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  • ♪ (punk rock music) ♪

  • (announcer) "Epic Rap Battles of History!"

  • - Aw, yes! - Yes!

  • (announcer) Darth Vader...

  • - Yes. - (announcer) Versus...

  • - Adolf Hitler! - Oh, my...

  • - (announcer) Begin! - ♪ I am Adolf Hitler

  • Commander of the Third Reich

  • Little known fact

  • - ♪ (sings along) ♪ - ♪ Also dope on the mic

  • You are Vader

  • - ♪ With your little boots and cape ♪ - ♪ (sings along) ♪

  • And helmet to cover up

  • - ♪ That burnt-ass face ♪ - (laughs)

  • You can't rhyme against

  • The dark side of the force

  • - ♪ Why even bother? ♪ - (snickers)

  • So many dudes been with your mom

  • - ♪ Who even knows if I'm your father? ♪ - (laughs)

  • - ♪ You're a pissed off little prick ♪ - That's a burn.

  • With a Napoleon dick

  • You call that a mustache? ♪

  • ♪ I call that Dirty Sanchez on your lip

  • These guys can spit. (chuckles) Spittin' straight fire.

  • Here, step in my shower

  • (laughing) Oh, my God!

  • - (chuckles) - ♪ What's your lightsaber versus a ♪

  • Clan of all your white neighbors? ♪

  • (Vader breathes) ♪ Suck my robot balls

  • I think Hitler would take him in a fight.

  • We'll call my homeboy in Isreal

  • - ♪ See who got the last laugh ♪ - (laughs)

  • (announcer) Who won? Who's next?

  • - (recites along) - You decide.

  • - "Epic Rap Battles of History!" - (chuckles)

  • (FineBros) Who would you say won the rap battle?

  • Darth Vader.

  • - Vader. - Vader.

  • - Hitler. - Hitler.

  • I don't want Hitler to win, so Darth Vader.

  • - I think Vader won. - Darth Vader won.

  • Darth Vader won.

  • Vader, 'cause Hitler just took it way too far.

  • I think Hitler won that one.

  • Only time I'll ever support Hitler in anything.

  • (announcer shouting) "Epic Rap Battles of History!"

  • Bill Gates versus...

  • - ♪ Let me just step right in ♪ - (gasps) Steve Jobs!

  • - I've watched all of these. - ♪ ...500 'fore you kissed a girl

  • ♪ I'm a pimp, you're a nerd

  • ♪ I'm slick, you're cheesy

  • Beating you is Apple II easy

  • ♪ I need a bring up some basic (bleep) ♪

  • Why'd you name your company

  • After your dick? ♪

  • - ♪ You blow, Jobs ♪ - (laughs)

  • "Microsoft." (laughs)

  • ♪ I give away your net worth

  • To AIDS research

  • Combine all your little toys

  • - ♪ And I still crush that ♪ - (snickers)

  • iPhone, iPad

  • - ♪ iPwn, iSmack ♪ - Oh. (chuckles)

  • - ♪ I tripled the profits on a PC ♪ - (laughs)

  • This is Mac versus PC, watch every single comment.

  • "I'm a Mac." "I'm a PC."

  • Oh, gosh, these videos are so great.

  • Now excuse me

  • While I turn heaven a profit

  • Steve Jobs is such a boss. I mean, it sucks he died.

  • Die then

  • The whole world loved you

  • But you were my friend

  • ♪ I'm alone now

  • With nothing but power and time

  • Bill Gates sounds so needy.

  • Now there's no one can stop me

  • The world is mine

  • ♪ I'm sorry, Bill

  • ♪ I'm afraid I can't let you do that

  • This just got real creepy.

  • - ♪ Nothing you can do can stop it ♪ - What is that?

  • It's from "2001: A Space Odyssey."

  • When I guide the rocket? ♪

  • ♪ I think different from the engine

  • Of the days of old

  • Hasta la vista

  • Like the Terminator told ya

  • (announcer) Who won?

  • Don't even ask me. (laughing) Don't even ask me.

  • (FineBros) Who won? Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?

  • That one definitely goes to Steve Jobs.

  • Steve Jobs took it.

  • - Steve Jobs. - Bill Gates.

  • - Bill Gates. - Steve Jobs.

  • - Steve Jobs. - Jobs.

  • Steve Jobs won that one, hands down.

  • I use Mac, but I like PC,

  • so it's kind of torn.

  • Oh, I would love to work for both of those companies.

  • I don't feel comfortable answering that question.

  • (announcer shouting) "EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY"!

  • Who does the intro of this?

  • - (announcer) Skrillex! - I love Skrillex!

  • (announcer) Mozart!

  • I'm into Mozart; I don't even like dubstep.

  • Welcome to the devil's den

  • ♪ I'm a scary monster

  • - ♪ Stomping this sprite in frilly pants ♪ - He talks?

  • - Just go away, Skrillex. Just go. - ♪ I'm the A-list

  • You're the lamest

  • Kiss my ass

  • ♪ A-A-A-A-Amadeus

  • Was that a verse

  • Or did you just get the hiccups? ♪

  • - ♪ I'm a prodigy Sonny ♪ - Oh, that's great!

  • - This is gonna be a hard one. - ♪'s greatest composer

  • No one knows what you are

  • Except a lonely little troll

  • Who knows how to press a spacebar

  • - Oh! - ♪ I attack

  • You decay

  • Can't sustain my releases

  • Sidechain Wolfgang

  • Bangarang you to pieces

  • ♪ I'm a self made man ♪ - Oh, my God.

  • You're a slave to your papa

  • ♪ I'm a rock star

  • Mix you with the bass and

  • - ♪ Drop ya ♪ - Ha.

  • And see I've transcribed it here

  • I actually love this beat. It's so good.

  • What kind of drugs does it take

  • To enjoy this? ♪

  • ♪ I've no idea

  • - Ecstasy. - ♪ I've seen more complexity

  • In a couch from IKEA

  • - ♪ Why don't you put down your cubase ♪ - (laughs)

  • Leave him dirty.

  • ♪ I rocked harder than you

  • - ♪ When I was five years old ♪ - You tell him.

  • - (announcer) Who won? - It's so clever.

  • It's like a simple idea, but no one would've thought of it.

  • Well, except him.

  • - (announcer) OF HISTORY! - (mouths along)

  • Buh-der, buh-der!

  • (FineBros) Who won that one?

  • - Mozart. - Mozart.

  • I'm not a fan of the classical music.

  • - Mozart. - Mozart.

  • - Mozart. - I take Mozart.

  • - Mozart won. - Mozart won that one.

  • Tied, they're even.

  • Mozart, because dubstep sucks.

  • So happy you guys did that. So happy!

  • ♪ (punk rock music) ♪

  • (FineBros) So, what were those videos?

  • Those were the "EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY!"



  • - (FineBros) Have you seen them before? - I have.

  • Only the Steve Jobs one.

  • Yeah. (laughs)

  • I have seen them before. I love them.

  • Yes! I've been watching it for so long.

  • One of my friends is a huge fan.

  • Memorizes them, and then sings them in class, and he's like,

  • "Has everyone seen the new 'Epic Rap Battles of History'?"

  • I'm like, "No. I'm sorry. I have to study."

  • (FineBros) Do you think this is a good concept?

  • Rap battles of history?

  • I think so, because nobody's ever thought of it before,

  • and obviously, rap battles are a big thing everywhere.

  • Yeah, I mean, it's so creative.

  • Normally, when you hear about these important people,

  • you read them in a book or something.

  • Like, oh, they're boring. I read about them.

  • And now they're rapping, saying swears.

  • It's showing you history and things that teens want to hear.

  • Rap, 'cause we're all thugs. (chuckles)

  • - (FineBros) So, did you like the show? - Yeah, it's funny.

  • It's okay. I mean, they're entertaining.

  • They're so brilliant.

  • I'm subscribed to them, so they're pretty awesome.

  • I'm a fan of rap and hip-hop music

  • and I'm a big fan of history. I love history, so that's like--

  • That's best of both worlds for me right there.

  • (FineBros) Do you learn anything

  • - about history watching this show? - (giggling) No.

  • I learned-- (giggles)

  • Mozart can totally beat Skrillex in a rap battle, duh!

  • They put, like, certain history facts and such,

  • but I don't learn anything.

  • You definitely could.

  • They throw things in there and they do a lot of wordplay

  • that is based on historical stuff.

  • When it was Genghis Khan and the Easter Bunny,

  • I was like, "I don't know a lot about Genghis Khan."

  • So, I Google-searched Genghis Khan, did some research.

  • (FineBros) You've clicked it to watch it, the beat starts,

  • and "EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY" flies up.

  • - How does it make you feel? - It gets me all nervous.

  • "Let's see how good it is. Ooh, I can't wait."

  • I feel excited. I'm hyped up for the show.


  • and then I go back to watching.

  • (FineBros) Do you usually say it with it?

  • - Yeah. Every time. - (FineBros laugh)

  • (FineBros) Which one is your favorite episode?

  • I could be even one we didn't show you.

  • Marilyn Monroe vs. Cleopatra.

  • Mr. T vs. Mister Rogers.

  • Mario Bros. vs. the Wright brothers.

  • Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking.

  • There are ten million, million, million, million, million

  • Million particles in the universe

  • That you can observe

  • Your mama took the ugly ones

  • And put them into one nerd

  • (FineBros) And do you know who created the show?

  • - No. - No.

  • Nice Peter, and is it EpicLLOYD?

  • (FineBros) What do you think of their rapping ability?

  • I like it. At least it's not the normal "rap."

  • I don't understand the difference between good rapping

  • and bad rapping, because I don't listen to rap.

  • They're actually really good.

  • They're so clever with every line they put together.

  • They're pretty badass.

  • I mean, I can rap, but not like that.

  • It's actually pretty decent for white people.

  • They're steppin' up. White people are steppin' up.

  • (FineBros) The show started on Nice Peter's channel

  • and was a huge success with hundreds of millions of views.

  • - Okay, yeah. - (FineBros) They then launched

  • a channel just for the rap battles less than two years ago,

  • and it already has over five million subscribers.

  • That's a lot.

  • (FineBros) And a combined one billion views.

  • - Wow! - God, that's insane.

  • (FineBros) What is it about this that has made it

  • arguably the most popular show of all time on the Internet?

  • It could appeal to a lot of different audiences.

  • Something that everyone likes. Everyone likes music.

  • Everyone in society secretly loves violence,

  • and they're verbally attacking each other.

  • Because it differs every time.

  • You don't know who they're going

  • to put up against each other next.

  • All the work they put in compared to other shows--

  • it's a lot more.

  • It looks so cool.

  • The graphics are good.

  • The costumes are well-done. Makeup's well-done.

  • The music is well-done.

  • The songwriting skill is there.

  • If I saw just the behind-the-scenes, I would be like,

  • "Wow. I wonder when this movie's coming out."

  • (FineBros) And why do you think they end every video

  • with, "Who won? Who's next? You decide"?

  • Oh, so it gives viewer input.

  • It's a way to interact with the audience.

  • 'Cause they want to keep it going.

  • They want to have an audience connection.

  • Let it to the viewers to decide who's next.

  • It's just like what we do.

  • To see who won and then to get ideas for the next video.

  • I wish they would read some of the comments

  • and give a winner based off the comments.

  • (FineBros) If you could decide,

  • what rap battle would you want to see next?

  • (gasps) Oh, my God!

  • Black Michael Jackson vs. White Michael Jackson!

  • Queen Elizabeth vs. the khaleesi.

  • Mickey Mouse vs. Osama bin Laden, and I want to see that.

  • Walter White from "Breaking Bad" go up against

  • Rick from "Walking Dead."

  • Xbox vs. PlayStation or something.

  • Like, just have a big Xbox outfit and a big PlayStation outfit.

  • Slender Man vs. anyone.

  • I don't know. I just want to see Slender Man.

  • (FineBros) If someone was to come up to you

  • and you'd never seen this before and they told you,

  • "Oh, you got to see this show.

  • It's two white guys rapping about history," what would you think?

  • I'd be like, "Nah, I'm good. I pass on that."

  • "Ha. That's funny."

  • The image that comes to my head is a classroom

  • and a geography map in the background,

  • and then these two history professors, and they're like,

  • "Yo, the Ottoman Empire is over here."

  • "Benny, why do you want to show me this?"

  • But then I would watch it, and I'd be like, "Benny!

  • Thank you for showing me this!" (giggles)

  • Thank you for watching this episode of "Teens React."

  • Not "Kids React." "Teens React."

  • (dramatically) What should we watch next? You decide!

  • There are over 100 episodes of "React" so far,

  • so click the box below to watch more.

  • (chuckling) See you guys next time.

  • This has been "Teens React to EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY!"

♪ (punk rock music) ♪


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10代の若者たちが歴史に残る壮大なラップバトルに反応 (Teens React to Epic Rap Battles of History)

  • 160 9
    張寶敏 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日