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  • So you hurt your back and now you're standing crooked like this and you think your spine is broken?


  • Well, your spine isn't broken, but this is a spine injury called a lateral shift.


  • This is when your upper body is no longer centered over your lower body and you're feeling pretty concerned with the way you're looking in the mirror.


  • Well, do not worry because I'm going to show you how to fix it because my name is Dr. Grant Elliott, and we've helped thousands of people with low back pain, disc herniation, and sciatica fully recover through our one-on-one online coaching program.


  • And in this video, you're going to learn all about the lateral shift and you're going to learn why so many doctors don't know how to effectively treat this and why you should not be afraid and how you can resolve this quickly through a few simple steps so you can get straight and get pain-free.


  • So in order to understand what's going on with the lower back during this shift, we must first understand the anatomy of a disc because a shift is most commonly related with a lateral disc herniation.


  • When we look at the disc, we see two distinct layers, the outer annulus fibrosus, which is a tight, thick, fibrous layer, and an inner gel-like substance called the nucleus pulposus.


  • When a bulge or herniation is happening, what's occurring is the inner gel-like substance is pushing into or through the outer layer.


  • This can create a protruding of the disc into the spinal canal or into nerve roots to create pain and all kinds of problems, and in certain circumstances, can actually leak out of the disc itself.


  • Now, the most common kind of disc herniation is a posterolateral herniation, meaning it's going posteriorly to the back and slightly lateral to the side.


  • When a shift occurs, this is more commonly associated with a more lateral-based herniation.


  • If you can imagine like you're eating a fat Reuben sandwich, if all that meat is shifting to one side of the bread, the bread's going to start to tilt.


  • That's kind of what's happening with your disc between your vertebra, just to give you an easy visualization here.


  • So it's bulging to the side, which is causing your spine and pelvis to shift away typically from that side.


  • Some people can be stuck in a tilt without any pain.


  • Some people can be stuck in a tilt with just a low back pain, and some people can be stuck in a tilt with back pain and sciatica or only sciatica.


  • But either way, a shift is a shift, and we're here to fix it today.


  • So here is how you do this.


  • If you are really sensitive in a lot of pain, then we need to start with a basic shift correction.


  • You'd perform this version by laying down on the floor, on a couch or on a bed with a foam roller stacked under the hip of the side that is shifting outwards.


  • Meaning if your hips are shifted to the left, you want to lay down on your left side with a foam roller under your left hip as to shift your hips to the right in a horizontal position.


  • The reason we start with this is because it is an unloaded position, meaning you're not standing.


  • Gravity is not on your discs, your joints, your spine, and it is easier to correct this shift initially if you are in a very sensitive place.


  • This might be all you can handle at this time.


  • Visually, you can see how the block would be shifting your hips back center under your body or even overcorrecting it to undo that shift of the disc.


  • Hey, real quick.


  • I know you're struggling with pain and obviously want to fix it.


  • So if you just text me the word pain to 317-751-9509, I'll send you my free back pain fix demo.


  • Just text that number and you can fix your pain.


  • Thank me later.


  • Back to the show.


  • Now, if this is too easy or you've progressed through this already, the next step would then be a shift correction in a standing position.


  • So go against a wall, lean into the wall with the side that your upper body is shifted to, put your arm on your side, blocking your rib cage, blocking the upper half of your torso.


  • Put your feet about a foot away from the wall, put the outside hand on your hip, and now push your hip straight into the wall.


  • Perform this repetitively as to push further and further as you go, attempting to get that inside hip to touch the wall.


  • This is now correcting that alignment with gravity, which is a greater load, and therefore these results might last a little longer.


  • It might take multiple sessions or days to get to this point where your shift is now corrected, but once the shift is gone, the work is not done.


  • You see, we want to restore the range of motion and mechanics of your spine and disc entirely.


  • So what a lot of people miss here is, well, one, they don't know how to correct a shift and most providers don't, but two, they stop when you're straight.


  • The next thing you need to do is restore the disc's motion in the sagittal plane.


  • So lay down on the ground on your stomach, hands under your shoulders, and we're going to push up to a lumbar extension.


  • You want to ensure this range of motion is now full and intact, and you maintain the shift over multiple days while you reload extension.


  • Once you've done this for a sufficient amount of time, now we want to load the disc and stabilize it on the side of injury.


  • So once again, if the left side was the side that was shifted and injured, we would get down on the ground onto our left side in a side plank position on our knees, and you're going to pick the hips up and forward while opening the knees.


  • This is called our side plank clamshell, and this is fantastic for loading and strengthening the QL on the bottom side, which is a main spine stabilizer, and the glute med on the bottom side, which is a primary hip stabilizer.


  • What this is doing is it's loading the muscles that can hold the shift corrected.


  • It's almost like it's pulling that hip back under and staying center, and we want to load that disc in tissue to promote long-term adaptive changes.


  • These are the steps you need to take, and after so many people coming to our online program to learn how to correct this when their providers couldn't figure it out, it is essential to understand that this protocol I gave you today could be highly effective for many of you, but when you're dealing with a shift or any disc or nerve issue for that fact, there are subtle differences that might be necessary to ensure you are successful because everyone is a little bit different, and every exercise responds a little bit different, and having the right guidance to know the right movements you should do at what time and how many and which ones to avoid is the most effective approach.


  • So if this was helpful, and you're dealing with a shift or any form of disc or static issue, and you want to dive deeper with me and actually get a structured plan to healing, then all you need to do is text me the word pain to 317-751-9509, and you can get a tailored step-by-step plan to permanently fix your back or statica issues following my centralization process.


  • Do it right now so you don't miss the opportunity to finally fix your pain and live the life you deserve because you only have one life, and it's not worth going any longer with pain and not being active and doing the things you love.


  • And after you text me, please like the video, subscribe if you haven't already, follow me on Instagram for more free daily videos and insight into my life, what I'm doing to keep my back bulletproof.


  • Thank you so much for watching, I'll see you on the next one, and I'll see some of you in our program real soon.


So you hurt your back and now you're standing crooked like this and you think your spine is broken?


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ラテラルシフトを直して腰痛を早く和らげる方法|簡単なステップで背骨を矯正しよう (How to Fix a Lateral Shift and Relieve Back Pain Fast | Correct Your Spine with These Simple Steps)

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    Jenny に公開 2025 年 03 月 08 日