字幕表 動画を再生する
Let's say you're me, and you're in math class,
たとえば,あなたが私であなたが数学のクラスにいて 因数分解を習う所だとしましょう.
and you're supposed to be learning about factoring.
問題は,あなたの先生がいかに因数分解が役に 立つのかを納得させるのに忙しすぎることです.
Trouble is, your teacher is too busy
普通の人にとっては,因数分解を使うのは, 試験に通ることとか,
trying to convince you that factoring
SAT(アメリカの大学進学のための試験) で 高得点をとるとかで,
is a useful skill for the average person to know,
with real-world applications ranging from passing your state
exams all the way to getting a higher SAT score.
そんな状況では,退屈するのは 完璧に理にかなっています.
And unfortunately, does not have the time
ですから理にかなった人が誰でもするように, あなたはいたずら書きをはじめます.
to show you why factoring is actually interesting.
たぶんあなたの先生の催眠性のある声が 子守唄を思い出させるのでしょう.
It's perfectly reasonable for you
to get bored in this situation.
あなたは私なので,あなたはすぐに普通の5点の星に 飽きてしまいます.
So like any reasonable person, you start doodling.
Maybe it's because your teacher's soporific voice
reminds you of a lullaby, but you're drawing stars.
And because you're me, you quickly
get bored of the usual five-pointed star
and get to wondering, why five?
So you start exploring.
It seems obvious that a five-pointed star
is the simplest one, the one that
なぜならこれは2つの分割された線(一筆)が あるからです.
takes the least number of strokes to draw.
そしてあなたは6点の星を作るのに2つの3角形を 一緒にすることと,
Sure, you can make a start with four points,
but that's not really a star the way you're defining stars.
Then there's a six-pointed star, which
どんな"p"点の偶数の星も 2つの "p/2" 角形からできます.
is also pretty familiar, but totally
ここまできたら,因数分解について考えるのは もうやめたいと思ったことでしょう.
different from the five-pointed star
もしかしたら,星を描くのは良い考えでは なかったかもしれません.
because it takes two separate lines to make.
しかしちょっと待った! 4 点は偶数です.
And then you're thinking about how,
しかしだからといって2つの2角形から 星ができるでしょうか.
much like you can put two triangles together
多分2つしか辺がない多角形は存在しないと 聞いているでしょう.
to make a six-pointed star, you can put two squares together
to make an eight-pointed star.
確かに 4 点の星は星みたいには見えません.
And any even-numbered star with p points can be made out of two
しかし6点の星はこれら3つから できることに気がつきます.
It is at this point that you realize
実は,2 で割り切れる点でできている星は
that if you wanted to avoid thinking about factoring,
maybe drawing stars was not the greatest idea.
しかしそれは多分あなたが 望んでいるものではないでしょう.
But wait, four would be an even number of points,
あなたが望むものはいらずら描きのゲームです. それはこうです:
but that would mean you could make it out of two 2-gons.
Maybe you were taught polygons with only two sides
番号 "q" を選びます.
can't exist.
1つの点から始めて,q 離れた点を結びます.
But for the purposes of drawing stars,
it works out rather well.
Sure, the four-pointed star doesn't look too star-like.
But then you realize you can make the six-pointed star out
of three of these things, and you've
got an asterisk, which is definitely a legitimate star.
In fact, for any star where the number of points
窓から叫んだりというのも 考えにいれるものの1つでしょう.
is divisible by 2, you can draw it asterisk style.
But that's not quite what you're looking for.
このゲームそのものについて 興味を感じはじめることでしょう.
What you want is a doodle game, and here it is.
Draw p points in a circle, evenly spaced.
Pick a number Q.
私は7点の星を描くのが好きです. というのもそれを描く2つの良い方法があるからです.
Starting at one point, go around the circle
and connect to the point two places over.
ところでここで言っておきますが,私は数学の クラスで,実際に窓から抜け出したことはありません.
If you get to the starting place before you've
8 も興味あります.単に素敵に星を描く方法が いくつかあるというだけではなく,
covered all the points, jump to a lonely point, and keep going.
2つの完全な多角形,それぞれは鉛筆を 持ち上げることなしに描けるもの
That's how you draw stars.
And it's a successful game, in that previously you
were considering running screaming from the room.
それはいくつかのすてきな方法とは別に, 3つの3角形から作ることもできるからです.
Or the window was open, so that's an option, too.
そしてあなたは私なので,あなたはナードです. つまり自分一人で楽しむことが好きです.
But now, you're not only entertained but beginning
あなたはこういう星をスクエア星(2乗星)と 呼ぶことにします.
to become curious about the nature of this game.
The interesting thing is that the more points you have,
the more different ways there is to draw the star.
4 つの4角形,
I happen to like seven-pointed stars because there's
2 つの2角形,
two really good ways to draw them, but they're still simple.
完全につぶれてしまっている1 つの 1角形.
I would like to note here that I've never actually left
不幸なことに5つの5角形はすでに どうなっているのかわかりません.
a math class by the window, not that I
それ以上になるとスクエア星の構造を 楽しむことが難しくなります.
can say the same for other subjects.
なので飽きてしまって,10点を 円の上に描くことにします.
Eight is interesting, too, because not only are
これは面白いです.というのもこの数は 小さな星を組み合わせて描くことのできる
there a couple nice ways to draw it,
but one's a composite of two polygons,
それは,2つの見飽きた 5 点の星.
while another can be drawn without picking up the pencil.
もちろんアスタリスク星は数に入れません.そうだとすると 8 は 2 つの 4点星,または 4 つの 2 点星,または 2 つの 2 点星と 1つの4点星です.
Then there's nine, which, in addition
しかし10は興味深いです.なぜなら組合せも 一通りではないからです.
to a couple of other nice versions,
なぜならそれは5で割り切れて,5点星自身が 2つの方法で描けるからです.
you can make out of three triangles.
そして11です.それは分割することができません. というのも11は素数だからです.
And because you're me, and you're a nerd,
そしてあなたは円を分割する方法を予測できないか と思うようになります.
and you like to amuse yourself, you
それはどこかに戻る前に 最初までいくかということです.
decide to call this kind of star a square star
しかしエキサイティングなモジュロ算術の世界を 探求する前に,あなたは 12 へと行きます.
because that's kind of a funny name.
So you start drawing other square stars.
Four 4-gons, two 2-gons, even the completely degenerate case
of one 1-gon.
5つの5点星からできている25点星は スクエア星だろうか?
Unfortunately, five pentagons is already difficult to discern.
And beyond that, it's very hard to see and appreciate
the structure of square stars.
多分,あなたの先生は何か素数について 面白いことを言ったのでしょう.
So you get bored and move on to 10 dots
in a circle, which is interesting
because this is the first number where
you can make a star as a composite of smaller
6 スクエアは 36 点星でしょうが, 6 つの6角形からできています.
stars-- that is, two boring old five-pointed stars.
Unless you count asterisk stars, in which case 8 was two
12 の3角形の組合せと同じになります.
4s's or four 2's or two 2's and a 4.
But 10 is interesting because you can make it
as a composite in more than one way
しかしあなたは7番目のスクエア星を作る3つの方法が あるという考えは好きになるでしょう.
because it's divisible by 5, which
とにかく,どういう星がどんな番号から できるかという理論全体は
itself can be made in two ways.
Then there's 11, which can't be made out of separate parts
そして私はこれをあなたの数学のクラスで 探求することをおすすめします.
at all because 11 is prime.
Though here you start to wonder how
to predict how many times around the circle
we'll go before getting back to start.
But instead of exploring the exciting world
of modular arithmetic, you move on to 12,
which is a really cool number because it
has a whole bunch of factors.
And then something starts to bother you.
Is a 25-pointed star composite made
of five five-pointed stars a square star?
You had been thinking only of pentagons
because the lower numbers didn't have this question.
How could you have missed that?
Maybe your teacher said something
interesting about prime numbers, and you accidentally
lost focus for a moment.
I don't know.
It gets even worse.
6 squared would be a 36-pointed star made of six hexagons.
But if you allow use of six-pointed stars,
then it's the same as a composite of 12 triangles.
And that doesn't seem in keeping with the spirit
of square stars.
You'll have to define square stars more strictly.
But you do like the idea that there's
three ways to make the seventh square star.
Anyway, the whole theory of what kind of stars
can be made with what numbers is quite interesting.
And I encourage you to explore this during your math class.