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  • Hello and welcome to Docents Digitalis tv, the channel where you'll learn the essential English vocabulary to navigate laws, politics and government, especially in the United States.

    こんにちは、Docents Digitalis tvへようこそ。このチャンネルでは、特にアメリカにおける法律、政治、政府をナビゲートするために不可欠な英単語を学ぶことができます。

  • If you want to improve your ability to understand and discuss electoral processes in English, you're in the right place.


  • Today, we'll break down key election related terms in a simple and practical way so you can use them with confidence.


  • In Today's video will cover words for electoral processes in English.


  • These essential terms will help you follow election news, understand how voting systems work, and participate in discussions about democracy and governance.


  • Let's get started.


  • First, let's define electoral process.


  • The electoral process refers to the steps and procedures involved in organizing and conducting elections.


  • It includes voter registration, campaigning, voting and counting ballots.


  • Another key term is democracy.


  • Democracy is a political system where citizens have the right to vote and choose their leaders through free and fair elections.


  • Elections follow a structured process which includes Voter Registration the process of signing up to be eligible to vote.

    選挙は、有権者登録(Voter Registration)、つまり投票資格を得るための登録手続きを含む、体系化されたプロセスに従って行われる。

  • Election Campaign the period when candidates promote their policies and seek voter support.

    選挙キャンペーン 候補者が自らの政策を宣伝し、有権者の支持を求める期間。

  • Debate A formal discussion where candidates present their positions on key issues.

    討論 候補者が重要な論点についてそれぞれの立場を表明する公式の討論。

  • For example, voter registration deadlines vary by state.


  • In the U.S.


  • voters can cast their ballots in different ways such as in person Voting Voting at a designated polling station on election day Mail in voting Sending a ballot by mail instead of voting in person Electronic voting.

    直接投票 選挙当日に指定された投票所で投票する方法。 郵便投票 直接投票する代わりに郵便で投票用紙を送る方法。

  • Using digital systems to cast a vote.


  • For example, many people prefer mail in voting for convenience.


  • Different elections use different voting systems Popular Vote the total number of votes cast by individual citizens Electoral vote.

    選挙によって使用される投票制度は異なる。 人気投票(Popular Vote):国民一人一人が投じた票の総数 選挙人投票(Electoral Vote):国民一人一人が投じた票の総数。

  • the system used in some countries like the US where representatives vote on behalf of the people Run off election A second round of voting.


  • held if no candidate wins a majority For example, in the US A candidate can.


  • win the electoral vote without winning the popular vote.


  • Ensuring fair elections involves addressing challenges such as.


  • voter fraud Illegal actions that interfere with the voting process.

    投票者詐欺 投票プロセスを妨害する違法行為。

  • Gerrymandering Manipulating electoral district boundaries to benefit a political party.

    ゲリマンダー 政党に有利になるように選挙区の境界を操作すること。

  • Voter turnout the percentage of eligible voters who actually cast a ballot.


  • For example, high voter turnout is a sign of strong civic engagement.


  • By learning these key terms for electoral processes, you'll be better prepared to understand elections, follow political news and discuss voting systems with confidence.


  • The more you practice, the more natural these terms will feel.


  • If this video was helpful, please support our channel by liking this video, sharing it with others, and subscribing to Docents Digitalis tv.

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  • Your support helps us continue creating valuable content for learners like you.


  • Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.


Hello and welcome to Docents Digitalis tv, the channel where you'll learn the essential English vocabulary to navigate laws, politics and government, especially in the United States.

こんにちは、Docents Digitalis tvへようこそ。このチャンネルでは、特にアメリカにおける法律、政治、政府をナビゲートするために不可欠な英単語を学ぶことができます。

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A1 初級 日本語

85.選挙プロセスに関する英単語 (85.?Words for Electoral Processes in English)

  • 3 1
    Peter Chen に公開 2025 年 03 月 13 日