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  • Welcome back. I'm your host, KP, a marine biologist with over a decade's worth of experience working with marine mammals. Last week, sea otters took home the gold in our Olympic special.


  • And I don't know about you, but watching Katmai crunch down on her Olympic gold medal ice treat kind of made my teeth hurt. So I thought that'd be the topic of this week's Deeper


  • Dive. Teeth. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and head down to the descriptions below for ways that you can help support the channel. It's no secret that animals have special adaptations to allow them to survive in their specific ecological niche. One adaptation is teeth.


  • Also, dentition is widely determined by specialized feeding habits. Let's start with sea otters. If you're a fan of this channel, then you probably know that sea otters love to eat. They typically prey on mollusks like oysters or clams, even echinoderms like sea urchins, or invertebrates like shrimp or crabs. And what do all of these animals have in common? An exoskeleton, or a hard shell. I'm going to assume that most of you already know that sea otters use tools like a rock to crack into hard shells, in a motion similar to what Katmai is doing here in this clip. But what if we don't have a rock? Sometimes, sea otters will just use their teeth.


  • That's the kind of stuff that would probably make a dentist cringe. But sea otters have adaptations that make this no big deal. Their molars have six roots instead of four, like ours, and they're flat and rounded, perfect for crushing. Sometimes, wild otters will even eat some of the shells. This not only provides them calcium, but something called roughage. It's very good for the digestive tract. Taken from someone who has cleaned up their fair share of otter poop, it is unique. So unique that it has its own name, Sprite.


  • Back to teeth. Let's talk about the most unique tooth in the ocean, narwhals. Also known as the unicorns of the sea because of their most impressive asset, their tusk. These tusks are actually a canine tooth that projects from the left side of the upper jaw through the lip and forms a left-handed helix spiral. Some males, about 1 in 500, actually have two tusks. Scientists are still debating and searching for the biological function of the tusk. And while the answer is still unknown, the leading theory is that it's somehow involved in a mating or breeding display because of the fact that males tend to have them more often than females. However, recent analysis has shown that the tusk is a highly innervated sensory organ with millions of nerve endings. So, it appears that this tusk is some sort of sixth sense that helps the animals feel around their dark, wintery, cold world. There are very few tusked animals in the world and only one other tusked marine mammal. It just so happens to be my favorite animal of all time, the walrus. Just like narwhals, the tusks of the walrus grow throughout their lives. They're basically modified canine teeth. They can reach about a meter in length and the root of that tusk grows very close to the sinuses in the walrus. The depth of these canine roots makes dental health for walruses extremely important because they can easily break or chip tusks. And if those tusks get a break or a chip, an infection, an abscess, that infection can very easily make its way up to the sinus and even into the brain. In the beginning of the video,


  • I mentioned that teeth usually have specialized functions. Most people assume that the specialized function of a walrus tusk is for fighting or sparring, but unlike narwhals, all walruses have tusks, even all the females. Walruses use their tusks as levers to basically pull their hulking bodies out of the water. Walruses are the heaviest member of the pinniped family.


  • This is a family that includes animals like seals and sea lions. Most pinnipeds have a unique bacteria that lives on their teeth that can cause an infection in humans called seal finger. This is something I've covered in a previous video, and if you're interested, you can find it right up here. However, I have gotten a lot of comments here and over on my Twitch channel about how we take care of animals' teeth when they live under human care. Do our animals go to the dentist?


  • Dental care is just as important to animals under human care as it is to people. We check their mouths every day to make sure that everything is looking good. In most of our critters, a basic open mouth present is one of the very first things that they learn. Going a step further, we can even train the animals to allow us to brush their teeth or even use a water pick to make sure that they're looking clean and healthy on a daily basis. Every animal typically gets a yearly physical from our veterinarians, and this includes a dental checkup and clean. If necessary, animals can even have a tooth pulled, like my favorite California sea lion, Senor Cinco. You can see here he's missing his bottom left canine. That was an unfortunate, unnecessary, human-caused injury of a gunshot wound. With walruses and their incredible tusks, we'll use caps. If you recall earlier, I talked about how walruses used their tusks to help them pull their enormous bodies out of the water. This, of course, causes a lot of stress on the tusk that could potentially cause injury. Often with walrus under human care, we'll put a cap on the end of their tusk that prevents them from getting damaged in the first place. In this clip, you can see me applying a cap to a very awake, very feisty baby walrus.


  • And that brings us back to sea otters. I mentioned that sea otters will often use their teeth to crack into hard shells. This actually helps scrape the plaque away from their teeth, keep their gums healthy as well. And this is one of the reasons that we give them ice treats. To be honest, one of the main reasons we give sea otters ice treats is because they love it. And if you'd like to see more of that, click on the shameless suggested link at the end of the video. But we also do it because ice simulates those hard shells. Crunching through that ice actually helps to remove regular buildup of plaque on sea otter's teeth. Honestly, teeth are so important, I could probably go on forever about them. I definitely didn't cover everything I wanted to. So if you have any questions, definitely drop them in the comments below or head over to my Twitch channel where I can answer them live. But for now, enjoy some clips of otters enjoying their ice treats with their impressive teeth, and I'll catch you next time. Cheers!


  • Thank you. Cute. He's like, I got you one clam treat!


Welcome back. I'm your host, KP, a marine biologist with over a decade's worth of experience working with marine mammals. Last week, sea otters took home the gold in our Olympic special.


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ラッコは氷が大好き!しかしなぜなのか--海洋生物学者が解明する (Sea Otters LOVE Ice! But Why -- A Marine Biologist EXPLAINS)

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    rakko に公開 2025 年 02 月 08 日