Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • This theater is built on Copacabana,

    翻訳: Kazunori Akashi 校正: Shoko Takaki

  • which is the most famous beach in the world.

    (ドレ・ウルハーン) この会場が建っているのは

  • But 25 kilometers away from here in the North Zone of Rio

    世界一有名なビーチ コパカバーナです

  • lies a community called Vila Cruzeiro,


  • and roughly 60,000 people live there.


  • Now, the people here in Rio mostly know Vila Cruzeiro from the news,


  • and unfortunately, news from Vila Cruzeiro often is not good news.


  • But Vila Cruzeiro is also the place where our story begins.

    リオの住人は ヴィラ・クルゼイロのことを

  • Ten years ago, we first came to Rio to shoot a documentary about life in the favelas.


  • Now, we learned that favelas are informal communities.

    ただ残念なことに そこからのニュースには

  • They emerged over the years when immigrants from the countryside came to the cities looking for work,


  • like cities within the cities,


  • known for problems with crime, poverty


  • and the violent drug war between police and the drug gangs.

    (イェロン・クールハース) 私たちは10年前に初めてリオに来ました

  • So, what struck us was that

    ファヴェーラの暮らしを ドキュメンタリーに撮るためです

  • these were communities that the people who lived there had built with their own hands,

    それでファヴェーラが 不法居住者の街だと知りました

  • without a master plan and like a giant work in progress.


  • Where were from, in Holland,


  • everything is planned.


  • We even have rules for how to follow the rules.


  • So the last day of filming, we ended up in Vila Cruzeiro,

    犯罪や貧困 それから警察と麻薬組織との

  • and we were sitting down and we had a drink.


  • And we were overlooking this hill with all these houses,


  • and most of these houses looked unfinished.


  • And they had walls of bare brick,

    この街は そこに暮らす人々が

  • but we saw some of these houses that were plastered and painted,

    全体計画なんか立てずに 自分たちの手で作り上げた

  • and suddenly we had this idea.

    全体計画なんか立てずに 自分たちの手で作り上げた

  • What would it look like if all these houses would be plastered and painted?


  • And then we imagined one big design,


  • you know, like one big work of art.


  • Who would expect something like that in a place like this?

    規則の守り方にまで 規則があるんですから

  • So we thought, would it even be possible?


  • So first we started to count the houses, but we soon lost count.


  • But somehow the idea stuck.


  • We had a friend. He ran an NGO in Vila Cruzeiro.


  • His name was Nanko,

    家々が立ち並ぶ この丘を

  • and he also liked the idea.


  • He said, “You know, everybody here would pretty much love to have their houses plastered and painted.


  • It’s when a house is finished.”


  • So he introduced us to the right people,

    何軒か 漆喰仕上げで

  • and Vitor and Maurinho became our crew.


  • We picked three houses in the center of the community


  • and we start here. We made a few designs,

    この家々が全部 漆喰仕上げで

  • and everybody liked this design of a boy flying a kite the best.

    塗装されていたら どんな風になるだろう?

  • So we started painting, and the first thing we did

    こうして私たちは ひとつの大規模なデザイン —

  • was to paint everything blue,

    ひとつの大規模な芸術作品を 思い描いたんです

  • and we thought that looked already pretty good.


  • But they hated it. The people who lived there really hated it.


  • They said, “What did you do?

    そもそも そんなことが 出来るんだろうか?

  • You painted our house in exactly the same color as the police station.”

    そこで まず家の軒数を数え始めましたが

  • In a favela, that is not a good thing.


  • Also the same color as the prison cell.

    でもなぜかこのアイデアが 頭から離れなかったんです

  • So we quickly went ahead and we painted the boy,

    (クールハース) 私たちには友人がいました

  • and then we thought we were finished. We were really happy.

    彼はヴィラ・クルゼイロで NGOを運営していました

  • But still, it wasn’t good because the little kids started coming up to us, and they said,


  • You know, there’s a boy flying the kite, but where is his kite?”

    彼もこのアイデアを気に入って こう言いました

  • We said, “It’s art. You know, you have to imagine the kite.”

    「ここの人はみんな —

  • And they said, “No, no, no, we want to see the kite.”


  • So we quickly installed a kite way up high on the hill,


  • so that you could see the boy flying the kite


  • and you could actually see a kite.

    そして彼がふさわしい人々を 紹介してくれて

  • So the local news started writing about it, which was great,

    ヴィトールとマウリーが スタッフになりました

  • and then even The Guardian wrote about it:

    私たちは街の中心にある 3軒を選びそこから始めました

  • Notorious slum becomes open-air gallery.”


  • So, encouraged by this success, we went back to Rio for a second project,


  • and we stumbled upon this street.


  • It was covered in concrete to prevent mudslides,


  • and somehow we saw a sort of river in it,


  • and we imagined this river to be a river in Japanese style with koi carp swimming upstream.


  • So we decided to paint that river,

    住民はひどく嫌がり こう言いました

  • and we invited Rob Admiraal, who is a tattoo artist,


  • and he specialized in the Japanese style.


  • So little did we know that we would spend almost an entire year painting that river,

    警察署と 同じ色に塗るなんて」

  • together with Geovani and Robinho and Vitor, who lived nearby.


  • And we even moved into the neighborhood when one of the guys that lived on the street, Elias,

    ファヴェーラには ふさわしくありません

  • told us that we could come and live in his house, together with his family,


  • which was fantastic.

    だからすぐ作業を進めて 少年を描きあげました

  • Unfortunately, during that time, another war broke out between the police and the drug gangs.


  • We learned that during those times, people in communities really stick together during these times of hardship,

    私たちは満足しましたが まだダメでした

  • but we also learned a very important element, the importance of barbecues.


  • Because when you throw a barbecue, it kind of turns you from a guest into a host.


  • So we decided to throw one almost every other week,


  • and we got to know everybody in the neighborhood.

    私たちは こう答えました

  • We still had this idea of the hill, though.

    「これはアートなんだ 凧は想像しなよ」

  • Yeah, yeah, we were talking about the scale of this,


  • because this painting was incredibly big,

    それでも子供たちは 「ダメだよ 凧が見たいよ」と言うんです

  • and it was insanely detailed,

    それで 丘のずっと上の方に

  • and this process almost drove us completely insane ourselves.


  • But we figured that maybe, during this process, all the time that we had spent in the neighborhood


  • was maybe actually even more important than the painting itself.


  • So after all that time, this hill, the idea was still there,


  • and we started to make sketches,


  • models,


  • and we figured something out.

    「悪名高いスラム街が 青空ギャラリーに」

  • We figured that our ideas, our designs had to be a little bit more simple than that last project

    (クールハース)私たちは この成功で自信をつけて

  • so that we could, you know, paint with more people

    次のプロジェクトのために リオへ戻ってきました

  • and cover more houses at the same time.

    そして偶然 ある通りを見つけたんです

  • And we had an opportunity to try that out in a community in the central part of Rio, which is called Santa Marta,


  • and we made a design for this place, which looked like this.


  • And then we got people to go along with it, because turns out that,

    そこで私たちは この通りを 錦鯉が上っているー

  • if your idea is ridiculously big,


  • it’s easier to get people to go along with this.


  • And the people of Santa Marta got together and in a little over a month they turned that square into this.


  • And this image somehow went all over the world.


  • So then we received an unexpected phone call


  • from the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program,


  • and they had this question if this idea, our approach,

    丸一年近くもかかるとは 思いもしませんでした

  • if this would actually work in North Philly,

    一緒に作業したのは近所に住む ジョバーニとロビーニョと

  • which is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the United States.


  • So, we immediately said yes.

    さらに私たちは ここに引っ越して来ました

  • We had no idea how, but it seemed like a very interesting challenge.


  • So we did exactly the same as we did in Rio,


  • we moved into the neighborhood and started barbecuing.


  • So, the project took almost 2 years to complete,


  • and we made individual designs for every single house on the avenue that we painted,


  • and we made these designs together with the local store owners, the building owners,

    この頃 警察と麻薬組織が

  • and a team of about a dozen young men and women.


  • They were hired, and then they were trained as painters,


  • and together they transformed their own neighborhood, the whole street,

    この時 私たちが学んだのは

  • into a giant patchwork of color.


  • And at the end, the city of Philadelphia thanked every single one of them


  • and gave them a merit for their accomplishment.

    他にも とても大切な事を学びました

  • So now we had painted a whole street.

    バーベキューの大切さです (笑)

  • How about we do this whole hill now?


  • We started looking for funding,

    客である私たちも みんなをもてなせるんですから

  • but instead, we just ran into questions,


  • like, how many houses are you going to paint?


  • How many square meters is that?


  • How much paint are you going to use,

    (クールハース)ただ 丘の計画はまだ頭にありました

  • and how many people are you going to employ?

    (ウルハーン)そうだね 2人でこの計画の

  • And we did try for years to write plans, you know, for the funding and answer all those questions,


  • but then we thought, you know, in order to answer all those questions,


  • you have to know exactly what youre going to do


  • before you actually get there and start.

    計画を立てていると すっかり頭が変になりそうでした

  • And maybe it’s a mistake to think that like.

    ただ私たちは思いました このプロセス つまり

  • It would lose some of the magic that we had learned about that


  • if you go somewhere and you spend time there,


  • you can let the project grow organically and have a life of its own.


  • So what we did is


  • we decided to take this plan and strip it away from all the numbers,


  • you know, and all the ideas and presumptions


  • and just go back to the base idea, which was to transform this hill into a giant work of art.


  • And instead of looking for funding, we started a crowdfunding campaign,


  • and in a little over a month, more than 1,500 people put together and donated over 100,000 dollars.

    前回のプロジェクトより 少しだけシンプルにすれば

  • So for us, that was an amazing moment, because now


  • because now we finally had the freedom to use all the lessons that we had learned.

    同時により多くの家を カバーできると考えたんです

  • and create a project that was built the same way that the favela was built,


  • from the ground on up, bottom up, with no master plan.

    リオの中心部にある —

  • So we went back, and we employed Angelo,


  • and he’s a local artist from Vila Cruzeiro, very talented guy,


  • and he knows almost everybody there.


  • And then we employed Elias, our former landlord who invited us into his house,


  • and he’s a master of construction.


  • Together with them, we decided where to start.

    むしろ喜んで協力してくれるのです (笑)

  • We picked this spot in Vila Cruzeiro,


  • and houses are being plastered as we speak.


  • And the good thing about them is that they are deciding which houses go next.

    一区画を こんな風に仕上げました

  • Theyre even printing t-shirts,


  • theyre putting up banners explaining everything to everybody,

    この画像は なぜか世界中に広まりました

  • and talking to the press.

    (ウルハーン)そして 思いがけない所から電話がきました

  • This article about Angelo appeared.

    それはフィラデルフィア 壁画アートプログラムからで

  • So while this is happening, we are bringing this idea all over the world.


  • So, like the project we did in Philadelphia,


  • we are also invited to do workshops, for instance in Curaçao,

    アメリカ有数の貧困地区である —

  • and right now were planning a huge project in Haiti.


  • So the favela was not only the place where this idea started,

    上手くいくだろうか という質問でした

  • it was also the place that made it possible


  • to work without a master plan,


  • because these communities are informal, this was the inspiration,


  • and in a communal effort, together with the people,


  • you can almost work like in an orchestra.


  • We have a hundred instruments playing together to create a symphony.


  • So we want to thank everybody who wanted to become part of this dream


  • and supported us along the way, and we are looking at continuing.

    このプロジェクトは完成までに 約2年かかりました

  • Yeah, and so one day pretty soon, when the colors start going up on these walls,


  • we hope more people will join us,

    全部 1軒ずつデザインしました

  • and, you know, join this big dream,


  • and maybe one day, the whole of Vila Cruzeiro will be painted.

    ビルの所有者や 十数人の若者達と

  • Thank you.


This theater is built on Copacabana,

翻訳: Kazunori Akashi 校正: Shoko Takaki


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A2 初級 日本語 TED 計画 クール リオ アイデア デザイン

TED】Haas&Hahn.絵画はいかにしてコミュニティを変容させるか (Haas&Hahn: How painting can transform communities) (【TED】Haas&Hahn: How painting can transform communities (Haas&Hahn: How painting can transform communities))

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    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日