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Well, hello and welcome to this English lesson where I'm going to teach you some three-word phrasal verbs.
As if having two-word phrasal verbs wasn't enough, we have some phrasal verbs in English with three words in them.
And the first two that I wanna teach you are to catch up to and to keep up with.
最初に教えたい2つは「catch up to」と「keep up with」です。
Jen's gonna help me demonstrate this.
If Jen is walking and she is ahead of me and I wanna be in the same place as her, I have to walk faster to catch up to her.
ジェンが歩いていて私より前にいる場合、彼女と同じ場所にいたければ、速く歩いて彼女に追いつく(catch up to)必要があります。
Once I catch up to her, we can walk the same speed and then I can keep up with her.
追いついたら、同じスピードで歩いて彼女と歩調を合わせる(keep up with)ことができます。
So, if I'm behind, let's turn around and do it again.
If I'm behind Jen and I want to be in the same place as her, I can walk fast to catch up to her.
私がジェンの後ろにいて、彼女と同じ場所にいたい場合、速く歩いて彼女に追いつく(catch up to)ことができます。
And then once I'm here, I can walk at the same speed and I can keep up with her.
そして、ここまで来たら、同じスピードで歩いて彼女と歩調を合わせる(keep up with)ことができます。
Hi, how you doing?
When you run out of milk, you have, when you run out of milk, you have to go buy some more.
牛乳を使い切ったら(run out of)、新しいのを買いに行かなければなりません。
I should show you the English side, shouldn't I?
When you run out of milk, you have to go to the store and buy some more milk.
Sometimes Jen and I find out that we don't have something anymore.
Sometimes we run out of toilet paper.
Sometimes we run out of milk.
Sometimes we run out of sugar.
So in English, when you run out of something, it means you had it and now you don't have any more and you need to go to the store to get some more.
英語では、何かを「run out of」するというのは、持っていたものがもうなくなって、店に行って新しく買う必要があるという意味です。
Another three-word phrasal verb is the phrasal verb to get away with.
もう一つの3語からなる句動詞は「get away with」です。
When you get away with something, it means you do something you shouldn't do and you don't get caught.
「get away with」は、してはいけないことをして捕まらないという意味です。
I'm going to try and get away with stealing this shovel from Jen.
ジェンのシャベルを盗んで、うまくやり過ごせるか(get away with)試してみます。
Hopefully she doesn't catch me.
Oh, I wasn't able to get away with it.
Jen totally saw that I was taking it.
Sorry about that.
Here's your shovel back.
So I remember once when I was in school, one of my friends got in trouble for something that he didn't do.
So I went to talk to the teacher to stand up for him.
そこで私は先生のところに行って、彼を擁護(stand up for)しました。
When you stand up for someone in English, it means that you defend them.
英語で誰かを「stand up for」するというのは、その人を擁護するという意味です。
You tell the truth about something that maybe they have been accused of and they didn't actually do it.
So I do distinctly remember it.
One of my friends said, the teacher is annoyed with me because they think I did this.
So I went to the teacher and said, my friend didn't do that.
I went and stood up for my friend.
So another three-word phrasal verb is the verb to get along with.
もう一つの3語からなる句動詞は「get along with」です。
When you get along with someone, it means you enjoy being around them.
誰かと「get along with」するというのは、その人と一緒にいることを楽しむという意味です。
I think Jen and I have been married for as long as we have been because we get along with each other.
ジェンと私がこれまで長く結婚生活を続けられているのは、お互いに仲が良い(get along with)からだと思います。
Would you agree?
What is one of the reasons why you think we get along with each other so well?
Because I think you're funny.
I think Jen's funny too.
I think we make each other laugh.
Is that why we get along with each other so well?
I think so.
I think we get along with each other because we make each other laugh.
So when I was younger, it was more common for people to drop out of school at age 16.
私が若かった頃は、16歳で学校を中退する(drop out of)人がもっと一般的でした。
Not a lot of people did that, but some people would drop out of school in order to start working.
Nowadays, people usually stay in school until they're done grade 12, at around age 17 or 18.
And then maybe they go to college or university.
But sometimes people don't do well at college or university and they will drop out of college or drop out of university.
So I think you get the meaning of that phrasal verb.
To drop out of means to quit school in some form.
「drop out of」は何らかの形で学校を辞めることを意味します。
Again, when I was younger, it was a lot more common, but these days, most people stay in school until grade 12.
In order to teach English lessons on YouTube, I need to come up with ideas.
YouTubeで英語のレッスンを教えるためには、アイデアを思いつく(come up with)必要があります。
In English, when you say that you need to come up with an idea, it means you need to think of something.
英語でアイデアを「come up with」する必要があるというのは、何かを考える必要があるという意味です。
You need to sit and think so that you have an idea for whatever you want to do.
I like to come up with ideas when I'm bored.
When I'm driving and when I don't have anything else to do, I try to think and I try to come up with an idea for the next English lesson.
So hopefully this English lesson about three-word phrasal verbs is a good one.
It was fun to come up with it and it's fun to make it.
Another three-word phrasal verb is the verb to look forward to.
もう一つの3語からなる句動詞は「look forward to」です。
Many of us enjoy our birthday and we look forward to our birthday.
多くの人は誕生日を楽しみにしています(look forward to)。
When you look forward to something, it means you're happy about something that's going to happen in the future.
何かを「look forward to」するというのは、将来起こることを嬉しく思うという意味です。
Often, I look forward to New Year's Eve.
I look forward to starting the new year.
I look forward to my birthday.
Well, usually I look forward to it.
So in English, when you use the verb to look forward to, it means you're happy about something that's going to happen.
英語で「look forward to」という動詞を使うとき、それは何か起こることを嬉しく思うという意味です。
You're excited about something in the future.
Over the Christmas break, my kids were all home and it was really, really loud and I had to put up with a lot of noise.
クリスマス休暇中、子供たちが全員家にいて、とても騒がしく、多くの騒音に耐える(put up with)必要がありました。
I don't like noise, but sometimes I just need to tolerate it.
In English, when you use the verb to put up with, it means that you are going to allow for something to happen.
英語で「put up with」という動詞を使うとき、それは何かが起こることを許容するという意味です。
You're going to tolerate it.
Sometimes at school, during the last week of the school year, the students are quite loud, but I just put up with it.
I don't tell them necessarily to be quiet because I know in a couple days, the school year is going to be over.
So when you put up with something, it means someone is doing a certain behavior and instead of telling them to stop, you just let it happen.
何かを「put up with」するというのは、誰かが特定の行動をしていて、やめるように言う代わりに、ただそれを起こらせておくという意味です。
As a dad, I've put up with a lot of noise, especially when my kids were younger, but hey, that's all part of being a parent.
Sometimes you have something that you need to do, but it might take you a while to get around to it.
時々、何かをしなければならないことがありますが、それに取り掛かる(get around to)までに時間がかかるかもしれません。
To get around to something means to find the time to do it.
何かに「get around to」するというのは、それをする時間を見つけるという意味です。
I usually get around to making my English lesson videos on Saturday or on Monday.
Sometimes I don't get around to making it until late on Monday afternoon and then it's a bit of a rush to get it finished.
So to get around to something means to find the time to be able to do it.
何かを「get around to」するということは、それをする時間を見つけることを意味します。
You might have the same thing in your life.
There might be something important you have to do tomorrow or the day after, and you're just trying to find a way to get around to it.
You're trying to find a way to find the time to get it done.
Another three-word English phrasal verb is the verb to come down with.
もう一つの3語からなる英語の句動詞は「come down with」です。
When you come down with something, it means you're getting sick.
「come down with」は病気になることを意味します。
Sometimes you come down with a cold the day before you have to write an English test.
Sometimes you come down with a stomach flu and you're just not feeling very well.
So in English, when you come down with something, when you use that three-word phrasal verb, it means that you're getting sick.
つまり英語では、「come down with」というこの3語の句動詞を使うと、病気になることを意味します。
Well, hey, thank you so much for watching this English lesson about three-word phrasal verbs.
I hope you were able to learn a few more verbs that you can use in your next English conversation.
Also, a big thank you to Jen for helping out.
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