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  • IELTS Topic-Based Vocabulary Produced and Broadcast by Parker English Unit 2 Positive Emotions Respectful Respectful When discussing sensitive topics, it is important to maintain a respectful tone to avoid offending anyone.

    IELTS Topic-Based Vocabulary Produced and Broadcast by Parker English Unit 2 Positive Emotions Respectful デリケートな話題について話すときは、相手を不快にさせないよう、敬語を使うことが大切です。

  • Frank Frank The actress was known for her frank personality and always spoke her mind.

    フランク・フランク 率直な性格で知られ、常に本音を語る女優だった。

  • The actress was known for her frank personality and always spoke her mind.


  • Compassion Compassion is a strong word that describes a person's personality and character.

    思いやり 思いやりという言葉は、その人の性格や人格を表す強い言葉だ。

  • Compassion Compassion can be an antidote to feelings of anger and resentment.

    思いやり 思いやりは、怒りや憤りの感情の解毒剤となる。

  • Compassion can be an antidote to feelings of anger and resentment. Thrill The thrill of visiting a new city is what drives many travelers to explore the world.

    思いやりは、怒りや恨みの感情を抑える解毒剤となる。 スリル 新しい街を訪れるスリルこそが、多くの旅行者を世界探検へと駆り立てる。

  • Liberal Liberal Some argue that a more liberal approach to drug policy would reduce addiction rates and drug-related crime.

    リベラル リベラル 一部の人々は、薬物政策へのよりリベラルなアプローチは、中毒率と薬物関連犯罪を減らすだろうと主張している。

  • Proud Proud Agreeable Agreeable The conversation was quite agreeable with everyone sharing their thoughts and ideas.

    Proud Proud Agreeable Agreeable 会話は、全員が自分の考えやアイデアを分かち合い、とても和やかだった。

  • The conversation was quite agreeable with everyone sharing their thoughts and ideas.


  • Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting In favour of In favour of The local community is not in favour of the construction of a new highway, as it would destroy natural habitats. Delight The mother was filled with delight as she watched her child take their first steps.

    高揚感 高揚感 高揚感 高揚感 In favor of In favor of 地元コミュニティは、自然の生息地を破壊することになるため、新しい高速道路の建設に賛成していない。 喜び その母親は子供が最初の一歩を踏み出すのを見て喜びに満たされた。

  • The mother was filled with delight as she watched her child take their first steps. Zeal The artist approached each painting with great zeal, pouring her heart and soul into every stroke.

    その母親は、我が子が最初の一歩を踏み出すのを見て、喜びに満たされた。 熱心な画家は、一筆一筆に心血を注ぎ、熱心に絵に取り組んだ。

  • The artist approached each painting with great zeal, pouring her heart and soul into every stroke. Courage It takes courage to pursue your dreams, especially in the face of obstacles and uncertainty.

    画家は一筆一筆に心血を注ぎ、熱意をもって絵に取り組んだ。 勇気 自分の夢を追い求めるには勇気がいる。

  • It takes courage to pursue your dreams, especially in the face of obstacles and uncertainty.


  • Fascinated Fascinated She was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and spent years studying astronomy.

    Fascinated 魅惑された 彼女は宇宙の神秘に魅了され、天文学の研究に何年も費やした。

  • She was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and spent years studying astronomy.


  • Startle Startle The unexpected knock on the door startled her and she almost spilled her coffee.


  • The unexpected knock on the door startled her and she almost spilled her coffee.


  • Humorous Humorous The writer's humorous style made his novels popular with readers of all ages.

    ユーモラス ユーモラスな作風で、幅広い年齢層の読者に支持された。

  • Confidence Confidence A lack of confidence can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential.

    自信 自信の欠如は、個人の潜在能力を最大限に発揮することを妨げてしまう。

  • A lack of confidence can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential.


  • Keen A photographer needs a keen eye for composition and lighting to take great pictures.

    鋭い写真家 優れた写真を撮るためには、構図や照明に対する鋭い目が必要だ。

  • Please Please Try to please her parents by pursuing a career in law, but it wasn't what she really wanted.

    プリーズ プリーズ 法律のキャリアを追求することで両親を喜ばせようとしたが、それは彼女が本当に望んでいたことではなかった。

  • She tried to please her parents by pursuing a career in law, but it wasn't what she really wanted. Daring The filmmaker's daring documentary exposed the truth about the controversial cult.

    彼女は両親を喜ばせようと法律の道に進んだが、それは彼女が本当に望んでいたことではなかった。 大胆 この映画監督の大胆なドキュメンタリーは、物議を醸したカルトの真実を暴いた。

  • Triumphant The soldier's triumphant return was met with both praise and criticism.


  • Calm The yoga instructor encouraged her students to find their inner calm through deep breathing.

    落ち着き ヨガのインストラクターは、深い呼吸を通して内なる落ち着きを見つけるよう生徒を励ました。

  • Refreshing The addition of fresh mint leaves added a refreshing taste to the salad.

    爽やか フレッシュなミントの葉を加えることで、サラダに爽やかさが加わった。

  • Ecstatic The audience was ecstatic when the actor made a surprise proposal to his girlfriend on stage.

    恍惚 俳優がステージ上でガールフレンドにサプライズ・プロポーズをしたとき、観客は恍惚の表情を浮かべた。

  • Touched Touched The audience was touched by the pianist's emotional performance, which brought tears to many eyes.


  • The audience was touched by the pianist's emotional performance, which brought tears to many eyes.


  • Content Despite his humble job, he was still content with his life and grateful for what he had.

    満足 地味な仕事にもかかわらず、彼は自分の人生に満足し、今あるものに感謝していた。

  • Ingenious The engineer's solution to the problem was truly ingenious and saved the company a lot of money.

    独創的 このエンジニアの問題解決策は実に独創的で、会社の経費を大幅に削減した。

  • Modest The athlete gave a modest interview after winning the gold medal, thanking his team for their support.

    控えめな選手 金メダルを獲得した後、控えめなインタビューに答え、チームのサポートに感謝した。

  • The athlete gave a modest interview after winning the gold medal, thanking his team for their support.


  • Rejoice Rejoice The children rejoiced when they found out school was cancelled due to the snowstorm.

    喜べ、喜べ 吹雪のため学校が休校になったと知って、子供たちは喜んだ。

  • Determined Determined The scientist was determined to find a cure for cancer and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.

    決意を固めた 科学者はがんの治療法を見つけることを決意し、それを実現するためにたゆまぬ努力を続けた。

  • The scientist was determined to find a cure for cancer and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.


  • Hectic Hectic The restaurant is always hectic during lunchtime, with people rushing in and out.

    慌ただしい ランチタイムはいつも慌ただしい。

  • The restaurant is always hectic during lunchtime, with people rushing in and out.


  • The scientist was determined to find a cure for cancer and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.


IELTS Topic-Based Vocabulary Produced and Broadcast by Parker English Unit 2 Positive Emotions Respectful Respectful When discussing sensitive topics, it is important to maintain a respectful tone to avoid offending anyone.

IELTS Topic-Based Vocabulary Produced and Broadcast by Parker English Unit 2 Positive Emotions Respectful デリケートな話題について話すときは、相手を不快にさせないよう、敬語を使うことが大切です。

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IELTS 字彙 ⎮ ユニット2 正向情緒 ポジティブな感情 ⎮ 怕渴英文 ⎮ 無中文短版 (IELTS 字彙 ⎮ Unit 2 正向情緒 Positive Emotions ⎮ 怕渴英文 ⎮ 無中文短版)

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    杜瑀恩 に公開 2025 年 02 月 24 日