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If you're a changemaker, chances are it's really important to you
to lead a life that feels not only purpose-driven but passionate
and deeply fulfilling. But sometimes it's
really easy to get caught up in the hamster wheel of life; we find ourselves struggling
to keep up with our responsibilities, to pay our bills, to take care of the people we love...
and pretty soon, our life shifts into something that feels more like a rat-race, where we
might be running on auto-pilot.
Even if you work in the social sector, where your job is clearly purpose-driven, at times
you might find yourself really burned out because there's always so much to do, and
so little time. If you ever find yourself wondering whether you're truly living with
passion, or whether you've fallen into auto-pilot, I invite you to ask yourself these seven questions:
Question number 1 --
are you doing what you love to do most of the time?
Number 2 -- Do you appreciate what you have?
Number 3 -- are you making a difference in the lives of others?
Number 4 -- are you living with courage, even in the face of fear?
Number 5 -- are you able to share from a full cup,
or do you find yourself depleted when you give?
Number 6 -- do you do something that inspires you every day?
Number 7 -- do you regularly engage in something
that challenges you beyond your comfort zone?
If you have any other attributes of a passion-filled life that you'd like to share, please feel
free to leave them in the comments below.
Thanks so much for joining me today. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs-up
and share it with your friends. If you'd like to receive more practical and evolutionary
advice on business and life, feel free to subscribe to this channel. And don't forget
to head on over to Entrepreneurs For a Change to get your free Business Changemaker's Toolkit,
and jumpstart your changemaking business today. Thanks a lot, and I'll see you next time.