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Hello, everyone.
Welcome back to the Simple English Podcast, where we help you improve your English skills one episode at a time.
I'm your host, Lisa, and today we have a special guest joining us.
We're talking about something that every English learner wants to know: how to speak English fluently. But here's the big tip: you need to think in English first.
英語学習者なら誰もが知りたいこと、それは英語を流暢に話す方法についてです。 しかし、ここに大きなヒントがあります:まず英語で考える必要があります。
Sounds interesting, right? Absolutely, Lisa.
面白そうでしょう? もちろんだよ、リサ。
Hi, everyone.
I'm Brian.
I've been teaching English for over 10 years, and today I'm excited to share some practical tips on how you can train your brain to think in English.
Trust me, it's one of the most powerful ways to become fluent. Yes, it is.
So, if you're struggling with speaking, or maybe you find yourself translating from your native language before you speak, this episode is for you.
We'll explain why thinking in English is the key, how to do it, and, of course, we'll share some fun facts along the way to keep things interesting.
Let's dive right in. Don't forget to check out the free PDF file in the comment section below to get the full transcript and new vocabulary for this episode. Brian, let's start with the basics.
さっそく飛び込もう。 このエピソードの全記録と新しい語彙を入手するには、下のコメント欄にある無料のPDFファイルをチェックするのをお忘れなく。 ブライアン、基本的なことから始めよう。
Why do you think learning to think in English is so important for fluency? That's a great question, Lisa.
The main reason is that when you think in English, you cut out the middle step of translating.
Translation takes time and can lead to mistakes.
When you think directly in English, your responses are faster and more natural.
You don't have to pause and figure out how to say something because you've already got the thought in English.
It's like training your brain to think automatically in English, right? Exactly.
Imagine you're in a conversation, and someone asks you a simple question like, "What's your favorite food?" If you think in your native language first, you'll have to mentally translate the answer like, "Oh, in my language, this is how I say it," and then turn it into English.
会話をしているときに、誰かが "What's your favorite food?" というような簡単な質問をしたとする。まず母国語で考えてしまうと、"ああ、私の言語ではこう言うんだ "というように、答えを精神的に翻訳してから英語にしなければならなくなる。
By the time you're ready to speak, the conversation may have moved on.
But if you're already thinking in English, you can quickly respond, "I love pizza," or "My favorite food is sushi." It keeps the flow natural. Yes, I've had those moments where I'm stuck thinking about how to say something, and by the time I figure it out, the topic has changed. Exactly.
でも、すでに英語で考えているのなら、"I love pizza. "とか "My favorite food is sushi. "とすぐに答えることができる。自然な流れが保てる。そうですね、どう言えばいいのかわからなくなって、わかったときには話題が変わっていた、ということはあります。その通りだ。
And that's one of the main frustrations learners face.
But when you train your brain to think in English, you'll find yourself responding more smoothly without those awkward pauses. That's so true.
Now, for someone who's just starting to work on thinking in English, how can they begin?
I mean, thinking in a new language sounds a bit difficult at first. It can feel challenging, but there are some simple ways to start.
One of the easiest methods is to narrate your daily activities in English.
For example, when you wake up in the morning, think to yourself, "I am brushing my teeth," "I am making coffee," or "I am getting ready for work." These are simple thoughts, but over time, you'll get used to thinking in English without even realizing it. I love that idea.
例えば、朝起きたら、"I am brushing my teeth." "I am making coffee." "I am getting ready for work." と心の中で思う。これらは単純な思考ですが、時間が経つにつれて、知らず知らずのうちに英語で考えることに慣れていきます。私はこの考え方が大好きだ。
So, it's about building a habit by talking to yourself in your head, right? Yes, exactly.
And as you get more comfortable, you can start thinking about more complex things.
For example, if you're at work, you could think, "What do I need to do today?" or "How should I approach this task?" This builds your vocabulary and helps you practice using English for more than just basic thoughts. That's really practical advice.
例えば、仕事中であれば、"今日は何をしなければならないのか"、"この仕事にはどのように取り組めばいいのか "と考えることができる。そうすることで、ボキャブラリーが増え、基本的な考え以外にも英語を使う練習になります。実に実践的なアドバイスだ。
And what about when learners don't know a word in English?
Should they stop and look it up or just keep going? Good question.
I always tell my students not to stop if they don't know a word.
Instead, try to use simpler language to explain it.
For example, let's say you don't know the word "microwave." Instead of stopping to look it up, think of how to explain it: "The machine that heats my food quickly." That way, you're still thinking and speaking in English, even though it's not the exact word. That makes so much sense.
例えば、"microwave "という単語を知らないとしよう。わざわざ調べる代わりに、どう説明するか考えてみよう:"食べ物を素早く温める機械"。そうすれば、正確な単語でなくても、英語で考え、英語で話していることになる。それはとても理にかなっている。
You're keeping the flow of English going in your mind rather than interrupting it.
The goal is to keep your brain in English mode, even if you don't have the perfect word.
The more you practice, the more words you'll naturally learn.
And when you look up those words later, you'll remember them better because you had to actively think around them. I think a lot of learners get stuck trying to be perfect with every word.
But it's more important to keep thinking in English rather than worry about exact translations, right? That's exactly it.
It's all about progress, not perfection.
You don't need to be perfect to be fluent.
Fluency means being able to communicate ideas easily and smoothly, even if you don't know every single word.
Over time, as you build your vocabulary, the words will come. That's encouraging.
And what about silent conversations?
I've heard you mention this technique before.
Can you explain how it works? A silent conversation is simply talking to yourself in your head.
It's a great way to practice thinking in English when you're alone.
Let's say you're walking to the store.
You can ask yourself questions like, "What do I need to buy?" or "What should I have for dinner tonight?" Then try to answer them in English.
This way, you're practicing conversation without needing a partner. That sounds like a really useful exercise.
You're basically training your brain to keep thinking in English, no matter where you are. And the great thing is, you can do this anytime, anywhere.
Whether you're on the bus, waiting in line, or even exercising, you can have a silent conversation with yourself.
It's a simple, no-pressure way to improve your English thinking skills.
And the more you do it, the more natural it becomes, right? Yes.
With consistent practice, your brain will start to automatically think in English without you even trying.
It becomes a habit.
At first, it might take effort, but over time, it'll feel natural, just like thinking in your native language. I love that.
It's like building any other habit.
The more you do it, the easier it gets.
And what about immersing yourself in English environments?
Does that help with thinking in English, too? Definitely.
Immersion is one of the best ways to get your brain into English thinking mode.
This could be as simple as listening to English podcasts, watching TV shows in English, or even reading books.
The more English you hear and see around you, the more your brain gets used to processing the language.
So, even if you're not living in an English-speaking country, you can still create that environment for yourself. Exactly.
For example, if you like watching YouTube videos, try switching to English content.
Or if you enjoy listening to music, choose English songs.
It's all about surrounding yourself with the language, so your brain has more opportunities to practice. That's great advice.
It's all about making English a part of your everyday life.
So, to recap: thinking in English is about cutting out translation, practicing simple daily thoughts, having silent conversations, and surrounding yourself with the language.
Is that right? Exactly.
And remember, it doesn't happen overnight.
But with consistent practice, you'll see real progress.
Just keep at it, and soon enough you'll notice yourself thinking and speaking in English naturally. That's so inspiring.
Thank you for breaking it down so clearly, Brian. Okay, let's take a little break for a fun fact, Brian.
ブライアン、わかりやすく説明してくれてありがとう。 じゃあ、ちょっと休憩して面白い話をしようか、ブライアン。
Did you know that children usually start thinking in their second language after just one year of consistent exposure, while adults take longer? Wow, that's fascinating.
It's probably because children aren't afraid of making mistakes, and they're always learning through play and interaction.
But the good news is, even as adults, we can still train our brains to think in English with practice. Exactly.
It might take more effort for adults, but it's definitely possible.
So, listeners, don't be discouraged if it feels tough at first.
Your brain is like a muscle.
The more you practice thinking in English, the easier it gets. Brian, this has been so helpful.
To wrap things up, let's do a quick recap.
Why is thinking in English the secret to fluency? Well, thinking in English helps you respond faster and more naturally in conversations.
It also cuts out the translation step, which can slow you down and lead to mistakes.
And remember, it's something you can practice daily by describing your actions, having silent conversations with yourself, or even labeling things around you in English. Such great advice.
And if you're listening today, remember: the key to fluency isn't just speaking more, but thinking in English too.
Thank you so much for joining us today, Brian. Thank you, Lisa.
It was a pleasure. And thank you, listeners.
If you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share it with someone else who's learning English.
And let us know in the comments.
Are you already thinking in English?
What challenges do you face?
We'd love to hear from you. Now, it's time to learn some important vocabulary related to the topic.
The first word of today is "native speaker." It means a person who speaks a language as their first language.
今日の最初の単語は "native speaker"。ある言語を母国語として話す人という意味だ。
Example: To speak like a native speaker, try to think in English rather than your own language. Next word is "environment." It means the conditions that surround someone.
例ネイティブスピーカーのように話すには、母国語ではなく英語で考えるようにしましょう。次の単語は "environment "です。誰かを取り巻く状況を意味する。
In language learning, it refers to the language atmosphere you create around you.
Example: Creating an English-speaking environment can help you think in English throughout the day. Next word is "expression." It means a word or phrase used to convey an idea, feeling, or thought.
例英語を話す環境を作ることで、一日中英語で考えることができる。次の単語は "expression" です。アイデア、感情、考えを伝えるために使われる言葉やフレーズを意味します。
Example: Learning common expressions in English helps you think and communicate faster. Next word is "silent conversation." It means talking to yourself mentally without speaking out loud, useful for practicing a language.
例英語でよく使われる表現を学ぶと、思考やコミュニケーションのスピードが速くなります。次の単語は "silent conversation" です。声に出さずに独り言を言うことで、語学の練習に役立ちます。
Example: Having silent conversations in English while walking can improve your fluency. Next word is "immersion." It means the method of learning a language by surrounding yourself with it in everyday life.
例歩きながら英語で無言の会話をすることで、流暢さを向上させることができる。次の言葉は "イマージョン "です。日常生活の中でその言語に囲まれて学習する方法を意味します。
Example: Watching English TV shows and listening to English podcasts help create an immersive environment. The last word of today is "context." It means the situation or background information that helps explain the meaning of something.
例英語のテレビ番組を見たり、英語のポッドキャストを聞いたりすることで、没入感のある環境を作ることができる。今日の最後の単語は "context" です。何かの意味を説明するのに役立つ状況や背景情報を意味します。
Example: Understanding the context of a sentence makes it easier to think in English without translating. Thank you for listening to our episode of the Simple English Podcast.
例文の文脈を理解することで、翻訳せずに英語で考えることが容易になる。Simple English Podcastのエピソードをお聴きいただきありがとうございました。
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