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  • There's so much happening in downtown Atlanta just a block away from the aquarium and Phillips Arena You've got bourbon and barbecue that has the whole city buzzing the beautiful thing They've got nine menu items that are as close to perfection as you can get sure they run out of meats most nights But hey tomorrow you got to get here earlier.


  • Let's hang at Twin Smokers Twin Smokers is a classic barbecue restaurant that focuses on just pure barbecue meats We have two smokers.

    ツイン・スモーカーズでハングしよう ツイン・スモーカーズは、純粋なバーベキュー肉に特化したクラシックなバーベキュー・レストランだ。

  • We have one that we actually call Matthew.


  • Matthew smokes just Texas beef And we have Elizabeth that cooks classic southern pork and chicken So you really get both flavors done the correct way We're not trying to mingle them together A good barbecue spot has got to be authentic and coming from Memphis Everything around town we've been to tries to be extra fusion or something else It's very hard to find traditional barbecue And so if you can't make it to Memphis, this is as close as you can get They come straight from the smoker.


  • It's fresh every day.


  • It's absolutely magnificent At the end of the day, it's not so much about having someone who has seven degrees and you know And gone to the best culinary school.


  • It's about somebody who knows how to barbecue Right here my man.


  • Steak.


  • Welcome to Twin Smokers barbecue and bourbon My buddy Brian running Twin Smokers.

    ツインスモーカーズ・バーベキュー&バーボンへようこそ! ツインスモーカーズを経営する私の相棒、ブライアン。

  • Pressure, right?


  • Of trying to do barbecue right here in the heart of the south A Yankee has come down and I give you credit, you know what I mean?


  • It's like you have pulled it off and I'm a guy that loves his meat, right?


  • They don't call me Tofu Shapiro, right?


  • And I think it's the brisket that just blows me away Did you really set out to say we're gonna have the best brisket in Atlanta?


  • Steak, we did.


  • You need to have A, the right smoker, B, the right wood, C, the right protein The right meat.


  • You need a great quality meat Hey Matt, cut us off a piece of the other end.

    上質な肉が必要だ。 マット、もう片方の端っこを切ってくれ。

  • Yeah, that one See, this is what I love.


  • This bite right here.


  • Oh my god You got the char and then you got the moistness and it's what it's all about So the brisket's basically two muscles.


  • You got your lean end, which we're trying And if you think about this, that's a lean end and that's that moist.


  • Where do you try this thing?


  • Look at this.


  • I mean, this is what would be called the wet end And it's just melt in your mouth.


  • It's remarkable Crazy.


  • I love working the meats and that's critical But we're standing here.


  • I haven't had a side dish We got a bunch of them, but these are my favorites First of all, the mac and cheese We're doing a creamy mac and cheese And then one of the things we're doing in there, we're putting a green chili Potato salad.


  • We actually had some tomato and some corn, red potatoes Just classic, great potato salad And then the collard's one of my favorites A lot of pressure You know, we get a lot of compliments on it.


  • It's like a sweet and sour collard So you got a lot of bacon, vinegar, sugar Their collard greens are very good.


  • They taste like they're straight out of grandma's kitchen The sides are phenomenal.


  • That's one of the things I love about this place Back to the meat though.


  • Are you going to introduce me to your...


  • Let's go see the twins.


  • Come on now At Twin Smokers, it's a rock your world, satisfying beef brisket Or go with an unbeatable pulled pork sandwich Try the house-made smoked beef sausage with potato salad and mac and cheese Finish up with the double trouble milkshakes Now that's the perfect order When we come back, it's short ribs, straight out of the smoker And sighs for dino appetites Atlanta Eats is back But what is it about this place?


  • I love the cocktails here They have respect for great drinks Absolutely We think you need a great beer selection I mean, barbecue and beer is great We happen to add bourbon on because Bourbon and barbecue is not a bad pair either I think the oaky, smoky taste of bourbon is spot on with any kind of barbecue We just think the beautiful sweetness of the bourbon Goes awesome with the richness of the barbecue We just like how they both take a long time to get perfect Dude, are you serious?


  • I mean, are you hazing me here?


  • What kind of wood is this?


  • We've got some mesquite, we've got some post oak That's what we're cooking our beef over So we appreciate you bringing it up Alright, somebody gonna take this from me or what?


  • Chef, come on, take this from him Let's look at the magic That's a beautiful sight You know, you gotta try this thing Oh my word That's our dinosaur beef rib And you come into this thing And you just look Wow I mean, Steaky, look at that This thing's been cooking for 12 hours It's unbelievably moist I just need like a three hour NFL game And just give me this and I'll just gnaw on it Literally, I can turn this knife around on the dull side And just go right through this This is the short rib?

    シェフ、これを受け取ってください 美しい光景だ これはぜひ食べてみてほしい 恐竜のカルビだ 12時間煮込んだんだ 信じられないほどしっとりしてる NFLの試合を3時間見たいんだ これをくれたら、かぶりつくよ 文字通り、このナイフを鈍いほうに回せばいいんだ これがカルビ?

  • Yeah, this is the short rib that we smoke Wow Pretty good We do a Texas style sausage here We have Pawtuck making it Which is a local sausage maker out in Estelle Awesome It's a beef sausage with some pork fat in there for flavor A little bit of heat, it's awesome Everything is so drippy and delicious, right?


  • Is that an actual culinary term?


  • Drippy and delicious?


  • It is, it is It's got the snap, right?


  • Yeah, you need the snap, you need the moisture The right casing so all that moisture stays in there A little bit of heat in the end That is amazing Uncle Steak is here Oh wow, look at them Alright, here we go Wow Tell me what's happening with the barbecue tonight How much are we loving Twin Smokers?


  • Loving it, loving it, loving it So what makes a great barbecue place?

    大好き、大好き、大好き では、素晴らしいバーベキュー場とは?

  • All the different stuff you can eat, right?


  • The sides were great The brisket and the chicken were great The sauces were awesome What about the meats?

    サイドメニューは最高だった ブリスケットもチキンも最高だった ソースも最高だった 肉はどうだった?

  • Because a lot of barbecue places, the meats were The juiciness is probably the best part about the meats Whether it's the chicken or the brisket They're just juicy And it's just so full of flavor They know what delicious is at Twin Smokers They do, they do And now, what do we got?

    多くのバーベキュー店では 肉のジューシーさが最高だ チキンでもブリスケットでも ジューシーで旨味が凝縮してる ツインスモーカーズでは 旨味を知ってるんだ 彼らはね さて どうする?

  • You know, to finish this stuff up We have Trouble and Double Trouble We work with High Road Ice Cream, which is a local ice cream Awesome Phenomenal product And we decided to finish this thing off as one of our desserts You have Trouble, which is just a hand-spun, old-school milkshake Classic milkshake, which is yours Yep Right Double Trouble, we put a little bullet bourbon in there Okay, so Trouble and Double Trouble, right?

    ハイ・ロード・アイスクリームと一緒に作ったんだ 地元のアイスクリームだよ 驚くべき商品なんだ これをデザートの1つとして 仕上げることにしたんだ 手で紡いだ昔ながらのミルクセーキだよ クラシックなミルクセーキで 君たちのものだね ダブル・トラブルには バーボンを入れたんだ トラブルとダブル・トラブルだね?

  • Yeah You know, the old days in Texas Captain Smokey, a famous explorer They used to toast milkshakes after a great day of finding new frontiers Cheers Thanks, buddy You too, man Thanks, man


There's so much happening in downtown Atlanta just a block away from the aquarium and Phillips Arena You've got bourbon and barbecue that has the whole city buzzing the beautiful thing They've got nine menu items that are as close to perfection as you can get sure they run out of meats most nights But hey tomorrow you got to get here earlier.


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レストラン・レビュー - Twin Smokers BBQ|Atlanta Eats (Restaurant Review - Twin Smokers BBQ | Atlanta Eats)

  • 20 1
    rakko に公開 2025 年 02 月 20 日