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English-speaking course At the hospital, how to describe your illness Excuse me Hello sir, how can I help you?
英会話コース 病院での病気の説明 Excuse me Hello sir, how can I help you?
Hi, my name is Tom, I just came to this town a week ago It sounds silly but, can you show me how can I meet the doctor here?
Don't worry, sir Can you see a ticket printer on the right corner over there?
Oh yes, so all I have to do is to pick up my number, and wait for my turn, right?
Exactly Right.
And what if I want to book an appointment?
Who should I contact?
You can meet our staff at the receptionist They will give you the phone number for booking in advance Hmm, okay.
How about the payment for medicines?
After the treatment, you will be given a prescription report Just come to the pharmacy on the left hand side.
Yeah, right there You'll pay the bill there That's very kind of you No problem, sir.
And if you need any help, please meet me at the receptionist Thanks, and you are?
何かお困りでしたら、受付でお会いしましょう ありがとうございます。
I'm Dolores, and I work as a nurse here, sir Who is number 7?
It's me Please come to room 505 to meet Dr. Brown, please Good morning, Dr. Brown Good morning.
May I know your name, please?
My name is Tom Holland Sit down, please Hmm, you look pale with a hoarse voice, Tom That's right, doctor.
I've got a sore throat for a week And I also feel a little feverish just this morning That's why I go to the hospital Okay, I see.
First, I'll have your temperature taken Your temperature is normal By the way, have you got a dry and scratchy throat recently?
That's exactly my situation now Whenever I swallow anything, my throat hurts a lot And I have mild cough sometimes Okay, I'll prescribe medicines for you Thank you, Dr. Brown Hello, Dr. Brown Hello.
You must be Mary I've checked the schedule today, and you made an appointment a week ago That's right, doctor Sit down, please How was your diet?
I've listened to your advice and I lost 4 kilograms in 2 weeks That's a marked improvement in your condition Well, I'm not coming here for my weight though What's the matter?
I've recently been to the gyms for intensive exercises But somehow I've got a pain in my shoulders That's really bad, Mary Remember that exercises are good for your health But too much of them can cause injury Yeah, I just want to lose weight as soon as possible Trust me, Mary, it's a bad idea You'd better take a few days off, but still maintain your diet balanced Okay, doctor I'll take some prescriptions for you Please come in Hello, doctor I've made an appointment 2 days ago You're Jane, right What's bringing you to my office today?
最近、ジムで集中的に運動しているんだけど、なぜか肩が痛くなっちゃって......ひどいわ、メアリー 運動は健康にいいものだけど、やりすぎるとケガをすることもあるのよ、メアリー それはよくない 2、3日休んだ方がいい でも食事のバランスは保った方がいい じゃあ先生 処方箋を出しますので お入りください もしもし先生 2日前に予約したんですが 今日は何の用で来られたんですか?
I don't feel so right I'm a bit dizzy Sit down.
Breathe deeply, please Can you do that?
Can you describe more clearly?
I've just vomited an hour ago, and I feel like it's coming back Let me examine your stomach Okay, Jane I'm afraid an urgent operation is necessary I'm always ready, doctor Dr. Brown We have an emergency case You need to meet this patient first Let me see I think I've got a fever, doctor My head is hot Her temperature is higher than usual, doctor Okay, Helen I'm not gonna hurt you Can you please roll up your sleeves?
1時間前に吐いたばかりなのに また吐きそうなんです 胃を診てあげましょう ジェーン 緊急手術が必要なんです いつでも準備はできています ブラウン先生 緊急事態なんです まずこの患者さんに会ってください 熱があるようです 先生 頭が熱いんです 体温がいつもより高いんです 先生 わかりました ヘレン 痛くはしないから 袖をまくってくれる?
Okay, doctor I'm gonna have your blood checked It won't be hurt Can you trust me?
Sure Hello I'm here to take the annual health examination Okay Please go to room 404 and wait for your turn It's on the right-hand side There Hello, doctor Hello Sit down, please, and I'll examine you Okay Can you open your mouth and say, eh?
Good I'm gonna give you an injection Okay Okay Now let me pulse you Hmm, your heart rate is normal Nothing out of ordinary Glad to hear that I've got the worst stomachache Have you eaten anything strange?
よし、注射を打つぞ」 「では、脈をとらせてください」 「うーん、心拍数は正常です」 「いつもと変わりはありません」 「最悪の腹痛です」 「何か変なものを食べましたか?
Hmm, I had some mushrooms today Are you allergic to mushrooms?
I don't think so Everything seems fine before Does it hurt when I touch here?
Not really It's hurt badly on the top left side Okay, Gerald You must be hospitalized so that we can find out what is the true problem here Okay, doctor I'm always ready What's troubling you?
Everything is alright until my back's hurt like it's killing me Have you exercised strenuously or played sports recently?
背中が死ぬほど痛くなるまでは、何も問題なかった。 最近、激しい運動やスポーツをしましたか?
No, and I don't have a history of backache Perhaps your back hasn't been straightened up for a long time, I guess Oh, I remembered I had been sitting for hours dealing with my essays from dusk till dawn Now we see the problem But you'll have to be hospitalized for further treatment Okay, no problem I've broken my legs, doctor Okay, let me examine first Can you show me where it hurts?
Right there It is hurt when I touch this point?
Yes, sir Please be gentle Okay, I'm going to x-ray your legs to see if anything broken I'm a little nervous, but that's okay to me Can you tell me your situation?
It feels like someone squeezing my head really hard, and I'm experiencing nausea How long have you got those symptoms?
誰かに頭を強く押さえつけられたような感じがして、吐き気がするんだ。 その症状はいつから?
Just this morning I still feel like I'm gonna vomit one more time Do you feel bitter in your throat?
今朝はまだ、もう一回吐きそうな気分だ。 喉に苦味を感じるか?
Yes, doctor When I try to eat something, there's no appetite I'll precribe medicines for you, and you can go to the pharmacy on the first floor to take them I'll follow your instruction I've got insomnia lately What time do you go to bed?
Quite late I have to meet the deadlines I only sleep four hours on average That's terrible, Rachel Adults need at least six to seven hours for a good sleep I know, but I just have to do a lot of work Have you got headache?
Yeah, and I usually wake up at midnight, then can never be back to my ordinary sleep I suggest you take some rest, girl You are gradually shortening your lifespan, you know Yeah I'll take a prescription, but remember one thing You cannot always depend on medicines I'll listen to your advice, doctor Remember the operation is on next Monday Okay, I'll be ready How long will it take, by the way?
Half an hour, I guess Will there be any after effect?
I'm afraid that you will no longer eat seafood after the operation Okay, it's no big deal to me That's good.
See you soon Can I meet my wife right now, Dr. Brown?
I'm afraid no What's the matter?
How's she now?
Is she getting worse?
Please calm down, sir She's okay at the moment She's just under anesthesia We are going to have surgery tomorrow Is it a major one?
落ち着いてください、先生 彼女は今のところ大丈夫です、麻酔が効いているだけです。
No, it isn't.
Just a quick check, don't worry Okay.
If there's anything serious, please announce me, doctor I have to go now Trust us, sir.
Goodbye What have bothered you recently?
さようなら 最近気になったことは?
I've been having trouble breathing lately Can you describe the symptoms to me?
I've got a dry cough and always in a tiring state Do you have heavy feeling when you breathe?
乾いた咳が出るし、いつも疲れている。 呼吸するときに重い感じがする?
Oh yeah, just like someone punch into my chest.
It's hard to breathe The COVID-19 symptoms are quite similar to yours I think you must be hospitalized for further studies Sounds terrifying Don't worry.
We can handle this Don't forget to give us a like Thank you and see you again