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  • In camo out of the fight here Salvo's up through heaven as water will be no swing How do you two people drop off the map wait, dude I can't win a round where two of your players just what the fuck?


  • How do we how to oh?


  • The two people that fall off the map is the character that can fly and the other character that can teleport How is this possible?


  • What the fuck?


  • It's gotta have been a blunder they must have body blocked each other in hell One can't teleport and the other can fly Bro Kaplan's gonna beat the shit out of Qbert.


  • Oh Dear lord right as they were about to run their execute.


  • What is going on here?


  • Oh No They body blocked each other.

    オー・ノー 彼らは互いに体をブロックし合った。

  • They must have done.


  • Yep.


  • They both went to the jump at the same time To try and play this retake unless he's gifted one, which he is Deep heat Mikey does not come up with anything at all team liquid.


  • Come on.


  • Come on.


  • Get another one nice sack Knives you I fuck with it The blades whistled away Oh My fucking god Just peek them together it's one do it in a corner the trade from Zelsis That was That was Again these are the kind of rounds that have not worked for liquid Oh my god, oh my fucking god, he killed the jet mid-dash.

  • I need to see replay of that Senators no prior map control wasn't a slow default They're going for a reexec here into the play and Jordan throw your fucking project once now Cloudburst at your feet.

    その上院議員のリプレイを見る必要がある 事前のマップコントロールは遅いデフォルトではなかった 彼らはここでプレーに再エグゼックをしようとしている とジョーダンはあなたの足元に今クラウドバースト一度あなたのクソプロジェクトを投げる。

  • Can you left-click?


  • Just start right-clicking out of the fucking smokes topple and fall John seriously, they're all just peeking that smoke.


  • Just right-click it of getting to map 3 See whether they can convert their second attempt at a map point, I don't know where the flash is the rehit here from Sen Nick dominated all the appropriate angles Kiko falls out taken out heavens still not dealt with player up top second.

    ただ、右クリックでマップ3に到達する 彼らはマップポイントで彼らの2回目の試みを変換することができるかどうかを確認し、私はフラッシュがどこにあるのかわからないからここでリヒットはセンニックからすべての適切な角度を支配 キコは天を取られ落ちる まだ2番目のトップ選手に対処していない。

  • What is precise?


  • Was that you got this?


  • Spamming away up on top the ropes, you know, the damage has been done with a shorty, but come on, come on Oh my god, honey, we're shooting him in the side of the head He hit him with that hit him with that no, uh, no, no, no I Hang up and over clean shots necessary for sentinels to stand a chance They not nice Very not nice everybody's position and so good you till from Sen flushing out these players and a bit of a mistake from camo as well Oh, he walks down the timing here.


  • He has Don't know they don't know oh my god Otherwise, oh they shot it to the side.


  • No one's bench though Come on bang, come on, come on I'm not fucking playing and I'm tilted you're calling it for some of course We're fucking tilted something in the comms that's gone wrong Nobody get the plant down potentially into this spot, but a lot of unknowns hit No, surely surely not thinking about it yet.

    しかし、誰もベンチにいない。 さあ、バンバン、さあ、さあ、僕はプレーしていないし、傾いている。

  • There's no coverage up towards the top To try to fight him in the chaos and that's just puts an end Else was working.


  • Hey, yeah, we put up the wall and then we try to Scorch my god in the dis nose.


  • Oh, well, we are not smiling at all But how the hell do you navigate this one stay fight drop down as well?


  • It's gonna be a native gonna try get away all the way past this Jack is so fucking good.


  • How did you live that he was showing them the Jersey movement?


  • Oh My god bang shoulder to shoulder to pit drop down as well But this might just give them more in is it even planted in the pit?


  • Anticipate this whatsoever.


  • Yeah, but a pit in their face.


  • There's no instant trade-off Molly at the feed as well It's gonna be locking these sent players out and wide slide as the gaps they managed to get past it But still they need the kills and they need them now great inside We do and it's just stuck At least trying to quiet we can't let ourselves get up the braille like this is fucked In game we'd look depressed and then we're also playing like we're fucking the press Play a defined it man Oh What the fuck what bro No access to the a site Adventure fuck it over here.


  • Go.


  • Oh my god Danger, yeah, just gave Nats a smoke to play around 14 seconds.


  • There's no clearance into the site.


  • You can see it.


  • They're fighting demons at this point and his name is Someone kill this fucking guy kill this fucking guy He keeps multi-fagging us Tempo it's all pace sentinels.

    この時点で彼らは悪魔と戦っていて、彼の名前は "誰かこいつを殺してくれ、こいつを殺してくれ"。

  • My god This guy is relentless They're already dead at this point the team liquid.


  • They don't give him a chance Book him a flight Oh never mind like outpacing G2 at this point we get 13 Oh We don't even deserve economy like this is the entirety of sense We should be sitting with the fucking baggage underneath the plate.

    彼らは彼にチャンスを与えない 彼にフライトを予約する ああ、気にしない この時点でG2を上回るように 我々は13を得る ああ、我々はエコノミーにさえ値しない これがセンスのすべてであるかのように 我々は皿の下のクソ荷物と一緒に座るべきである。

  • Like what the fuck is going on?


  • This is disgusting team liquid Camo perch this is the barrel and it's just broken out as well mistakes are piling up at this point miracle Nothing short of the fine intervention is what's needed and necessary He's in the walls Good luck top of them the damage is done Ten rounds on the board for team liquid 20 kills in the bank for not He's 20 and 6 and he's IGLing Oh, he legit has like more kills in everyone fucking combined.

    このように、チームリキッドは嫌なものです 迷彩パーチ これはバレルであり、それはちょうどこの時点でミスが積み重なっている奇跡です 彼は壁の中にいる 彼は必要なものであり、必要なものです 彼は壁の中にいる 彼らの上に頑張って ダメージが行われている チームリキッドのためのボード上の10ラウンド 20キル銀行ではありません 彼は20と6であり、彼はIGLしている ああ、彼は合法的にすべてのクソを合わせてより多くのキルを持っている。

  • Also, I'm gonna start buying the phantom You see the you see the he's doing God's work with that weapon trade can that's again with an opportunity So, oh my god My god don't get killed Jordan If we Lose this shut down Nats We just have that.

    また、私は幻を買い始めるつもりだ あなたは、彼がその武器の貿易缶で神の仕事をしているのを見ることができます チャンスと再びだから、ああ、私の神は、私の神は殺されないでください ジョーダン 私たちはこのシャットダウン夏を失うならば、我々はちょうどそれを持っている。

  • I mean surely Sam.


  • There's got to be no gaps here There's got to be no gaps in the swing comes through off of the sound cues, but one Running attacking walls.


  • I mean if we believe in miracles chat, we better start fucking believe in the replay I mean if you don't believe in miracles, you better start believing that that's what I meant to say dire straights Geez, man, and go with plan to go down here by John No contest you but it's a rapid play at that.


  • Look at it footsteps maneuvering team liquid They want to get straight back into the fight in the fray and second sack.


  • Yeah We really need this round like if we want to come back this round and we didn't give up already.


  • We need this round Okay, not should not be favored there Take a moment of silence to remember those that have fallen.


  • I don't even know what to say man.


  • This is just we It's just bad man.


  • It's just so bad.


  • It's so bad.


  • This game should have been a 2-0 It should have been a 2-0 but every single time I can we get a stat up?


  • I think at this event so far.


  • We have been the most clutched on team I I don't I don't know how many times I just watch like an enemy Someone on the enemy team just fucking like 1v3 1v4 Bro, it is it's crazy Almost this is like I feel like I'm experiencing like a first heartbreak right here.


  • This is this is from like Losing but losing in this fashion John just can't quite whip the ghost around in time.


  • This is liquid on the verge Absolutely unreal stuff So sis time is ticking son the hourglass running dry it is do or die That's the case of the entire how many pistols every one of them games how many pistols are we one?

    これはギリギリの液状だ 絶対に非現実的なものだ だから姉さん、時間は刻一刻と迫っている。

  • It's not with a bang but with We never win pistols It's impossible here liquid.


  • Look do we need like a fucking ghost DM session?


  • Timing that cake.


  • We know the team liquid love to contact.


  • So they're just gonna try to go all the way up here catch Beautiful Nothing goes right this might be really nothing goes right And Salvo's to the right is one but a plan will go off about a hitch.

    だから、彼らはただ、ここでキャッチまで行こうとするつもりだ 美しい 何もうまくいかない これは本当に何もうまくいかないかもしれない そして、サルボの右は1つだが、計画はヒッチについてオフに行くだろう。

  • Anyway, Kiko follows through star player removed team liquid Able to send send city home the right swing and why but he's just So that was even the game again really again It really looked like liquid demon have to fucking calm on this last map and they probably would have beaten us still Well, we just like we don't even look like a unit.

    とにかく、キコはスター選手を通してチームリキッドを削除し、正しいスイングで街を家に送ることができますが、彼はちょうどそうであったので、ゲームさえ再び本当に再び、それは本当に液体悪魔がこの最後のマップでクソ静かでなければならないように見えたし、彼らはおそらくまだ私たちを破っていただろう まあ、私たちはちょうど私たちはユニットのように見えることさえないようなものだ。

  • Well, I don't mean like also it feels like we're just lacking confidence as well We're lacking confidence.


  • We're not smiling.


  • Like I Honestly, I think rancors would have maybe got more rounds against liquid than we did today fucking rancors How are we not holding the plants?


  • Oh


In camo out of the fight here Salvo's up through heaven as water will be no swing How do you two people drop off the map wait, dude I can't win a round where two of your players just what the fuck?


AI 自動生成字幕

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語

TenZがセンチネルに激突する11分間 (11 Minutes of TenZ Crashing Out On Sentinels)

  • 0 0
    Shota Shirai に公開 2025 年 02 月 24 日