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I want to show you a nice way to get out of this stuck mode and if you're not feeling stuck But you just want to perform at a higher level the reason we get stuck was we're only using one part of them We all have multiple personalities Have you consider at least four archetypes that we could use within you and I'm gonna make this quite practical So let me give an example four years ago I got a phone call from Conor McGregor's team a year and a half or two years before I lost him this man named Khabib If you know the UFC, but they had really bad, but it wasn't just getting beat they said things to each other they attacked each other's families and personally and They're both very intense man.
He lost to this guy and he was living on anger before Considered mystic Mac.
He could like read people's punches before they happen.
That's they said look Connor's working his tail off He's really committed getting better But we really want to tune up the psychological parts to make it as strong as possible and he believes in your work So would you come work with him?
So I did I don't share everything I do with someone but I can share this because it's general one of these I did Was I saw that he was only using part of himself because he was so angry So I explained to him there are four archetypes four ways of parts of yourself that you could tap into First part of you is called the warrior think of the warrior is the part of you that will not be stopped It'll push through any limitation a part of you that it doesn't matter how afraid you are There's no courage if you're not scared Courage is you're afraid but you do it anyway It's like if you're really scared courage is the muscle you learn to push yourself through it Well, the warrior will push themselves.
だから私は、私が誰かとすることすべてを分かち合うことはしないけれど、これは私がしたことの一般的なものだから、分かち合うことができる 彼が自分の一部しか使っていないのを見たの。戦士とは、どんな制限もものともせず、それを押し通そうとする自分の一部である、戦士は自分を追い込む
They'll find their courage.
They'll push through even if they're afraid they'll do it Anyway, he's gonna fight this guy named cowboy who are all kinds of records I said if you go in there this warrior in you is gonna be a part of winning I want you to discover where this warrior is.
I'm we're gonna do some weird stuff.
Think about if this Unstoppable part is in you.
この "Unstoppable "な部分が自分の中にあるかどうか考えてみてほしい。
Where does it live in your body?
And I said, I want you to think you know Actually, I just want you to touch the part of your body where it is And he touched right up right here at the top right this clavicle area.
そして、私は言ったんだ。"実は、自分の体のどこを触っているのか考えてほしいんだ "と。
He goes right here I know this sounds weird, but I want you to make the sound of the warrior and he made this Sound I said no, I mean fully a body and then he made this roar sound I said that to make the sound again or made the roar sound.
He's touching it.
He's focusing on he's making this down I said what color is the warrior for him?
It was green, right?
So and what's the sound of the word make the sound what's the warrior say?
So we're gonna do this but I got him to activate it's not like I have a warrior over there I'm intellectually thinking there's some part of myself that can figure this out.
No, it's embodying that part of yourself And then once he's in that state several times touching that part of his body Focusing on another color making the sound of the warrior.
Then I said to him I want you from this warrior state to finish the sentence The warrior says Connor so my case to be warriors this Tony all you need to focus on I want the warriors response.
私は彼に、この戦士の状態から文章を完成させてほしいと言った。 戦士はコナーと言うので、私の場合は戦士になるために、トニーに集中する必要がある。
So I got him again in state cranky energy making the sound everything else.
We did the warrior There's another part of you called the magician The magician is the part of you the warrior will fight through push through won't give up It has this drive this energy the strength.
It's scared is still make it happen as a totally different approach The magician is like magic.
It's like the magician knows it all can change in a second It's all perception you change what you focus on you change instantly what you feel what you experience How many of you have ever been at a funeral and it's really depressing and sad People are in tears and then someone shares a story a funny story about the deceased and you go from crying to laughing in two All the changes you change your focus So the magician knows that they find the easy simple way and I said you used to be known as Mystic Mac because he was known for almost like being able to see what punch someone's gonna throw before they even started to move That's how magical he was.
That's why he became such a champion in multiple weight classes And I said, let's have you find that part of you And so he found where that part of him wasn't he touched the space like this And then he started to grin from ear to ear and he started to smile like that.
So now he's in a different state He's focusing on it he's got the color of the magician the sound the magician and then I had him keep saying things and he got a whole different Set of distinctions that calmed him down I said you've been overusing your warrior because you're so angry and your magicians been on the sidelines not Participating in your sights his eyes got really big like this because you're so right.
It's so different on there I need the warrior, but I need the magician too.
We get stuck.
We're really one part of ourselves Third part is the lover That's the third archetype the lover here under every all know what the lover is The lover is the part of you that loves life loves work loves people loves everything.
It's that joy.
It's that flow It's a completely different state than the warrior in the magician And so he found he touched his heart and he started breathing in his heart and then he made the sound of the lover which Was a sweet little sound that you would never expect coming out of Conor McGregor Okay Now that we did it multiple times he was really in state and then I had him just out loud say the lover says all you Need to remember all you need to focus on all you need to do is he realized that the lover wasn't he used to love Fighting he used to love being with his team He used to love training But he'd gotten so angry the lover was put aside the magician was put aside the warrior was worn out If you've been through a lot of tough relationships that worked out you might feel your lovers worn out We need to bring maybe your magician and your warrior back to get you back in the game So then the last one is The sovereign the king or the queen the sovereign and I said this is the part of you that is wiser than your years This is the part of you that maybe is Connected to God or the universe that has fought the wars and knows that even if you lose the battle you can still win the war This is the wise part that has history a great king a great queen You don't become a great king or queen by claiming your queen or king by the way.
その流れは、マジシャンの中の戦士とはまったく違う状態なんだ それで彼は、自分の心臓に触れ、心臓で呼吸を始めた。何度もやっているうちに、彼は本当にいい状態になって、それから私はただ声に出して、恋人はこう言っている。戦士は消耗していた 厳しい人間関係を何度も経験してきたなら、恋人が消耗していると感じるかもしれない。戦争に負けたとしても、戦争に勝つことができることを知っている。偉大な王や偉大な女王の歴史を持っている賢い部分だ。
I'm such a queen I'm such a king people do that social media all the time the way you become a king is you become a servant hero is The word most of us know to be a hero its Latin root is servo Which means servant when you serve the most people that's when you get to be the hero But you gotta be the servant right the sovereign is the servant to all that you've ever experienced incredibly wise It's not fearful sovereign has vision beyond this moment even if the moment looks horrible the sovereign knows we're gonna get through it So I got him to find his sovereign I got him to make the sounds the sovereign the colors of the sovereign and then what sovereign says Connor all you need to focus on you remember all you need to do so he got all of this Coaching and this coaching was coming from within him and now all these parts are awake and alive I hadn't go to bed that night with some instructions And I came back the next day for the fight and right before the fight I went backstage with him for just ten minutes and all we did was reactivate all four of these parts And if you saw the fight It's a very famous fight against cowboys a really good competitor and in the first few seconds Cowboy makes a move it looks like he's gonna take Connor down in the first 20 seconds and really look good and all of a Sudden Connor the magician in him pops is what he explained to me afterwards and in a millisecond his brain Anticipated what was gonna happen and he found a way to push through and use a headbutt and hit him and then a punch another Punch the whole fight was done in less than 60 seconds But what I was most proud of in Connor he didn't sit there and just suck up the victory He went over immediately hit cowboy up, and he hugged the guy and he goes man.
You've got records I don't even have and then cowboy his mom died years ago So he had a grandma and she was there and kind of went up and hugged the grandma and said how much he respected I just thought was such a beautiful moment and then afterward the press room.
He talks about he's got records I don't have I have so much respect for this man And I'm grateful that I was able to find the opening and make it happen and when I asked him after he goes Tony It was unbelievable my warrior was ready.
I was loving being there Just being there my father was in charge play magician Just found that opening and boom it was over in less than a minute He lit up like a Christmas tree all of those pieces are there later on and another fight He got back to drinking a little bit broke a leg and got angry again It went back to the old pattern so we can make ourselves successful or unsuccessful Just by do we use all of ourselves or just part of ourselves?