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What's up guys Tommy Bennett here and today we're going to teach you guys some advanced carving skills But it's going to be way more fun if I have the master of carving with me.
So what up Ryan?
What's up with the Tubby?
Let's go make sure you guys are subscribed to his channel go check out his stuff He has some of the most insane carving you'll ever see and obviously that's why I want him here Before we get too far in depth on the crazy carving that we're about to do if you're struggling with just a basic carve Basically go scope up there because we do have I did make a video on basic carving Which is going to be sick so you guys can go scope that out, but One of the biggest things about carving is being able to utilize your body now There are times where you can be really tall and really extended and do carves But I want us to get a little bit more dynamic So the first thing that I want you guys to do is on a nice little hill will know where no one is I want you guys to simply work on Getting low now the coolest thing is I can get low figure out my body positions without getting bodied So as I'm doing a toeside carve I can simply sink my belly button down get low now Guess what I can put my hand on the ground and be in this body position.
My chest is up I'm balanced I can take my hand off or I can put my hand down And then the sick thing is we can actually do that on the hill kind of dope got anything to add to that Earlier in the year.
I saw a keystone.
I was following me down You're doing switch turns and you're getting your back knee You're just stacked like you just said and your back knee was given this snow and that is so hard to do switch And so yeah, you're a master at it So that's what we're gonna do is we're gonna lead into doing some dynamic Aggressive carving and then the goal is to be able to do some neat touches.
So let's let's get right in One of the things you saw Tommy doing that as soon as you see his back knee drop and his body just Condensed down and tilt his board.
The board just wants to do something and that's the beauty of the car But the board just naturally doing what it wants to do and you figuring out with your upper body how to squish yourself into the right Position to allow it to just let it do what it wants to do To kind of add on that it's sick because I can go at low speeds and figure out my body positions without the high Consequences as I get super stoked and feel confident in my ability to get low and be dynamic Then I just add a little bit more speed to make it a little bit more fun I want to do that for both my toe side and my heel side carves and I personally like toe sides more Probably because it's way easier, but your heel sides are insane and we love you So now that we've taken our body got squished down wherever the lean against the hill now We're gonna step this up a little bit because this is an advanced tutorial We are going to do the challenge of taking our back knee Pressing our back knee over our toe and we're gonna touch the snow Now the goal is not to slam our knee into the snow and blow out our kneecap I've actually broken my kneecap.
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Trust me.
It sucks So you want to gently press your knee over your toe and gently touch the snow as you get more comfortable with it You can be a little bit more aggressive and then also what about the conditions if it's icy be gentle if it's a little bit More soft out then I'm willing to tempt that knee into the snow just a little bit more bro That's my dad That Was actually pretty impressive pretty sick that Ron is being able to get such an aggressive carve while having the finesse of Barely touching his knee, but what's more impressive to me is he's deciding exactly when he's going to do it So he shows true ownership of that Clearly the more you practice the more you try these steps the better you're gonna be So I want to step it up just a little bit.
So I got a challenge for you guys.
It's kind of crazy I don't know.
I don't know.
So what I want to do is Toeside carve touch my knee back three that is it doable.
Let me know down below if you think it's doable Hi guys I thought that was pretty sick because we both did a very similar trick with such a different approach to it My approach was go a little bit slower and go across the fall line Touch my knee and then explode up while throwing my shoulder so I can get a full 360 out of it And then Ryan, what was your approach?
Tilt my board try to get touch that back me and then just do it back that three notes butter like I normally do And it's sick because we can take our strength or your guys's strength Try to add a little bit of flair to it a little bit of creativity I would love for you guys to get super creative and then tag me on Instagram So I can see what kind of crazy variations or challenges you have for us.
Let me kind of sick So hi guys, let's that let's get into something different now a Part of having advanced skills in in carving is being able to utilize and control your ankles and your balance so what you saw there is I was able to think my belly button low and then my Ankles do heel side and toes that turns but my belly button stays in the same place and then my feet will actually extend out Come back in extend out come back in and it's just utilizing my ankles now This is a drill that you can do in the morning to get your body warmed up and feeling good Simply point your board straight down the fall line and then progressively lift up your toes or put your toes down and feel the response Of the board.
So by using your ankles, you're gonna be able to unlock a whole new level of control and performance So do that.
Alright guys, so now we're gonna do the Ryan special because he's such a boss at this He is gonna do some gnarly layouts and he's gonna break it down for us and we're gonna keep going Ron.
You ready?
So throughout this video we've been talking about getting our belly button low now Well, Brian just showed us which was so super sick It's so crazy was how to take that to the next level and not necessarily taking the next level up He actually took the next level to the ground was super super sick So Ryan give us a quick couple pointers on the how the heck did you do that?
You just think about traversing across and if you can't put your arms and like just glide with no pressure on it One pound of pressure on your arms If you can't be gliding then you probably shouldn't be laying out your jacket You need something that glides if there's too much friction ain't gonna work Yeah In addition to that as you get low and you think over as your hand touches the ground To really take this to the next level you actually want to push your board Away from your belly button where you're actually extending your feet out You can get super long gated on the hill and then when you want to exit your trick You simply retract your knees back up to your center mass and then think then like lean back up So it's really cool because you can do this in a progressive state You can get low touch your hand you can get low touch your hand and extend your feet bring them back So it could be super progressive I know what he does looks gnarly, but it's totally doable if you take the right steps very scalable.
So just progressive Let's do this right now I'll do one where I touch my hand in the right body position then my full arms and then full arms and layout Go Let's be honest guys, are you kidding me?
That's kind of like cheating, right?
He literally just broke it down to the thickest three steps you've ever done Essentially, he just put his hand down clean a little bit more clean a little bit more clean a little bit more.
That's incredible That's what most snowboarding is just playing around with it and taking it to the next level over and over and over again You When it comes to carving one of the biggest thing is understanding where your center of mass is So you'll notice as we do these super creative Gnarly little tricks is that I'm still going back to the basic understanding of snowboarding Which is if I can keep my belly button leaned over that edge and sometimes I lean over a lot more sometimes I don't but the more I'm able to understand where my center of mass is It's gonna unlock a lot of cool tricks So I just did a toeside carve backside one toeside carve backside one and I repeated that But I just simply understood where my belly button was and then I was really able to adjust my ankles To be able to stick in the snow find my balance reset throw my shoulders stick my toes in the ground So overall when you're doing advanced carving and you're trying to become creative just go back to the basics get a carve See what you can do within that carve Explore with the different body positions and then keep your body over that edge If you end up not keeping your body over the edge, that's when you catch an edge and it sucks not fun.
So yeah Oh Holy cow guys, that was probably one of the most insane carving experiences.
I've ever had in my life That was literally so sick.
So fun.
I want to say thank you so much to Ryan for hopping in here.
That was incredible One last thing that I think we should talk about I love your definition of carving because you know What carving is a lot of people think they're carving and they're making turns back and forth But uh, it's not sometimes it's not carving if there's a skid in it It's just kind of a skid a turn something It's not just board tilt and letting it go so to add to that and really define what a carve turn is Essentially the tail of your snowboard is following the exact path of the nose and it's creating a slice in the snow If it's following a separate path, it means it's going to be a skid a turn It's very loud and essentially putting the brakes on the whole entire time So if you guys are looking for a basic little guide on how to be more awesome at carving without getting super crazy Like this make sure you go check out his channel I also have a video right here And you can go scope that as well because we want to make you guys the sickest snowboarders ever I'm not gonna lie.
It's kind of addictive once you understand how to carve and rip a turn There's no feeling on this earth.
Just like that ripping a car.
Would you agree?
So you make your own roller coasters It's like literally a roller coaster and I'm scared of roller coasters cuz I they're scary, but this is a good time So again guys, thank you so much.
I appreciate all you guys checking that out Go check out Ryan's YouTube channel.
Check out the ski dock if you guys are looking for a tune I put it out videos every single Friday to make sure you guys scoped it out and on that note we out of here What I learned from today is carve them techies