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  • Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and in this podcast I'm going to talk about all of

  • molecular biology. Before I get there I want to talk about a story close to home. In the

  • 1970s some researchers went to Yellowstone Park. They were in the geyser basin. They

  • pulled these bacteria out called thermus aquaticus and from that they pulled out an enzyme called

  • taq polymerase. That means thermos aquatic polymerase or the DNA polymerase found in

  • this bacteria. Cool thing about it is that it can handle really high temperatures and

  • survive. And the whole genetic engineering molecular biology is built upon this enzyme.

  • So we're talking about trillions of dollars. How much of that goes back into Yellowstone

  • Park? None. And so they've changed their policy on that. But it's a great way to kind of frame

  • this idea of molecular biology and how important it is. When I was thinking of how I wanted

  • to explain this in a way that makes sense I always kind of fall back on an analogy.

  • And so basically what I want to talk about is how we've gone over the last 30 or 40 years

  • to the point where we now know all the DNA inside a human. And so basically think about

  • it this way. Imagine if you look at these magazines right here there's a whole bunch

  • of information that's found inside here. There's a whole bunch of text inside here. And basically

  • if could I take all of the text that I want and make something out of it, like a really

  • cool ransom note, then I would be manipulating that text. And so I want to kind of use this

  • as an analogy for what we've done in molecular biology. And so what was the first thing that

  • was ever done? Well the first ransom note ever in the terms of molecular biology looked

  • something like this. And you might say that's not very impressive. Basically what is it?

  • It's like cutting out letters from a magazine but turning it upside down so you can't see

  • the letters. And so what was the first thing that we were able to do is we were able to

  • cut the DNA. And we do that using a restriction enzyme. But you should think of a restriction

  • enzyme like a scissors. It's able to cut the DNA. How do we paste DNA? Well basically to

  • paste DNA the glue stick equivalent of that is hydrogen bond. DNA will just come back

  • together again once it's been cut because of the hydrogen bonds. What's the next ransom

  • note? Well it would look something like this. Basically it was the first recombinant DNA.

  • We took DNA from a frog if I remember right. And a bacteria. And they were able to combine

  • those two using this hydrogen bonding. But again, a not very impressive ransom note.

  • Next thing that happened was something like this. So you can see in here that what we're

  • doing is actually ordering these little fragments cut out of a magazine from small to large.

  • But again you can't see what the letters are. So that's called gel electrophoresis. And

  • then we developed something called PCR, polymerase chain reaction, where we made a copy of that.

  • And so if this is that original, in PCR we make a duplicate of that. And we make an exact

  • duplicate. So every duplicate that we make from that is going to be exactly the same.

  • And that's what PCR does. It makes copies of DNA that's exactly the same. Okay. What's

  • the next advancement? Well the advent of the markers. So markers are basically going to

  • be a little section of DNA that marks that specific DNA. So if you've read that they've

  • found the marker or the genetic marker for breast cancer, that means that there is a

  • piece of DNA that's inherited by all people who have this genetically based breast cancer.

  • And then finally we get to where we are today. So right now we've used DNA sequencers to

  • figure out all of the letters inside our DNA. But it's hieroglyphics. In other words you

  • can't really read what it means. We know what all the letters are but we don't know where

  • the genes or what the genes express. In other words what proteins they make. And so when

  • we look at this ransom note, this is the future. This is where we want to get but we're still

  • quite a ways out. And so basically going back to the big things in this talk that you'll

  • need to remember. First one is the scissors. The role of the scissors will be played by

  • restriction enzymes. The roll of the glue will be hydrogen bonds that are found within

  • the DNA. The ruler or the measuring device is something called gel electrophoresis. To

  • copy that we use the polymerase chain reaction. And then to actually read it we use something

  • called a DNA sequencer or a gene sequencer. It's going to look at all of the letters even

  • though we might not know what they do, we can find them right now. So let's start with

  • the scissors. \b

  • \b0 And that's the restriction enzyme. Where do restriction enzymes come from? Well basically

  • they come from bacteria. Because bacteria have been locked in this million year war

  • with viruses. And the viruses you can see inject their DNA into the bacteria DNA. And

  • they make more viruses. And so how do you fight back? Well basically what they do is

  • they methylate their DNA. First of all what does methylate mean? You basically add a methyl

  • group to all of their DNA from the bacteria to protect it. And then they're going to secrete

  • these or create these restriction enzymes. And what the enzymes do is they chop up or

  • cut DNA. Since all of the bacterial DNA is protected by these methyl groups what it's

  • really going to chop up is all this foreign DNA. And so all of that viral DNA is broken

  • apart. And then the bacteria after it's done that can return to its specific shape. So

  • let me show you how restriction enzyme works. So if this is a section of DNA a real common

  • restriction enzyme is something called Eco R1. It come from the word E. coli. And this

  • is a restriction enzyme 1. And basically what it will do is it'll scan the DNA until it

  • finds this specific sequence and it's literally going to cut it in half. And so if I were

  • to find that, where is that going to be up here? Well you can see we have a G A A T.

  • So it's going to cut right like that through here. It's going to go all the way to the

  • end. And it's going to cut it in half like that. And so if we take a look at that basically

  • what will it do? It will break that into two fragments. If we take another one. Oh. Did

  • you see that? It came right back together again. So what brings it back together again?

  • There are going to be little hydrogen bonds here between those two end. And in fact we

  • call this a sticky end and this a stick end. Because there are going to be hydrogen bonds

  • that form between the two. And so once the enzyme's gone, it comes right back together

  • again. If we were to look at another one, this is the HindIII enzyme. Basically it's

  • going to cut between these two As. And so it would cut it right here. All the way down

  • here. And it's going to cut it into two fragments like that. If we apply that enzyme that was

  • found in this specific type of a bacteria, if it goes away then it comes right back together

  • again. What if we add both of those enzymes? What's it going to do? Well it's going to

  • cut it in two points or two restriction sites and then we're going to have 3 fragments that

  • come from that. So those are restriction enzymes. What do we use them for? In molecular biology

  • basically to cut DNA and then to glue it back together again. All you need is hydrogen bonds.

  • And so the first recombinant DNA, that of a frog and a bacteria, how did they get together?

  • Basically they cut them both with the same enzyme. They had the same sticky ends and

  • then they were able to come back together again. What's the next one that we have to

  • do? So what we've done is shown you how to cut. That's a restriction enzyme. How to glue.

  • That's hydrogen bond. Now we have to figure out how to separate the DNA according to its

  • length. And so to do that let me talk about Pachinko machines. Pachinko machines are essentially

  • these vertical machines that are really popular in Japan. You put a ball up at the top. You

  • usually flick the ball up at the top. And then that ball is going to bounce down. And

  • if it eventually goes where you want it to go, if it eventually goes into a little cup

  • down here at the bottom, then you might get more of those balls back. But in that case

  • you wouldn't. So imagine a game of Pachinko where we had one ball like this that's bouncing

  • its way down. And then we had instead of another ball we had like eight balls that are attached

  • together. So something like that. So what would happen to them if we dropped them in

  • a Pachinko machine? Does it make sense that they are sometimes going to go slower. They're

  • going to wrap around. It's going to take them way longer to get down to the bottom. And

  • so the single Pachinko ball would already be at the bottom where this big chain of Pachinko

  • balls hasn't even made it very far. And so how does that apply in DNA? Well think of

  • DNA instead of Pachinko. So basically if we were to take a small fragment of DNA it's

  • going to work it's way farther down through that Pachinko machine sooner than one of these

  • big fragments. And again we don't use Pachinko machines but we do you gel electrophoresis.

  • And so how does this work? Basically inside you have a gel. The gel is kind of the consistency

  • of jello. It's going to have little wells on one side where you insert the DNA. And

  • what's pulling the DNA? Well in a Pachinko machine it's going to be the gravity. But

  • here you can see that there is a red cable. That means there's a positive charge on this

  • end. So there's a positive electrode all the way across. There's going to be a negative

  • electrode. You can see it right back here on this side. So basically the DNA is going

  • to migrate across that gel. DNA has a negative charge which is going to be pulled towards

  • the positive end. And so if we look at this. This is kind of a, if you've ever heard of

  • like a DNA fingerprint. What's going on? Well basically the DNA is going to be pulled in

  • this direction. You could say this. Since it's been on for awhile that this fragment

  • right here is going to be bigger than this fragment right here. Because this small fragment

  • has made its way farther from these original wells where it was up here. And lots of times

  • you'll run a ladder as well. A ladder is a bunch of DNA with known distances or known

  • quantities. And so you can read across and see how big is that? How many nucleotide pairs

  • do we have? When we do this is class we use a dye called ethidium bromide. And basically

  • it will dye the DNA. You can put it under a black light and you can see where the DNA

  • is. It's normally clear. You can't see it. Okay. What's the next thing we have to do?

  • Remember we have to, now that we've sorted it according to its length now we have to

  • make copies of it. And to do that we use the polymerase chain reaction or PCR. This was

  • invented by Kary Mullis. He was riding his motorcycle one day and came up with this idea.

  • And so to do that we need a few extra things in our PCR machine. One thing we need is a

  • primer. Primer is going to be a little section of DNA that'll grab on to the DNA. It will

  • allow that polymerase to drive down the DNA. Now where is Taq Polymerase from? Remember

  • it's that bacteria. Because in the PCR we're going to heat this up really hot. What else

  • do we need? We need nucleotides. So we need new letters. And so let's check this out.

  • Basically we put it into a PCR machine which looks kind of like a photocopier. You put

  • your DNA in the top. And then it's going to quickly heat it and cool it and heat it and

  • cool it. And so as it heats this, it's going to unzip that DNA in the middle. It's going

  • to break all those hydrogen bonds. What's the next thing that's added? Well the next

  • thing that will be added is going to be the primer. The primer is going to bond to the

  • complimentary sides of the DNA. Now we create the primer because it's going to target a

  • specific gene that we want. What happens next? Well once the primer is in place, then taq

  • polymerase is going to grab on. Now this looks familiar. If you know anything about DNA replication,

  • how does that work? Well we unzip our DNA. It's helicase that does that. We put a primer

  • down. And then it's going to be DNA polymerase inside us that makes copies of our DNA. But

  • in a PCR machine it's taq polymerase. And the reason why is taq polymerase can withstand

  • these really hot temperatures. Okay. Watch carefully. What happens next? We basically

  • as the taq polymerase runs in either direction it's going to add complimentary letters to

  • either side. And so basically what do we have? We had one strand of DNA. Now we have two.

  • So the PCR machine will cycle. It will again heat up the DNA. So it unzips those hydrogen

  • bonds. We're going to add primer on either side. Taq polymerase is going to grab on.

  • And as it races down we're going to produce complimentary sides. And again. Heat it up.

  • We're going to unzip the sides. The primer is added on. Taq polymerase is on. And now

  • we have if you look at it we've now got eight strands of DNA. And so this is just a few

  • minutes we've gone from one to two to four to eight. And now we just get sixteen. You

  • get that exponential growth. So we can make a whole bunch of DNA very very quickly. So

  • we're almost to the end. What's the last thing in our analogy of the ransom note? It's really

  • reading what those letters are. And to do that we use a DNA sequencer. DNA sequencer,

  • sometimes it's hard to explain. Basically if you were to google the Sanger method, you'd

  • find some videos that might help a little more. But basically it's like a PCR machine.

  • So if you look down here we've got the primer, we've got the taq polymerase. We got out letters.

  • But then we have these four special letters. They're called dideoxynucleotides. And so

  • they're just like adenine, cytosine, thymine and guanine. But they have a specific color.

  • And so what happens you'll heat it up. Primer will be added. Taq polymerase will be added.

  • And then we're going to start adding those letters. So if I were to go across. If there's

  • a T here there's an A here. And a T and a G and a C and we'll say that's a T and a T

  • C G G C A A. Okay. So usually it's just going to make copies of it. But occasionally as

  • it makes those copies, instead of putting a regular A in, it will put one of these weird

  • As in there. What that weird A is going to do is it's going to be dyed. It's going to

  • have a specific color. And it's also going to stop the sequence. And so basically you

  • can't add new letters. And so a lot of the time you'll get a regular run of the mill

  • copied DNA strand. But occasionally you'll get these fragments that just have an A at

  • the front and they have a specific color which is going to be green. Maybe we run it again.

  • The next time the A seems normal. But the next one is a T that's weird. And so that's

  • going to stop it at that point but it's going to give it a color of red. Or maybe another

  • time we're going to get an A and a T and a G. But then we're going to put a weird C on

  • there. And that's going to stop it. And the C is going to have this blue color. And so

  • basically what you can do is then run gel electrophoresis. All these fragments are going

  • to run through a gel electrophoresis machine or run in a gel. And basically what they're

  • going to do is they're going to separate according to their fragment length. Well what's the

  • smallest fragment? Which went the farthest? That's going to be this little fragment of

  • A with the weird A at the beginning. And so what does that tell us? Well, it tells us

  • that the first letter is going to be an A. And so a computer can go through and read

  • all of these colors and it can read the sequence of the DNA. It can figure out the letters

  • in our DNA. And so the human genome project, that was the job of that. To sequence all

  • of the DNA in a human. These are the DNA sequencing machines. But what I want you to remember

  • is that we've sequenced all of the DNA in a typical human. And as you grow up they'll

  • be able to sequence all of the DNA specifically inside you. But at this point, we're kind

  • of right here. We've got the DNA? We know the order that it's in. But we don't know

  • what proteins those make or how those proteins interact. And so the next project after the

  • human genome project is the human proteome project. And so that's a lot. I know. But

  • I hope that's helpful.}

Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and in this podcast I'm going to talk about all of


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B2 中上級

分子生物学 (Molecular Biology)

  • 174 14
    Cheng-Hong Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日