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FEMALE SPEAKER: Bad advertising isn't memorable,
isn't meaningful.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Cheesy infomercial style commercials.
FEMALE SPEAKER: It's so predictable.
MALE SPEAKER: Bad advertising, first of all, is spam email.
It's an annoyance.
FEMALE SPEAKER: I guess a bad advertisement would be, when I
think of that I think of maybe just seeing a magazine ad.
And there's way too much copy.
MALE SPEAKER: Too many words hitting you over the head.
MALE SPEAKER: Too busy and really too much information or
kind of talking down.
FEMALE SPEAKER: When there's commercials and they're
emphasizing too much on the environment or other stuff and
it loses its focus on the company and the logo and the
actual product.
FEMALE SPEAKER: This is Domino Pizza
advertisement I don't like.
MALE SPEAKER: Pepsi and Coke, the whole battle between the
two of them.
I see that everywhere for some reason,
especially on the trains.
The trains will be completely covered in Pepsi campaigns.
And it just drives me crazy, especially since I don't drink
soft drinks.