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With an estimated two million pills being smuggled into the US every day and one-third of students at universities like Stanford saying they've tried it, MDMA or Molly has become a popular drug of choice.
米国には毎日推定200万錠が密輸され、スタンフォード大学などでは学生の3分の1が試したことがあると答えており、MDMA やモリーは人気のあるドラッグとなっています。
But what exactly is it, and how does it affect your body?
Scientifically known as 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine, MDMA is usually taken in pill form and supposed to be composed of the pure chemical.
科学的には3,4-メチレンジオキシ-N-メチルアンフェタミンとして知られる MDMA は、通常錠剤の形で服用され、純粋な化学物質で構成されているとされています。
Ecstasy, on the other hand, is the term for MDMA which has been chemically altered with other additives like amphetamine or caffeine.
一方、エクスタシーは、MDMA にアンフェタミンやカフェインなどの添加物を加えて化学的に変化させたものを指します。
In it’s pure form, MDMA affects the neurotransmitters in your brain.
純粋な形で、MDMA はあなたの脳内の神経伝達物質に影響を与えます。
Neurotransmitters are chemicals in your body which relay messages, while also controlling things such as reflexes, emotion, and memory.
In particular, the neurotransmitter called serotonin controls appetite, sleep, memory, learning and in this case, mood.
When something really great happens in your life — say you fall in love — there is an increase in the release of serotonin from nerve cells, which ultimately stimulates your body and makes you feel happy.
And it just so happens that when you take effective amounts of MDMA, these same cells are triggered to release enormous amounts of serotonin,
そして偶然にも、有効量の MDMA を摂取すると、同じ細胞が引き金となって大量のセロトニンが放出されますし、
along with other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which trigger even more electrochemical firing in the brain.
This change creates the intense experience of happiness, feeling social, increased empathy and the inability to sleep, which is likely why it is such a popular party drug.
These feelings generally lasts around three to eight hours, as your brain cells naturally work to reuptake the serotonin and have it chemically destroyed.
But because MDMA releases so much serotonin, your body also destroys more than usual.
しかし、MDMA は非常に多くのセロトニンを放出するため、あなたの体も通常より多く破壊してしまうのです。
This means when your brain function is back in its "normal state," there is less serotonin available to bind to your receptors and make you feel good with normal events.
This can also lead to a fairly severe hangover with side effects such as negative mood, spouts of depression, irritability, and feeling extra tired.
Despite the negative effects, MDMA is being studied as a potential therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety.
マイナス効果にもかかわらず、MDMA は心的外傷後ストレス障害と不安の治療法として研究されています。
PTSD patients generally have a decrease in brain communication between the amygdala and the hippocampus, but MRI analysis has show that MDMA actually increases the communication in these regions.
PTSD 患者は一般的に、扁桃体と海馬の間の脳内コミュニケーションが減少しているが、MRI解析の結果、MDMAはこれらの領域のコミュニケーションを実際に増加させることが分かっています。
However, this treatment remains fairly controversial as studies on rats and monkeys have shown that even small amounts of MDMA can not only destroy the endings of brain cells involved in the release of serotonin but potentially cause permanent brain damage.
しかし、ラットやサルを使った研究では、少量の MDMA でもセロトニンの放出に関与する脳細胞の末端を破壊するだけでなく、脳に永久的な損傷を与える可能性があることが示されており、この治療法はかなり議論の余地が残っています。
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