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Welcome to English in a Minute.
English in a Minuteへようこそ。
A third-degree burn requires medical attention. But is this what Anna and Dan are talking about when they say "the third degree"? "Hey, I'm headed to the lunch meeting.
第3度の火傷は医師の手当てが必要だ。 しかし、アンナとダンが言う "第3度 "とはこのことなのだろうか?「ランチミーティングに行くんだ。
You want to walk with me?" "Um, no thanks.
I'm busy doing other things far away with other people." "What are you doing?
Where are you going?
Who are you meeting?" "Dan, stop with the third degree!" "If you don't want so many questions, I need answers." A third degree is a long and intense period of questioning.
誰と会うんだ?"ダン、3度はやめて!""そんなに質問されたくないなら、答えが必要だ" 3度とは、長く激しい質問のことだ。
We usually call it "the third degree." It is what police officers do to get information or even a confession from a suspect. And that's English in a Minute.
私たちは通常、これを "3親等 "と呼んでいる。警察官が容疑者から情報や自白を得るためにすることだ。 これが "English in a Minute "だ。