn't a joke.


  • You can't find the seams on the fiction,


  • and I love that. It's this little bit of fiction

    二つの空間に 継ぎ目はありません

  • that's colonized the real world.

    紛れもなく 小さな物語がー

  • I see it as kind of a book in three dimensions.


  • There's a term called metafiction,


  • and that's just stories about stories,

    これを “メタフィクション” といいー

  • and meta's having a moment now.

    “物語についての物語” を意味します

  • Its last big moment was probably in the 1960s

    “メタ” は 読者が 目を通す今をいいます

  • with novelists like John Barth and William Gaddis,

    最近の文学では 1960年代のー

  • but it's been around.

    ジョン・バースや ウィリアム・ギャディスの物語が

  • It's almost as old as storytelling itself.


  • And one metafictive technique


  • is breaking the fourth wall. Right?

    また ある技巧によりー

  • It's when an actor will turn to the audience

    “第四の壁を破る” ことができます

  • and say, "I am an actor,

    すると 役者は観客を意識し あたかも こう語りかけますー

  • these are just rafters."


  • And even that supposedly honest moment,

    全部お芝居なんです” と

  • I would argue, is in service of the lie,

    問題は その空間が 真実であるにも関わらずー

  • but it's supposed to foreground the artificiality

    “偽りの奉仕” と 見なされてしまう事です

  • of the fiction.

    でも偽りの物語が 浮き彫りになるのが

  • For me, I kind of prefer the opposite.


  • If I'm going to break down the fourth wall,


  • I want fiction to escape


  • and come into the real world.


  • I want a book to be a secret door that opens


  • and lets the stories out into reality.

    秘密の扉を開いて 現実の世界へ いざなう物語ー

  • And so I try to do this in my books.


  • And here's just one example.

    そこで やってみました

  • This is the first book that I ever made.


  • It's called "Billy Twitters and his Blue Whale Problem."


  • And it's about a kid who gets a blue whale as a pet

    『ビリー・ツイッターと シロナガスクジラ問題』という本は

  • but it's a punishment

    子どもがシロナガスクジラを 世話する話です

  • and it ruins his life.

    ただし おしおき としてで

  • So it's delivered overnight by FedUp.


  • (Laughter)

    ある日クジラが FedUp (くたびれ) 社から配達されます

  • And he has to take it to school with him.


  • He lives in San Francisco

    とにかく学校にクジラを 連れて行く訳ですがー

  • very tough city to own a blue whale in.


  • A lot of hills, real estate is at a premium.


  • This market's crazy, everybody.

    無数の丘に プレミアム付きの不動産物件

  • But underneath the jacket is this case,


  • and that's the cover underneath the book, the jacket,

    この本を書いた時 ある事をしました

  • and there's an ad


  • that offers a free 30-day risk-free trial


  • for a blue whale.


  • And you can just send in a self-addressed stamped envelope


  • and we'll send you a whale.

    切手を貼った自分宛の 封筒を同封すれば

  • And kids do write in.

    クジラをお届けします” と

  • So here's a letter. It says, "Dear people,

    すると子どもたちは 手紙を書きます

  • I bet you 10 bucks you won't send me a blue whale.

    ご紹介しましょう “皆さんへー

  • Eliot Gannon (age 6)."

    シロナガスクジラが送られない事に 10ドル賭けます

  • (Laughter) (Applause)

    エリオット・ギャノン (6歳)より”

  • So what Eliot and the other kids


  • who send these in get back

    こうやってエリオットや 他の子どもたちがー

  • is a letter in very small print from a Norwegian law firm


  • (Laughter) —

    ノルウェーの法律事務所からの 小さな活字で綴られた手紙です (笑)

  • that says that due to a change in customs laws,

    ノルウェーの法律事務所からの 小さな活字で綴られた手紙です (笑)

  • their whale has been held up in Sognefjord,

    “関税法の変更により 君のクジラはー

  • which is a very lovely fjord,


  • and then it just kind of talks about Sognefjord


  • and Norwegian food for a little while. It digresses.

    こうやって フィヨルドやー

  • (Laughter)

    北欧の食べ物の話で 本題からそれます

  • But it finishes off by saying that


  • your whale would love to hear from you.

    ただし 終わりにこう綴りますー

  • He's got a phone number,

    “君のクジラは 君と お話しをしたがっています

  • and you can call and leave him a message.

    だから この番号に電話して

  • And when you call and leave him a message,


  • you just, on the outgoing message,

    子どもたちが クジラに電話するとー

  • it's just whale sounds and then a beep,


  • which actually sounds a lot like a whale sound.

    クジラの鳴き声と ピーッという音です

  • And they get a picture of their whale too.


  • So this is Randolph,

    すると 子どもたちは 自分のクジラをイメージします

  • and Randolph belongs to a kid named Nico


  • who was one of the first kids to ever call in,

    ランドルフの飼い主は ニコといいー

  • and I'll play you some of Nico's message.


  • This is the first message I ever got from Nico.


  • (Audio) Nico: Hello, this is Nico.


  • I am your owner, Randolph. Hello.

    (音声)ニコ: “こんにちは 僕はニコだよ

  • So this is the first time I can ever talk to you,

    君の主人だよ ランドルフ こんにちは

  • and I might talk to you soon another day. Bye.


  • Mac Barnett: So Nico called back, like, an hour later.

    また今度 電話するよ さよなら”

  • (Laughter)

    マック:そして 1時間後 ニコから電話がありました

  • And here's another one of Nico's messages.


  • (Audio) Nico: Hello, Randolph, this is Nico.


  • I haven't talked to you for a long time,

    (音声)ニコ: “こんにちは ランドルフ ニコだよ

  • but I talked to you on Saturday or Sunday,

    長い間 お話ししなかったね

  • yeah, Saturday or Sunday,

    でも土曜日か日曜日に お話ししたね

  • so now I'm calling you again


  • to say hello and I wonder what you're doing right now,

    だから今日 電話してみたよ

  • and I'm going to probably call you again

    元気?今 何をしてるの?

  • tomorrow or today,


  • so I'll talk to you later. Bye.


  • MB: So he did, he called back that day again.

    また後で バイ”

  • He's left over 25 messages for Randolph

    マック:そして数時間後 ニコから電話がありました

  • over four years.

    ニコは ランドルフに4年間でー

  • You find out all about him


  • and the grandma that he loves


  • and the grandma that he likes a little bit less

    彼の大好きな お婆ちゃんやー

  • (Laughter) —

    それ程 好きでない お婆ちゃんの姿も

  • and the crossword puzzles that he does,


  • and this is — I'll play you one more message from Nico.

    またクロスワードパズルをする 彼の姿も

  • This is the Christmas message from Nico.


  • [Beep] (Audio) Nico: Hello, Randolph,

    ニコからのクリスマス メッセージです

  • sorry I haven't talked to you in a long time.

    (ビープ音) (音声)ニコ: “こんにちは ランドルフ

  • It's just that I've been so busy

    長い間 電話できなくて ごめんね

  • because school started,


  • as you might not know, probably,


  • since you're a whale, you don't know,


  • and I'm calling you to just say,

    多分 知らないと思うけど

  • to wish you a merry Christmas.


  • So have a nice Christmas,

    メリークリスマスを 伝えたかったんだ

  • and bye-bye, Randolph. Goodbye.


  • MB: I actually got Nico,

    バイバイ ランドルフ さようなら”

  • I hadn't heard from in 18 months,


  • and he just left a message two days ago.

    18ヶ月間 電話してきませんでした

  • His voice is completely different,

    これは 2日前に残したメッセージです

  • but he put his babysitter on the phone,


  • and she was very nice to Randolph as well.


  • But Nico's the best reader I could hope for.

    ランドルフに とても優しく 話しかけていました

  • I would want anyone I was writing for


  • to be in that place emotionally


  • with the things that I create.


  • I feel lucky. Kids like Nico are the best readers,


  • and they deserve the best stories we can give them.

    ニコのような読者に 出会えた私は幸せです

  • Thank you very much.

    彼らは 最高の本を読むに ふさわしい読者です

  • (Applause)


Hi everybody. So my name is Mac.

翻訳: Yoshika Taso 校正: Claire Ghyselen


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