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  • Do you feel like you're glued to your phone 24/7?


  • In this video, not only will you learn English, but also you'll learn how to make a digital detox a part of your daily routine.


  • Hey guys, it's Brooklyn here!


  • Welcome to Brooklyn Kể Chuyện.

    Brooklyn Kể Chuyệnへようこそ。

  • I think our speaking practice session today has a pretty interesting topic.


  • As you know, we spend a significant amount of our time on screens.


  • No matter where we go they're all around us.


  • So the topic today has to do with giving our brains a break from technology.


  • Remember that as usual, there's links down below to help you practice.


  • Alright, I'm going to read this speech out loud and try to mimic me as close as possible, let's do it!


  • A digital detox is simply taking a break from all things digital, especially the tech we're glued to - like phones, laptops, and social media.


  • But let's be real, in 2024, stepping away from technology feels almost impossible.


  • We use it for work, connecting with friends, managing our homes, and even for a bit of relaxation.


  • We're plugged in 24/7, and that dependency can make the idea of a digital detox intimidating.


  • But here's the thing: it's super important to step away, even for short periods.


  • Even if you can't totally unplug, you can build rhythms that help you disconnect, try taking a nightly break, for example, around 10 p.m., turn off your phone, laptop, or any screens for the night.


  • Let your brain relax before bed and avoid hopping on your phone for at least an hour after waking up, this allows your mind to ease into the day without the rush of notifications and newsfeeds.


  • Weekly, you could plan a few "tech-free" hours - maybe during a weekend brunch or an afternoon hike, some people even commit to a day or half-day without social media or unnecessary apps.


  • "Brunch": breakfast for lunch, or an early lunch.


  • And on a monthly basis, you might want to try a more extended digital detox, like a weekend away where you only use your phone for emergencies.


  • Psychologically, research suggests these breaks can do wonders for our mental health, studies have shown that regularly disconnecting can reduce anxiety, improve focus, and even help with better sleep.


  • Social media, in particular, has been linked to feelings of stress, FOMO, and even depression.


  • "FOMO": Fear of missing out.


  • So when you take those pauses, you're giving your mind a chance to reset and recharge.


  • Now for some practical tips, try leaving your phone in a different room during meals, if you're a parent or newly married, establish a "no phone at dinner" rule or use app blockers to limit social media time.


  • You could even schedule these breaks in your calendar - set reminders so you stay consistent.


  • At the end of the day, small changes in your daily, weekly, and monthly routines can create that balance we all need between staying connected and taking care of ourselves.


  • Alright guys, I hope this was helpful for you.


  • I encourage you to keep practicing this over and over so that you can build your fluency to a point you don't have to rely on the script.


  • Stay tuned for the next video like this.


  • Goodbye for now.


Do you feel like you're glued to your phone 24/7?


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A2 初級 日本語

シャドーイング|Bài 5 (Cách luyện nói tiếng Anh bằng phương pháp Shadowing | Bài 5)

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    Văn Hưng に公開 2025 年 03 月 11 日